“You’re Back!”

The dark corner of my soul welcomes me back
So far yet here again, I’m a selective amnesiac
Always seems like it’ll be the last until it happens again
The doubt no longer “if it happens” but “when”

Progressively tiring to fight a losing war
The enemy doesn’t fight, it just doesn’t care anymore
Until when must I bleed for two?
Until when must I battle for land I no longer belong to?

Loneliness is this beautiful shade of pitch black
It’s so quiet you can hear your heart crack
It’s so cold you forget what warmth is
Until you realize you’re not just looking at it, you’ve become the abyss

How much can I feel until I feel nothing at all?
How much can they hurt me until I build up that wall?
How many times can I beg for love until I see they have none for me?
How long will lies fool me until the truth I see?

The dark corner of my soul welcomes me with its quiet favorite track
Who knew this is what I’d get when all I wanted was to be loved back

Querida Vida

Quero que saibas que se depender de mim, conhecerás sempre a felicidade
Enquanto te amar assim, serás sempre minha prioridade
Nunca duvidarás do teu valor enquanto eu existir
Nunca conscientemente te causarei dor nem te deixarei ir

Contigo ao meu lado já sou vencedor
Posso até não ter dinheiro mas sou rico de amor
Não te vai faltar carinho e atenção
Tratar-te-ei sempre com respeito e consideração

És uma rainha e mereces ser tratada como tal
Estar contigo é sempre uma experiência transcendental
Te quero quando é lento, doce e romântico
Quando é rápido, molhado e animal
Quero tudo de ti e tudo de mim te pertence
E mesmo que chegues primeiro o amor sempre vence

Por fim te quero prometer:
Vou fazer tudo que de mim depender
Para que nunca do meu amor possas duvidar
Para nunca te arrependas de me amar
Para que nossa história seja digna de eternizar

My Hope for You

I hope one day you feel chosen
Hope that you stop wishing your heart was frozen
That you stop thinking love is a game you always lose
That you stop believing you’ll never be the one they choose

You’re probably tired of chasing after love
The kind they say fits you like a glove
You wouldn’t have to beg for it if it were real
If only you could control how you feel

I hope one day you realize you’re worthy of all the love there is
Even if you’ve only ever wanted his

Dear Child Me

If you were mine I’d read you stories until you fell asleep
I’d give you my strength whenever you felt weak
I’d hug you tighter and tighter every day
Love you in all and every way

If you were mine I’d hold your hand throughout your life
Never letting go even after handing you to a husband or wife
I’d see you, I’d listen to you and I’d believe you
I’d tell you how worthy you are of love even when you didn’t believe it was true

If you were mine I’d protect you against all the monsters
The ones in your head, out in the street and under your bed
I’d protect you from me, from my own fears
I’d cry with you whilst I dried your tears

If you were mine I’d say I’m proud
I’d make sure to scream it out loud
I wouldn’t wait until it was too late
I wouldn’t let you get filled with hate

Dear me, I’m sorry I wasn’t there
That you were alone, that no one seemed to care
I’m doing my best to make it up now, I swear
We’ll heal you together, our heart we’ll repair

Goodbye Letter

I realize now that I don’t belong in your life
I’ve tried to shrink myself to fit the tiny space you made for me
I’ve tried to love for the both of us
Now with pieces of my heart falling through my fingers
A former offering turned into evidence of the crime you committed
So this is my goodbye letter, for you I’ll make no more art
No more rhymes in these verses, no more tears in these eyes
No more making excuses for you, no more pretending it doesn’t hurt

I realize now that it’s not really up to me
I became all I thought you wanted me to be
I love you with all of me and more
For you, ready to fight a war
But it’s never really enough, is it?
Every time realization kicks in it destroys me bit by bit
Scared I’ll do too little or maybe overdo
“You deserve the world”, well all I wanted was you

I lied to myself again saying I wouldn’t write about this anymore
But that idea shakes me to the core
Truth is, you’re the only thing worth writing about
The inspiration I can’t imagine myself without
But I can’t keep fighting invisibility
Showed you all my vulnerability, trying to get that tranquility
So goodbye, maybe we’ll meet again and you’ll look in my eyes and realize your love is real
Maybe until then I’ll remember how good it is to feel, to love you
Something I vow to forever do

Serias Sempre Minha Escolha

Se eu pudesse voltar no tempo, faria tudo igual
Reviveria cada momento, tudo que me fez bem e tudo que me fez mal
Aguardaria pacientemente pelo primeiro instante em que te vi
Existiria ansiosamente até ao dia em que te escolhi

Faria tudo de novo, todos erros, todos acertos
Me emocionaria com todos enterros, todos nascimentos
A certeza de caminhar em um trilho que termina em nossa história
A ânsia de replicar o teu toque estampado em minha memória

Se eu vivesse outra vida, tentaria encontrar-te de certeza
Procurar-te-ia em lugares em que sentisse leveza e pureza embrulhadas em safadeza
Perguntaria à toda gente se viu a outra metade de mim
De nada mais na vida tenho tanta convicção assim

Se na outra vida não me amasses, de mim não te lembrasses
Faria de tudo para te conquistar quantas vezes fosse preciso
De tudo para que de novo fosse o motivo do teu sorriso
Sempre que tiver escolha, ela terá teu nome e apelido
E se em algum universo não te escolhi, que este seja distante e desconhecido
Porque não existir é melhor que existir sem ti aqui comigo

Dear Love

I thought I’d write you a letter, those always make you smile
You’re a hopeless romantic though you pretend that’s not your style
I’m learning every part of you, you’re my favorite subject
And if at everything else I fail, the Art of loving you I’m going to perfect

I’m in love with you and I don’t say it nearly enough
You try to act nonchalant but I always catch your bluff
You’re the most beautiful human I’ve ever set my eyes on
And if it’s meant to be, I’m glad it’s you I’ve stumbled upon

You make me believe a higher power
I love you more every second, minute, hour
There’s no way this love is mundane
In every lifetime, I’d choose you again and again

Forever isn’t nearly enough for all my plans with you
The second our lips met, I just knew
There’s no one else I want to do this with
I thought loves like these were just a myth
Yet here I am, wanting your happiness more than I want mine
My love, you’re nothing less than divine
And if I had a wish, I wish this would last throughout eternity, in space and time


Peço Desculpa, Coração

Da última vez eu prometi que seria a última vez
Mas de novo faltou me a sensatez, lucidez
Agora tento, em vão, colar todos os pedaços em que te desfizeste
Um lamento, uma consolação, lembras-me de todos avisos que me deste

Tentei proteger-te mas não consegui
Todos sinais fingi que não vi
Cegada pelo amor que pensei ser para mim
Não é suposto contos de fadas acabarem assim

Entreguei-te em mãos que se descuidaram
Pedaços de ti entre seus dedos escorregaram
Estilhaçado no chão, já te é familiar
Desta vez não sei se te consigo arranjar

Peço desculpas, coração, de ti não sei cuidar
À mesma pessoa teimo te entregar
E no fim, ninguém te sabe amar


Midway through my fall I realized you weren’t with me at all
I looked at my empty hand and wondered if I’ll ever land
Will it hurt as I crash and burn? This time will I learn?

All the words were just that and I see it now
I believed everything, don’t even remember how
Bypassed every single red flag because I was so sure
Wanted to be loved so bad, I thought you were my cure
Turns out I was temporary, your love imaginary, overstayed my welcome, all these feelings I’m going to bury

You were my end-game, on my heart tattooed your name
Who would’ve known I meant nothing, like this verse without a rhyme I didn’t fit in you
And no matter how hard I tried I could never be enough, I pretend I’m strong but you called my bluff
Now I’m here free-falling into us while you look down, glad I could be your personal clown

Is it entertaining? To watch me straining?
To watch me still try to glue myself together to keep loving you whole?
To watch me still build back all the trust you stole?
To watch me still hope you’ll love me back?
My slow descent into madness, turning me into a maniac?

Am I that hard to love?
Is it that easy to let me go?
“Yes” is the answer and now I know

I wish the story ended differently
I wish you’d let me down gently
Instead, I’m falling for every detail of you
Soon hitting the ground as you’re not mine to belong to

The Queen of Broken Hearts

Given the choice, would you feel everything or nothing at all?
Build bridges or put up a wall?
Shrink within yourself or stand tall?
Leave forever or go running when they call?

Would you implode and crumble inside?
Would you explode and make everyone hide?
Would you bury the version of you that died?
Would you swallow every tear you’ve cried?

Given a choice, would you forgive and forget?
Would you bring them regret?
Your lack of action signaling a threat
A heart for a heart and you never forget a debt

Soaking up the pillows with righteous pain
Swearing to never fall in love again
Not enough words exist to explain
As you feel yourself slowly going insane

The path of no return chooses you, not the other way around
This new fountain of strength found
Screaming with all you’ve got but not making a sound
The queen of broken hearts has been crowned