Operation HOT-ification!!!

Ok so if you check a bit my previous posts you will come across some efforts I made to keep my diet on a schedule by preparing meals in advance etc. Well that was a complete failure and I proudly admit it! I simply cannot plan ahead! To be honest I might keep some boiled eggs in the fridge but that’s pretty much it. I don’t have the time and when I do have it I get sucked in by netflix! Luckily though I have my mom to help a bit in that area!

As a matter of fact just yesterday I was at her place where she helped prepare some stuff for me that will get me throught the week definately! Don’t missjudge me -and if you do I frankly don’t care πŸ˜› – it’s not that i’m a lazy person -although I am πŸ˜› – it’s just that I am away from home for at least 12 hours a day and I’m too tired to cook so I just wanna have whatever is ready.

So let me get to my point here. For reasons I don’t wanna get into as I hate making excuses, I gained weight. I was refusing to get on scale for sometime, I was probably scared I guess, I always said that I know I gained a few but it’s under control cause my clothing size hasn’t change… my pants are a bit tighter but since they fit I’m ok. Well dear I’m not! I decided to get onto that scale last week and I was shocked! And I now realize that it was the right thing to do because it really made me think, because in the past I was always very disciplined and I got really frustrated with the outcome.

So as from last week I made some changes (no I still don’t cook) regarding my eating habits. So first things first! I decided that I am not on a diet! I named this process “Operation HOT-ification” because it’s more fun to say and hear, also it gives me perspective. One more thing I am doing is that I am using myself for motivation. I got back to my photos from 2017 when I think I was in my best condition yet, to motivate myself. I can be that person again and I will! I think it’s far more helpful than trying to be like other people. I am simply trying to be the best me I can be!

Finally, I told all my friends about it and what my goal is, my first step is to reach half my goal in two months, and asked them to slap me if I haven’t πŸ˜› Ok i don’t think they will actually slap me but they will help me stay on track.

I’ll see you in two months and let you know if I reached my goal or gathered a few slaps!

Here are some of my inspo photos πŸ™‚



I see some abs here! On me, too!!!

New beginnings OR simply continue living.

Something very sad has happened.Β I lost my mum. She didn’t manage.

I’m not going to go into further details here. Not now at least. It has been tough.Β It’s a sadness I can’t describe.

What I have promised myself is that, as far as I can, I will take care of myself.

There are things that are out of our control in life and sometimes health is one of them but at least I can control how physically active (or not) I am and what I’m eating and drinking. I will never be a fitness fanatic but my goal is to stay healthy.

I owe that to my kid but mostly to me.

I have been trying to stay active during this summer and eat better. Sis has been helping with the active part. Eating better is something that I’m drying to do on a daily basis. Yes there days when I eat chips or when I eat junk food. But it only happens occasionally. It’s not my standard.

Eating lots of veggies and fruits (not a vegan and I doubt I will ever be) and whenever possible whole grain carbs is my standard. I don’t really drink coke or pepsi and the like so that’s a good thing, and I drink my coffee black.

Me and sis have been very active lately not only in the training department but also online with our various projects. We finally got our youtube channel going and we are doing challenges on distance. She is giving me videos with exercises which I have to do and of course they have to be done properly.

I don’t succeed on the first attempt but that’s the point. To keep trying and training in order to improve. I like that online training thing that we are doing. It’s fun, it’s a way to stay in touch and it’s good for the body.

Stay tuned for more pictures and videos.


Finally some “me time” !!!

So I’ve been nagging for some time now for how jealous I am of my clients some times and how I never get time to do pilates for myself. Well I managed to get a free hour for me to have a weekly session at the studio. It’s only once a week but still… It’s something.

Ok I am strong and somehow fit from all the pole practice, but my body has become stiffer especially around the shoulder area. I feel like my body is closins up – I don’t know If you get what I mean.

Even this hour within the week makes a difference. It really helps me regain spine mobility and every time I feel like relaxed and rejuvenated at the same time.

At the moment I focus mostly on my back, shoulders and hip joints. Let’s see If i manage to maintain this schedule and that it will not be a disaster like my meal planning attempt πŸ˜›

Quiting WoW (World of Warcraft) for a week or so, and why I got back.

img_20180203_143019_6401281078076.jpgI’m not sure if you have read any of my previous posts but if you don’t know, I’m a gamer. As in video games gamer. I play WoW, World of Warcraft and I have been playing it since vanilla, since 2004. Not continuously of course. I had occasional breaks but this past summer I decided to start again.

It’s a nice activity for me. I love games and at this point in my life (having a 2 year old and no free time essentially) it’s the best gaming option. I can login and play for 5, 10, 30 minutes, 1 hour or however long I want. And I love it. It’s not like I can’t play other games for the same amount of time, but for me WoW is what works best for now.

A couple of weeks ago though I decided to quit and I cancelled my subscription. Why? Because I was visiting my mom to the hospital (flew suddenly to Athens to go see her and take care of her for a while, which resulted in this post about lifeΒ ) and I thought that WoW is not something I’m wiling to do right now, it’s a priority any more.

Big mistake.

I was overwhelmed and I decided to quit the one thing that could help me keep my sanity. Stupid me. Anyway, it didn’t last that long. What contributed significantly actually wasΒ  the following birthday present I got from my boyfriend (that my best friend help him make).


Sylvanas Windrunner, Warchief of the Horde


This is Lady Sylvanas people, warchief of the Horde! So I thought to myself “why do you do these stupid things? “.

Then I started my subscription again.

And I played. And I still play. And I love it. It’s my haven.


And that’s my char. Undead warrior lvl 108.


So from now on, no more stupid things. If you are going through a tough period or if something unexpected has happened to you, don’t let go of the things that make you happy. Keep your sanity and take care of you first. If you are not well nothing else is.

For the Horde!


Being sick all the time I mean WTF and how to get rid of this annoying cold

I mean c’mon now. When will this end? Ok, I have to admit I have been to a hospital, as a visitor, for a week, 18 hours a day and hospitals are germ pools so I shouldn’t be surprised that I got away with just a common cold. Plus a plane trip *more germs*.

However, that doesn’t mean that I’m less annoyed. Having a cold sucks because it’s the most annoying sickness. My nose gets clogged, my brain gets foggy, my body wants to stay in bed covered in shit-loads of blankets and just watch Netflix but… since I’m an adult (lol) I need to go to work and take care of my son. And these are the minimum tasks I need to do. But the cold doesn’t care, it will still eat you alive.

I thought to myself, No! NOPE! I can’t do this anymore. What is there to do that can help me with this cold? I’m a person that loves modern medicine so instantly I took paracetamol and ibuprofen to ease my symptoms and be able to function as a person.

Also nose spray (Otrivin) but I was careful this time. I wasn’t overdoing it because it magically has the opposite effects if you spray too much. Once in the morning to help me go through work and once at night so that I can sleep better.

Then I know that since a cold it’s a virus there is nothing else I can do than just wait to run its course. However I knew I had to boost my immune system.

I’m a sceptical when it comes to home remedies. I understand that their purpose is not to make the sickness to disappear overnight, but what they do though is help ease the symptoms. A friend of mine suggested to make some healthy smoothies. I was convinced instantly so I went to the stores and bought fruits.


All in the mix!

We are entering the smoothies era people! For the past week I made one smoothie a day and what I mean by smoothie is not any hipster type of smoothie with coconut water and berries and chia seeds etc,Β  (nothing wrong with that) but I knew I had to go aggressive. Mandarines, ginger, blood oranges and green apples. Boom. All in the blender. No dairy products cause I don’t like them when I’m sick. And then drink it all. I did that every day and I have something to tell you.

Smoothies, fruits or whatever do not make the sickness go away (not in my case at least) BUT they do give you a great energy boost.


My cold fighting breakfast, mandarine, green apple and warm water with lemon juice and ginger.


Anti-cold smoothie

Sleeping helped a lot as well. I was in bed by 9pm every night. There was no way I could stay up longer than that. The combination of sleep and fruits made a difference in my energy levels. So for that only I do recommend trying smoothies out.

I’m not a specialist so I wouldn’t know but I could guess that we shouldn’t be overdoing it because it is sugar after all (the good one I suppose) so I’m not sure how good that can be in the long run.

I guess 2-3 times a week it’s a nice frequency.

But, oh man, does my stomach suffer. Yes it does. I think the yoghurt is added to help with the heartburns from all the acidity of citrus fruits. But after 4 days I feel significantly better so I don’t mind.


What I could call a hipster smoothie (don’t kill me xD ) but with no milk inside that’s why it turned out more solid than drinkable. Delicious though, avocado, banana and strawberries (frozen).

I do feel better and the cold is almost over but I know I have to keep doing it. I need my immune system up and running.

  • Exercising (light, heavy, whatever)
  • Proper eating (more veggies, no fatty stuff)
  • smoothies or fruits in general

The above are going to be my part of my lifestyle because I seriously need to be healthy and live long (and prosper xD).


Teaser post. Perspective of life

Recent events had made me re-evaluate my life. What we do now may or may not affect our health in the future. In this blog we are not fitness gurus, well ok my sister is, but I’m not. All I want for myself is to stay healthy as much as possible which will not only benefit me but also my family.20180127_1404301321145917.jpg


My mum was in the hospital recently (she will recover) and it made me think stuff. We don’t think these stuff until it happens. Hospitals suck big time and you have no idea when a crisis will hit you. We can’t avoid the future but we can help ourselves become better, healthier and at least minimize the chances of sicknesses that are related to our lifestyle choices.

Besides health there is another thing. Don’t wait on doing things. Just do it because you don’t know what is going to happen tomorrow and you don’t want to have regrets.

Like me, I want to get going with YouTube but I always postpone it. Because I’m shy. I’ll get over it. I must.



Post Xmas eating by Christina

Happy New Year people!!! Let’s make it a good one!

Sooooooooo my sis had her say on how she behaved during the holiday season and now it’s my turn… Well I did not… at all! I conciously pigged out … I feel no guilts whatsoever… I wanted to enjoy all the holiday treats and have a good time without worrying about calories. It’s only a few days after all!


Let’s get real people you can’t increase your size in such a short period of time. It’s a matter on how you handle yourself when all of this is over. Ξ™ have been arguing with so many people these past few days about this matter. I mean geez! Didn’t you enjoy yourself and your food ? Quit nagging about it! Once you get back to your


daily routine your body will also get back to normal. We’re actually bloated for the most part…

Again.,. I feel absolutely zero guilt… I still wear the same clothes after all! It was funΒ 

and I loved notΒ worrying about food. And forΒ 
me this is exactly what holidays and are for… Not foodwise… But feeling carefree in general. Just sit back relax and do -and eat- things that make you happy! Β 

To be honest my body can only take so much… It needs some detox from all the heavy holiday food, so there you go! Our body talks to us and we just need to listen!


First cup of coffee of the year! Cheers!

Post Xmas eating

This isn’t an “eating healthy in a military way” blog post. This is a realistic post xmas eating blog post.

What I mean by that is that yes I ate everything I could on Christmas eve and Christmas day. Yes I devoured all the foods I had in front of me with no shame! We still have some Christmas ham left and I keep eating it. However after Christmas day I said to myself, ok I will keep eating all the “non healthy” foods in the evening but I will behave during the rest of the day.

I kind of did it and it has somewhat worked. What I mean is that for lunch I have been eating chicken and vegetables and on the evening I have been enjoying a glass of wine (or two) and my favourite cheeses. I love cheese and it’s fatty as hell but I don’t care for the moment. I consciously eat it and I know it’s not good for me but since I have come to terms with it and since I “try” to behave I feel better and the scale hasn’t suffered that much.

But I think today is the last day. Yeah right you will say tomorrow is New Year’s Eve. But it’s like no I’m fed up. After all this eating my body is craving for salads and veggies. Weird I know but it does. Don’t worry I won’t eat 2 pieces of green salad leaves and 50 gr of boiled chicken. No way. But it’s time to take it easy and go back to regular home made foods.

But I’m telling you if you can compromise with one meal of the day to be like the following pictures I’m sure it will make a difference to you as it did for me.

I ate a lot today. I gave in. No guilt whatsoever xD

I wasn’t feeling good. Like a weakness feeling as if I’m sick. My only solution? To eat.

I know this is the lamest solution. Self-discipline zero. But I don’t care. I am in terms with myself and so should you. Don’t beat yourself up. If you want to eat it’s better to eat otherwise it will get stuck into your brain and it won’t go away. But don’t make it a habit.

Eating healthy is always good. And by healthy I’m not talking about 3 pieces of lettuce salad, 1/4 of a tomato and 3 peas, I’m talking about a nice home made food without much fat and heavy creams.

Anyway, this is a short report blog post to show you what I ate. Yum!

Left earbud (Razer Hummerhead this time) always stops working. Is it a curse? Is it the universe?

So you know your earbuds right? Do you also have that problem that no matter what brand you buy, cheap expensive, whatever, one of them will always stop working after an x period of time. And that is a fact that will happen with mathematical precision.

My latest pair of earbuds is an amazing Razer Hammerhead v2. Do you know what’s amazing about it? The fact that the cable is flat makes is really amazing and that’s because makes it, in my opinion, more flexible in a non-flexible way if you get what I mean, because it’s not as easy for it to become a small messy ball in my pocket. Additionally it comes with a hard case which protects it from further mishandling so I was almost certain that my lovely earbuds will last for ever.

Oh no, hoIMG_20171207_181951.jpgw naive I have been. I really don’t know what happened but suddenly one day the RIGHT earbud stopped working. Yes I know I didn’t use the case all the time but, for example recently, I just had them in my bags front pocket, then out at my desk at work and then back in the pocket, then stayed there until I took them out at work again. And I didn’t use them everyday.

I’m convinced that I took good care of them. I mean I have been using them way more in the summer months, just in my jackets pocket, listening to music while walking and then back in my pocket in a small cable mass – which due to the fact that the cable is flat actually prevented it by becoming an impossible to loosen up knot, but just to give you an idea I have been rather rough on them in past. But not recently. So it took me quite by surprise when all of a sudden in the comfort of my desk it effing stopped working.

The first thing I did, of course, was to google. So I found some of the most common reasons why earbuds stop working and one of them is if you use them in bed, while sleeping.

Never, have I done that.

Then there is another reason which I might have been guilty some times and that is pulling the cord and not the actual plug. I suppose if you pull it hard enough the very thin copper threads inside the cable could break and that means no sound.

I guess that’s the magic line here. Those thin copper threads inside the cable (forgive me if there is a better explanation, I’m not an audio expert) are so sensitive that it probably takes nothing to break them.

So what do I do know? Well one way is to contact Razer to see if they can help. They have a very nice help function on their website but I stopped where it asks for some specific product information. Additionally I have no proof of purchase because it was a gift from my boyfriend and I’m not sure if he has any order confirmation email somewhere. Maybe.

Otherwise, there is the risky, diy way. My beloved boyfriend is kind of handy but so I asked him if he dares doing the only solution I found that could work. Cutting the cord at the edge where it connects with the plug, remove the broken part and reconnect the cable/threads to the plug. He hasn’t done that before but he could give it a shot. I mean it’s not like we have anything to lose. Only-left-earbud-working is not an option anyway so why not.

In the meantime I will do a research for my next pair of earbuds. I won’t go Razer-level again because apparently it doesn’t matter how expensive they are, earbuds will break down eventually so I’ll go for a budget but descent sound option.

If you have any suggestions by all means let me know!