Aveda’s invanti range

Hi guys so as you may know Aveda is known to have the best hair care range I was excited to try the Invanti , a hero product which reduces hair fall .

I started using this last year and was sent the products by Aveda . 4 weeks after using it then I fell pregnant and couldn’t take the smell anymore (no it doesn’t smell bad) . My pregnancy hormones were all over the place so I stopped using it all together until recently after giving birth.

My hair was all luscious and fuller during and after the first 2 months post pregnancy and then it started to shed like crazy.

I started off with the 1) Exfoliating shampoo which gently exfoliates cleanses and renews the scalp with salicylic acid , removing buildup that clogs pores. Second product is

2) Thickening conditioner which instantly thickens hair and helps prevent breakage . I apply this to my full hair and not just the ends as I feel it does a fab job at the roots giving my hair a fuller look. It’s very calm and soothing and also helps relax in the shower.

So two weeks after I used the product , I saw a change in its texture , less hair on the brush compared to what it was . Hair looked voluminous 3 weeks after . So you really need to try a product over a few weeks to tell if it really works for you.

I also have the Scalp Revitalizer that I completely forgot to use. I feel it needed a 3 step hair care to achieve full results but overall I’m happy with the results and would rate the range a 8 . I’m on week 5 now and going to continue using it .

So don’t stress if your hair is thinning and falling out . Aveda is also available online at Nisnass.com https://www.nisnass.ae/shop-invati-advanced-scalp-revitaliser-150ml-for-womens-212033224.html?gclsrc=aw.ds&&gclid=EAIaIQobChMI7cyh5puL4gIVyUPTCh1V6ASoEAQYAiABEgLzlPD_BwE

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