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My first @edc_orlando 😩🦄 who coming to fuck it up wit me?

2019-08-16 19:34

2462 156


My first @edc_orlando 😩🦄 who coming to fuck it up wit me

This was the most nervous weekend in my entire fucking life. I flew to Chicago to play @lollapalooza then right back to LA for @hardfest , BOTH my first time playing them. Sometimes I wonder how i even got here, then i think “Oh yeah, years of hard fucking work.” I deserve this. This is my trying to be more confident and owning my shit. Lol but aside from the jokes, i wouldn’t be doin any of this if it weren’t for y’all. So I’ll say it again, and it won’t be the last time, thank you and I’m forever grateful for your love and inspiration. You’ve truly changed my life. I’m doin this shit for y’all 💪🏻 also, the songs in the video are an original that’s coming on my upcoming album and my eyes On Fire remix/rework that just dropped yesterday! 🦄😘anyway, peace and love always. 📸: @itschrishuang

2019-08-15 18:55

6779 366


This was the most nervous weekend in my entire fucking life. I flew to Chicago to play @lollapalooza then right back to LA for @hardfest , BOTH my first time playing them. Sometimes I wonder how i even got here, then i think “Oh yeah, years of hard fucking work.” I deserve this. This is my trying to be more confident and owning my shit. Lol but aside from the jokes, i wouldn’t be doin any of this if it weren’t for y’all. So I’ll say it again, and it won’t be the last time, thank you and I’m forever grateful for your love and inspiration. You’ve truly changed my life. I’m doin this shit for y’all 💪🏻 also, the songs in the video are an original that’s coming on my upcoming album and my eyes On Fire remix/rework that just dropped yesterday! 🦄😘anyway, peace and love always. 📸: @itschrishuang

Fuckkkkk it’s here. Dropped my Eyes On Fire remix/rework just now. What do you think?? This is one of the first dubstep songs I’ve heard and i had to bring it back but in a new way, while keeping the classic vibes. You can listen on my SoundCloud! Link in my bio too! 📸: @itschrishuang

2019-08-14 20:32

4201 188


Fuckkkkk it’s here. Dropped my Eyes On Fire remix/rework just now. What do you think This is one of the first dubstep songs I’ve heard and i had to bring it back but in a new way, while keeping the classic vibes. You can listen on my SoundCloud! Link in my bio too! 📸: @itschrishuang

One of my fav songs of all time so i had to teach myself how to play it. Sloppy as fuck i know... shouts to all my real pianists out there. This is why i stick to making beats and pressing buttons lol 🦄❤️

2019-08-12 21:21

3947 174


One of my fav songs of all time so i had to teach myself how to play it. Sloppy as fuck i know... shouts to all my real pianists out there. This is why i stick to making beats and pressing buttons lol 🦄❤️

Mood forever. Wait for it.

2019-08-09 21:41

3495 144


Mood forever. Wait for it.

Me and @troyboi_music always have a crazy time when we hang... bout to do a bus tour wit him on a lot of these dates. My poor liver. Few more to be announced as well 😉

2019-08-09 18:39

2523 184


Me and @troyboi_music always have a crazy time when we hang... bout to do a bus tour wit him on a lot of these dates. My poor liver. Few more to be announced as well 😉

If this gets 500 comments I’m dropping this remix/remake i made of Eyes On Fire 🦄🔥haha jk I’m dropping it either way, next Wednesday, I’m just trolling people who do that. Much love to @zedsdead for the original classic for me to be inspired by... it was one of the first dubstep songs i had ever heard. shout out @lollapalooza for the nice weather and vibes. 📸: @itschrishuang

2019-08-08 23:04

5374 792


If this gets 500 comments I’m dropping this remix/remake i made of Eyes On Fire 🦄🔥haha jk I’m dropping it either way, next Wednesday, I’m just trolling people who do that. Much love to @zedsdead for the original classic for me to be inspired by... it was one of the first dubstep songs i had ever heard. shout out @lollapalooza for the nice weather and vibes. 📸: @itschrishuang

Binch boyz fuckin up yo shit last min at @hardfest 🤷🏻‍♂️🔥@kayzomusic @dotcommusic @ookayx love ya boys 😘 who was at our EDC set last year?? we rarely are ever at the same festival all at the same time so this was a very very rare occasion. 📸: @itschrishuang

2019-08-07 19:03

6678 226


Binch boyz fuckin up yo shit last min at @hardfest 🤷🏻‍♂️🔥@kayzomusic @dotcommusic @ookayx love ya boys 😘 who was at our EDC set last year we rarely are ever at the same festival all at the same time so this was a very very rare occasion. 📸: @itschrishuang

That crowd reaction tho 👀 HARD Summer went a little something like this. Dropped a new flip i made of ‘Satisfaction’ for the fest to play out. Don’t ask me when it’s coming out. It’s never coming out lol 📸: @itschrishuang

2019-08-06 18:20

6071 304


That crowd reaction tho 👀 HARD Summer went a little something like this. Dropped a new flip i made of ‘Satisfaction’ for the fest to play out. Don’t ask me when it’s coming out. It’s never coming out lol 📸: @itschrishuang

My first @hardfest ❤️ not gonna give you a cheesy caption. I killed this shit. Love you guys. 🦄 📸: @itschrishuang

2019-08-05 18:18

6346 212


My first @hardfest ❤️ not gonna give you a cheesy caption. I killed this shit. Love you guys. 🦄 📸: @itschrishuang

At a loss for words foreal. I used to watch YouTube videos of my favorite bands play @lollapalooza and yesterday i got to play my first one. Thank you for always pushing me to go further and giving me the confidence to do it. Tomorrow I do my first Hard Summer and I’m beyond excited bout that for sureee!! Anyway, love you guys. 🦄🦄🦄 [📸: @itschrishuang ]

2019-08-03 18:23

4247 133


At a loss for words foreal. I used to watch YouTube videos of my favorite bands play @lollapalooza and yesterday i got to play my first one. Thank you for always pushing me to go further and giving me the confidence to do it. Tomorrow I do my first Hard Summer and I’m beyond excited bout that for sureee!! Anyway, love you guys. 🦄🦄🦄 [📸: @itschrishuang ]

Would you wear this Ravers jersey?? Well guess fuckin what? They’re for sale at @hardfest this weekend and will be online after. 🔥🔥 8 in the front and 24 in the back. If you know, you know. 🙃the quality is super niiiiice I’m in love 😍

2019-08-01 02:18

5407 283


Would you wear this Ravers jersey Well guess fuckin what They’re for sale at @hardfest this weekend and will be online after. 🔥🔥 8 in the front and 24 in the back. If you know, you know. 🙃the quality is super niiiiice I’m in love 😍


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