Healthy Mexican-Inspired Recipes - Cinco de Mayo Ready

It's possible to enjoy healthy Mexican-inspired recipes that are Cinco de Mayo ready.

These dishes are all gluten free, dairy free, and free from refined sugar so feel free to indulge.


Kelly Page

I'm a Certified Transformational Health Coach. I'm a holistic practitioner who helps people live healthy lives through nourishing whole food, empowering thoughts, and positive actions.

Relax and Renew One Day Retreat

If you're in need of some balance, energy, and connection, then come to Malibu on May 18.

We're going to move our bodies, open our minds, get in nature, and eat nourishing food, so you leave relaxed and renewed with more joy and happiness in your life.


Kelly Page

I'm a Certified Transformational Health Coach. I'm a holistic practitioner who helps people live healthy lives through nourishing whole food, empowering thoughts, and positive actions.