One of the things that hurt the most being a mother..

This topic might be different to you and your situation. I don’t have my side of the family around, i have my Mother in-law and she is all we have out of all the family we got, Don’t get me wrong she does a wonderful job but it still hurts that we don’t have anyone else.

My first son was born, Travis Luke Gowans 16th of October 2014, he had a few problems – Clicky hips, hole in his heart (was a heart murmur but thats exactly how she explained it) and he had this “hormone rash”.  After his check up i cried and cried once my husband and his brother left. I was a first time mother with no one by my side, no mother or sister. I had a traumatic cesarean my spinal wore off during surgery, the baby blues which turned into Postpartum Depression.  A week later we got his rash checked out because the community nurse said to, so we did. First doctor was in Cranebook and it was a female doctor, she had told us this ” to put a HOT washer on the puss dules and they will pop” I didn’t think that sounded right as he was a newborn and you obviously DO NOT put anything HOT on a baby or child or even adult! Anywho we booked another appointment for Dr Fa, he done swabs on the puss pimples.

1 Day later, i get a phone call from him which i knew couldn’t be good. I was breastfeeding Travis on the lounge my husband was out grabbing a few things. He said   “Hi Rhian, i got your results for Travis Gowans and you need to bring him in asap i need to give you a letter and you need to go straight to emergency!” I responded then hung up bawling my eyes out to then ring my husband which he wasn’t answering but just got through the door. We rushed out i was on a HEAP of pain from my cesarean, and we got to the doctors got the note then went to emergency.

Waiting in the waiting room for no longer then 15mins, we go straight through to where a older lady was on drugs strapped to a wheelchair and yelling her number and bank details and telling everyone she was taken from her will also trying to throw her blood around from her canular. The public system is what it is i guess.. anywho the doctors came and went after we got a temporary bed in short stay. I was trying to do my first bowel movement also had real bad back pain from the spinal block. I couldn’t push but i was constipated, after birth blood along with it. I was a crying mess! We had Diane (MIL) there with us, a nurse seen me hunched over and holding me back walking slow out and she said to me.. “oh hunny, are you ok!?? do you need any pain killers?! you need to go home and rest, you just had a major surgery” I said ” No thats ok i’ve taken some” “she responded with “ok thats good, we have to take care of mum to,  So Travis will be staying in the Children’s Ward upstairs” i then asked “can we both stay up there as i’m breastfeeding” (me and pete) She said “I’m sorry we can’t it has to be you or your hubby but you should really go home and rest”  I instantly cried and she hugged me and said i will see what i can do.. (he couldn’t stay)I chose to stay to give him the breastmilk to help get him better, just doing what i thought was best. I cried and cried.. all night and day for 5 days. It turned out he had Staph on the skin and the thought it got into his blood stream. He was in contamination so he had his own room but we were allowed visitors.

Not ONE of my family members asked how i was or how Travis was, they all where there the for the first hold but no where to be seen when things got tough! We had Diane pete’s mother and Trevor Petes brother come to see travis and so we could go home and i could shower and repack more clothes as i couldn’t drive being 1 week post OP.

It hurt that no one rang, text or come to see my little boy. No support no love no nothing.. They all knew but didn’t care. He is now turning 3 in 3 months and has been in hospital for breathing problems (where he had temps and was going to go into ICU) , Celulitis, and they didn’t show or ask about him then either.

It hurts to know that family don’t care as much as we do or enough to do anything, not even pick up the phone. But you know what..They have us and its enough for them, i just sometimes wish i had more family & support in saying that i also now don’t expect it.

So if you have your mum, sister, brother be thankful for the support you get, because there are mothers out there that are doing it with none. ❤



Where ever i look there is someone rubbing something in someone else’s face.

Mum pages.. We all go there for support or advice, but why is it always competitive on who’s breastfed and who’s bottle fed and who choose’s what for their baby that someone else has better or their baby weighs more and their birth was “all natural no drugs” or not.

I think it needs to stop. Motherhood is so hard, why do others try to make it harder? Make other mums feel like crap?

Mum’s parent differently, AND THAT IS OK. We all do things our own way to suit our babies, toddlers & children. Does it honestly matter who’s baby was bigger? or who’s crawling first? No. It matters that we try every day all day to keep our kids safe, fed, cleaned & looked after. So if you don’t have nothing nice to say to a trying mother then don’t say anything at all.

I try to be the best everyday, we all do. So the last thing we need is to compete. We need to be supportive, loving and kind to other mums, let them rant. We need to build each other up.

So next time you see a post, comment on how amazing she is doing, that it will get better. Because it does, we all adapt in our own time to motherhood. Next time you see a mother trying to keep it together at the supermarkets smile, tell her she’s doing a great job. It will brighten her day.


A message to you on your hard day..

Being more then one person in a day is very exhausting. We try endless times to make everyone happy..

The days where you feel isolated and it overwhelms you, the days where your so lonely but yet you have people around you.

It all comes and goes, the good days the trying days and the absolute crap days.

Mumma, we all get them but everyday we don’t give up! We try and try and no matter how hard it gets we still pick ourselves up.

Your doing the best you can and the smile you get and the 2 min laugh you got after the screaming for an hour it all counts, just remember they aren’t this way forever they grow into toddlers, children, teenagers & adults. You are their EVERYTHING literally.. you help them grow into the best they can be.

So wipe them tears and put on your favorite song on and open up the house and you’ll feel that bit better. It’s ok to not be ok this motherhood life is hardest job in the world.

Your babies need and love you mum.



Losing a loved one while being mummy

Sometimes things just happen and we lose the ones we love, its one of the most heart breaking things i have ever gone through.

My son was 5 months old when my mother like figure passed away from Stage 4 Lung Cancer, i was there along with my family as she took her very last breath. That was 27th February 2015.

I couldn’t cope, i had a baby which i had no idea as as first time mum with no mother myself to help me figure it out, i couldn’t figure out who i was. I wanted to be Rhian but i wanted to be the “perfect parent” as my parents were one of the worst.

As Travis grew and the months passed it was more upsetting at the new things he would learn and his first birthday and first Christmas. Nights would end in my pillow soaking from all the tears, i would wake up from a dream about her and start crying all over again.

I had regret, loss, as well as putting all the pressure on myself about being the best mum i could be. Me and my partner would have these fights and i would shut him out and make him feel like i could do it on my own. I had a wall up for 12 months, i lost friends & family i was not coping and because i was trying to be a good mum the grief took longer because i wasn’t solely focusing on her loss.

All i wanted was her hug and voice calling me “sweetheart” one last time. I needed a mother more then any other time in my life!

Travis would scream all day and night, i would cry while he would scream. That first year was tough and til this day i still am grieving because i have had so many other things happen in the 2 years she’s been gone and i think for a very long time there will be that sadness and heartache but it won’t effect me like i did that first year.


To anyone trying to be the “best mum” and having other hard things in life going on.. Just be you and don’t be so hard on yourself and reach out for a hug, talk to someone and each day it will get easier, we just learn how to deal with the loss and it gets easier to cope.

Please talk to someone or reach out for help if your showing signs of depression, We’re all here for you and there is alot of people that want to help and be there for you.

Rest in peace Aunty Di ❤

What Mum Does..

Life is never easy and being a mum is tough but rewarding.

I have a 7 Month old boy Cullen & Travis my 2 and a half year old son, they are so dependent on me where i feel like i have nothing more to give to anyone at the end of the day. I try all day and night, only to be screamed at and to not be heard when i say “no Travis”.

Motherhood is by far the hardest change in my life, i cry and i snap and it gets too much at times, i even had a shower (with the door open) to drown out the crying from my boys because it was just too much. It didn’t work i just got out and cried with no clothes on and a towel wrapped around my hair. Its crazy how much they have an impact on us how much we would do anything for them, how we love them unconditionally and how they drive us also insane and make us cry. I take my hat off to all you mums out there, it honestly is the hardest job in the world!

We try and try all the time and feel like failures at the end of the day and think 1000 things like “has he eaten enough today” “did he drink enough water” “SIDS i better check nothing is near his face” ect.. the list goes on and on! But at the same time we also remember that smile and that laugh they did that day that put warmth in your heart.

We as mothers need one another to lift each other up not judge and tear each other down ❤


Becoming a Mother

When i found out i was pregnant with my first i didn’t think much of how it would all unfold becoming a mother.

When Travis was born i had complications after my cesarean and didn’t have skin to skin and didn’t see him properly til 4-5 hours after he was born. They handed me my baby boy for the first time i held him and i didn’t show any emotion i was that drugged up from my spinal block that wore off quickly, but that didn’t mean i wasn’t happy, i was over the moon!

Day 2 i was so tired, sore & was very clingy with my partner. I remember once he left i started to bawl my eyes out saying i couldn’t do this over and over again. I was scared and i didn’t know anything about babies. My mother wasn’t around so i had to figure it all out on my own.

For awhile i couldn’t understand why he cried all day and night. Thinking i was such a bad mum because all these other mums on Facebook had it “all together”. I tried my hardest, we both did. We would rock him for 4 hours just to be able to put him down, We would fall asleep with our heads against the wooden cot patting his bum.

I used to always say ” WHY CAN’T I JUST ” and getting frustrated because i couldn’t even wash up or go to the toilet or have a quick shower. I never understood it.. So many times i would cry and say this is the hardest thing i’ve ever done.

Then one day.. 9 months later it hit me. This is my job, this is how it all happens. This is mum life, i’m not perfect and all i can do is try. Ever since then it all has gone alot smother and i’m happier. Not putting stress on myself if things weren’t done.


So Mums out there, YOU ARE ENOUGH. YOU ARE AMAZING. YOU ARE STRONG. Your doing the best you can and to them your doing the best job.

Cesarean it is child birth! 

• C E S A R E A N & Pregnancy: my body carried two babies and made life. It was stretched to its limits. It was barely coping. Cesarean or Natural it’s giving birth. There’s lots of things I didn’t know that was in the process of the 6-8 week recovery. They say that time frame but it’s more like 12 months! Your cut layer by layer and stretched open for them to reach baby. Then to be sown back up. You can’t walk or use your tummy muscles if you do it’s painful. Your expected to walk next day and you can’t use your tummy muscles because they just had been cut torn and sown up. Your first toilet trip is terrifying pushing in any way hurts. It’s like you have to learn how to use that muscle again. Back pain, swelling, can’t lay flat have to sleep sitting up and use your arm muscles to bring you up or to stand up. You lean back your muscles can’t tighten to bring you forward. And much more.. it’s how my babies were brought into this world. It’s how my tummy is now. We can’t change the stretch marks or the scar it’s just how it is. We often don’t ever see the aftermath of it all. This is it. Their first home to two beautiful baby boys. #cesarean #birth #cesareanbirth #cesareanwithoutfear #csection #csectionrecovery #postpartum #9weeks #csectionmom #csectionscar #stretchmarks #stretchmark #scar #hometobabies #pregnancy #likeforlike #like4like #like #parents #mummy #mummyblogger #mummylife #mummyblog #mumlife #mums #follow #followme #instadaily

Breast Milk Bath

Yes! that’s right!

My poor little man had a heat rash and nappy rash from this heat in Sydney so i gave him a natural breast milk bath, it cleared the rash right up after a 20-30min soak and continuously using a face washer to wipe his face down. It truly is LIQUID GOLD! Also leaves baby feeling softer then ever! I found he felt softer with the breast milk bath than the baby wash products.

It also helps to clear:

  • Nappy rash
  • Heat rash
  • Baby acne
  • Minor cuts and scrapes & scratches
  • Ear infections
  • Blocked tear ducts
  • Congestion
  • Cradle cap

If you can express or have some left over in your freezer then grab your baby bath make it shallow and put in 90ML breast milk in! (long as its cloudy theirs enough!)


(Picture of my second son Cullen in his first breast milk bath.)


Having two under two!

Last year in December we tried for baby number two, and we were scared and yet excited as we didn’t want Travis being the only child with no siblings. We tried when i ovulated and 3 weeks later i knew i was pregnant i was in Woolworths doing our weekly shop and suddenly felt sick a strong wave of nausea, felt just like the kind of morning sickness i had with Travis. A anxious wait of 3-4 days i took a pregnancy test and it was negative, waited another 3 days and done my morning pee and there it was! A very faint pink line, it just got stronger and stronger. I didn’t believe it so i took a digital one and then another one after that and all come up positive! I called my husband at 6am an told him “guess what?!” he said: “your pregnant??” i replied: “YES I AM!” he was very excited!
My Pregnancy was a hard one, worse than my first pregnancy with Travis. My morning sickness (Hyperemesis) started at 4-5 weeks non stop vomiting in and out of hospital on a drip. I was very emotional and upset as my toddler Travis didn’t understand why mummy was so sick and vomiting in the toilet all day, he got scared and cried and sometimes he would come and slap my back as i was being sick also. I have no parents around and my siblings aren’t around either so i only had my partner and mother-inlaw sometimes.

As i got further it got harder, i was in pain every day and i couldn’t get down on the floor to play, my patients was very thin from all the pain i had. I felt like a bad mother, i was moody and exhausted and Travis wanted to be picked up alot and was very needy. I pulled through and tried everyday to put on a smile and think “just one more day closer to meeting your son and this pain will go”


After Cullen was born Travis only wanted me, screaming and throwing himself onto the floor. I was bed bound from my horrible cesarean 2-3 hours after coming back from recovery i held both my boys while feeling so tired (from the medication) and nauseous, i vomited while holding my newborn. Travis couldn’t understand but eventually he didn’t want mummy he wanted Dad and to hold Cullen. I absolutely love having two boys, its hard and especially because i had to recover 6 weeks from surgery but i would do it again and to see the love Travis has for his baby brother is amazing. So to any mums contemplating weather to have another baby, go for it! its worth it! You’ll have your good days, hard days and trying days.


Don’t forget to follow my blog! Thanks all! x

Meet the family

Meet my beautiful family of four (for now). Peter is my husband we have been married for 6 Months now, been together for over 4 years. Travis is my first born son and he was born 16th October 2014 by cesarean due to frank breech presentation. Cullen is our newest addition he was born 19th September 2016 also by cesarean & we also have a family dog a Bull Arab x Bull Mastiff his name is Brax.

Stay tuned for the about me blog and how I met Pete & the pregnancies!
