BACK TO SCHOOL My top 3 makeup products +10 outfit inspiration

септембар 07, 2019

Pocela je nova skolska godina ,a sa njom i problemi sta obuci i kako se nasminkati.Verujem da je svako imao problem oko odevnih kombinacija za skolu.Obozavam Back to school postove i videe.Nadam se da cu Vam ovim postom pomoci i  dati inspiraciju.Prvo bih zelela da Vam pokazem moja top 3 proizvoda za skolu,a onda i par odevnih kombinacija za skolu.

The new school year has started, and with her, the problems you wear and how you dress up. I believe everyone had a problem with the clothing combinations for the school. I love back to school posts and videos. I hope to help you with this post and give you inspiration. First I'd like to show you my top three makeup school products, and then a couple of clothing combinations for school.

Moja top 3 back to school proizvoda 

Na prvom mestu bih naravno navela dobar korektor.Smatram da nema potrebe pokrivati lice slojevima i slojevima teskog pudera.Koristite dobar korektor da pokrijete samo sitne nepravilnosti na kozi u vidu bubuljica i fleka na licu.Korektor koji bih Vam ja preporucila jeste Catrice kamuflaza ,pisala sam recenziju o njemu ovde mozete procitati nesto vise o njemu .Labello oduvek koristim i to je drugi proizvod koji je meni must have za skolu.Pored onog klasicnog imate i one koji daju blagu boju usnama sto je zaista super za skolu.Poslednji i meni mozda omiljeni proizvod jeste maskara za obrve.Ja koristim Essence make me brow maskaru za obrve.Jako je pristupacna,mozete je naci u dve nijanse tamniju i svetliju.Daje punocu obrva i definiciju.Obozavam je.Sva tri proizvoda u kombinaciji daju lep i uredan izgled idealan za svaki dan ,a narocito za skolu.

My top 3 makeup back to school products

In the first place, I would, of course, be a good concealer. I think there's no need to cover the face of layers and layers of heavy foundation. You use a good concealer to cover only tiny irregularities on the skin of a pimple and a stain on your face. The concealer I would recommend to you is the Catrice camouflage, and I wrote a review about him  you can read something more about him here . I always use Labello and that's another product that I must have for school. Besides the classic you have and those who give a mild color to your lips which is really great for school. The last and me, maybe my favorite product is the eyebrow mascara. I use Essence make me brow mascara for my eyebrows. It's very accessible, you can find it in two shades of darker and light. It gives a full eyebrow and a definition. I love it. All three products combined make nice and tidy looks perfect for every day, especially for school.

Outfit inspiracija za skolu / Outfit inspiration for school

Sta Vi koristite od sminke  tokom skole?Da li Vam se svidjaju ove outfit ideje?
What do you use for makeup during school? Do you like this outfit ideas?


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