Camille Sioco is a Sydney based style and fashion blogger who loves eating chocolate, collecting soy candles and watching animal videos. She is the mother of the most beautiful male kitten; Bella, and co-founder of A Whimsical Box.

With the help of her talented long-term boyfriend; Ramon, the founder of Streetpeeked, and a push from her equally talented friend; Shalamah Tautaiolefue, the blog FRILLYSKIRTS was born.

FRILLYSKIRTS’ origin as per the dictionary:
“frilly”, adjective decorated with frills
“skirts”, verb go past the edge of

In summary as per the dictionary, FRILLYSKIRTS is a decorated individual going past the frills and exploring outside of the norm.

In reality, FRILLYSKIRTS is a nickname that stuck after wearing too many frilly skirts while finding her footing in the style and fashion world.
Read more about what Camille has been up to on her blog

Feature: Avery Labels

For the past year and a half, I have been planning my wedding to Ramon. Yes, you read that correctly, I’M GETTING MARRIED! Ramon and I have been engaged for 10 years and thought we would finally celebrate our engagement on our 10th year of being engaged to marry one another.

Everyone who knows me knows that I love stationery, so much so that I started my own stationery business; A Whimsical Box. When I was asked to work with Avery, I jumped at the chance and I can finally reveal why I have taken such a long hiatus.

For more information about our wedding, you can follow it on our wedding website: http://www.acsrad.com/wedding

A lot of our wedding has got to do with everything that has meaning. We wanted to make it special; we have been together 12 years and we wanted it to be unique, something that was different to what our friends have done and something we can call our own.

With the help of Avery labels, they made it so easy to print labels. I designed all my artwork in Photoshop and Illustrator and imported them into Avery’s website where I can print them out properly without having to cut too much of the label.

I created our bomboniere test tube “engagemints”, wedding stickers and flags with Avery and I cannot wait to use them more throughout our wedding stationery.

I also have test tubes left over so I will be using them to create some Christmas goodies so stay tuned on the blog for more Avery goodness and how you can incorporate them with your Christmas festivities.

Feature: Avery Labels

For the past year and a half, I have been planning my wedding to Ramon. Yes, you read that correctly, I’M GETTING MARRIED! Ramon and I have been engaged for 10 years and thought we would finally celebrate our engagement on our 10th year of being engaged to marry one another.

Everyone who knows me knows that I love stationery, so much so that I started my own stationery business; A Whimsical Box. When I was asked to work with Avery, I jumped at the chance and I can finally reveal why I have taken such a long hiatus.

For more information about our wedding, you can follow it on our wedding website: http://www.acsrad.com/wedding

A lot of our wedding has got to do with everything that has meaning. We wanted to make it special; we have been together 12 years and we wanted it to be unique, something that was different to what our friends have done and something we can call our own.

With the help of Avery labels, they made it so easy to print labels. I designed all my artwork in Photoshop and Illustrator and imported them into Avery’s website where I can print them out properly without having to cut too much of the label.

I created our bomboniere test tube “engagemints”, wedding stickers and flags with Avery and I cannot wait to use them more throughout our wedding stationery.

I also have test tubes left over so I will be using them to create some Christmas goodies so stay tuned on the blog for more Avery goodness and how you can incorporate them with your Christmas festivities.

Feature: Avery Labels

For the past year and a half, I have been planning my wedding to Ramon. Yes, you read that correctly, I’M GETTING MARRIED! Ramon and I have been engaged for 10 years and thought we would finally celebrate our engagement on our 10th year of being engaged to marry one another.

Everyone who knows me knows that I love stationery, so much so that I started my own stationery business; A Whimsical Box. When I was asked to work with Avery, I jumped at the chance and I can finally reveal why I have taken such a long hiatus.

For more information about our wedding, you can follow it on our wedding website: http://www.acsrad.com/wedding

A lot of our wedding has got to do with everything that has meaning. We wanted to make it special; we have been together 12 years and we wanted it to be unique, something that was different to what our friends have done and something we can call our own.

With the help of Avery labels, they made it so easy to print labels. I designed all my artwork in Photoshop and Illustrator and imported them into Avery’s website where I can print them out properly without having to cut too much of the label.

I created our bomboniere test tube “engagemints”, wedding stickers and flags with Avery and I cannot wait to use them more throughout our wedding stationery.

I also have test tubes left over so I will be using them to create some Christmas goodies so stay tuned on the blog for more Avery goodness and how you can incorporate them with your Christmas festivities.

  • November 30, 2015
  • 7 notes

I have worked with TTTATOO earlier with their amazing lettering designs and they have come out with an amazing range of metallic tattoos which has become all the rage for summer. I love how you can be creative with their designs and they make the perfect accessory for summer.


I had a quick few minutes before we rushed out the door so I was racing against time. What’s great about these temporary tattoos is that they take a few seconds to put on your skin. All you have to do is add water to the back and you’re done!


We were heading over to Mooloolaba and was trying to beat the traffic and ensure we got there early to grab ourselves a table and bbq area as well as ensure we were able to have fun in the sun before the storm  rolled on by as forecast. Usually the weatherman gets it wrong 99% of the time but he was right this time and the storms came exactly as predicted.


I decided to wrap one around my arm, ankle and thigh to complete my beach look. It was a beautiful summer day and we had a blast playing frisbee. I also found out that I am terrible at frisbee. It is so much harder than it looks! When I throw a frisbee, it never ends up going to the person I intended it to go to, instead, it either goes to a random group of people or to an empty space.


Surprisingly, on the busy beach, we found a quiet and secluded area we were able to shoot. Brisbane-goers really keep to themselves and you don’t get the “what are you shooting for” and “can I have a look at what the photo looks like” questions when people pass by.


Summer is going to be so much fun!

  • November 30, 2015
  • 3 notes

During Winter, I must admit, I wasn’t taking care of my skin very well and I have broken out to the point that no matter how much Proactiv I use, it’s no longer helping however, I haven’t been able to go wrong with Puretopia and their exfoliating scrub. Although I still have pimples, it’s been helping me fight against getting any more and has been helping by minimising them.

Stress eating has been a major contributor to my breakouts and although my eczema hasn’t returned, it’s still a concern that my skin is being affected. Now that summer has come around with it’s increased humidity, my skin has been stable considering the change in climate thanks to the cleaners and my other go-to summer essentials.


Now, to find that magical cream that will tighten my skin and remove my dreaded dark eye bags! Mud masks only work for a day or two before it starts to sag again. Oh, the joys of growing older!

  • November 30, 2015
  • 3 notes

As summer approaches and I have a few bikini’s to debut this summer, to help my tummy stay flat, Byron Body Tea’s Teatox has been a godsend (it also helps a lot with keeping me warm in the office under the cold air conditioning vent) and it helps that my work colleagues are supportive over it and believe in it’s effects too.


I can’t get sick of this tea and although it does say it’s a 14 day pack, I try make it last as long as I can. I usually use the diffuser 3 times before changing the tea just so that I can get a milder flavour each time. It helps you not get sick of the flavour and for someone like me who has been drinking this tea for a year, it’s important not to get sick of it.


All this talk about a tea detox and summer and it’s getting me scared to even wear a bikini. That’s it… the treadmill is coming out of storage tonight!

  • November 30, 2015
  • 1 note

I had the pleasure of visiting Eclectic Edition when they were in Bondi and found the cutest scarf and mauve pants. Mauve used to be my favourite colour when I was younger, only because it was a very interesting word for purple (and the crayola colour pencil was awesome!). It also happens to be the best colour for my skin tone. See how I styled this outfit in this post here.


Recently, I attended a massive warehouse sale for Pink Stitch and went a little mad going through all the racks so expect more posts to come up soon featuring Pink Stitch and their beautiful structured dresses.


What can I say, I guess I’m on a roll today when it comes to blogging and don’t know why I didn’t keep it up consistently. I feel like I had lost a piece of me but feel almost complete now that blogging is part of my life again.

  • November 30, 2015

I am a huge fan of timeless and classical pieces. As I grow older, I realised that collecting seasonal pieces would only make me think twice about my fashion choices in the future. I have grown to respect my own choices and to not become a “bandwagoner” (I have been guilty at times but try so hard not to fall into that trap). When I was first introduced to the Skagen brand, not only did I fall in love with pieces, I also fell in love with their story. How a brand that came from such a tiny fisherman’s island, become a global success. Especially without conforming to society’s current “it” accessories. They stuck by their original designs and carried them throughout for over 25 years.


I love the simplicity, the beauty of the mesh design and how classy it is. When you see the Skagen designs, you’ll see that it’s the kind of style your grandparents would have worn, a piece your parents had worn and a piece you can wear. For me, it shows history, a timepiece, a story. I don’t know if I’m just reading into it but when I connect with certain brands, it’s on a level of meaning as I always choose meaning and sentimental value over financial value every time. Hence why I continue to wear a $2 bracelet on my wrist no matter how tacky people think it may be. It’s only because it has meaning to me, it’s my version of a tattoo.


When I was first introduced to Skagen, we were told of their humble history. They introduced Denmark traditions and got us all involved. It was inspiring and intimate. It makes you hold certain value in their products not only as a brand but a company you can look up to. They weren’t just about designs and getting rich, they were about telling their story through their accessories.


More to come on my blog today as I work on finishing up a massive backlog. I cannot wait to reveal something huge (huge for me anyways). Until my next blog post my lovely readers.

  • November 30, 2015
  • 2 notes

As Summer approaches early, I wanted to share with you some of my Summer essentials to combat the Australian heat.

Firstly, before I go into any detail, I did want to apologise for another sudden hiatus on my blog and I promise I will be back with more content on a more consistent basis. I have been absolutely blessed with new projects that I’ll be revealing in due course.

Let’s get to the list!

1. Tea: Byron Body Tea


I’m a huge fan of tea, I drink it on a daily basis and it gets me through work (especially on days where the air conditioning is turned up so high that it’s hard to feels my fingers typing on the keyboard). What I love about Byron Body Tea is the cutest diffuser they give you as well as how it helps you maintain your summer figure in the process.

2. Lip Volumizer: Transformulas LipVolume


I don’t know about you but I always get dry, thin lips during summer. The combination between the heat, the UV rays and the cold air conditioning is no good and my lips take an even extra beating when I wear lipstick. Transformulas LipVolume helps me get the pout without using any lip colours. I just pop it on before my lip balm and I have beautiful voluptuous lips throughout the day.

3. Face Moisturizer: Puretopia Instant Moisture


I swear by this product and have recommended it to so many of my friends who now swear by the product. It’s non-greasy formula works wonders! I place it on my face just before I put my make up on and my skin does not feel dry at all.

4. Exfoliator: Indeed Laboratories’ Exfoliator


You will spin out the first time you use this product. It’s a powder that turns into foam when you add water! It’s unbelievably gentle on your skin and you’re left feeling so fresh and clean. It doesn’t feel like your skin is being stripped like other exfoliators in the market.

5. Dry Shampoo: Polished London Dry Shampoo


I only wash my hair twice a week and in between those days, I wear dry shampoo that helps me combat the grease. Polished London is the most affordable dry shampoo I have found and it’s formulated to your hair colour. It also doesn’t leave the white residue that most dry shampoos leave on your hair.

As a tip, I do spray it on my hair while I have my head upside down, just to add volume to my dead weight hair.

6. Body Lotion: Puretopia


I have used this product religiously after it helped me calm down my stress eczema. With the combination of Puretopia’s Body Polish, I was able to combat my stress eczema during a rough patch I was having. It helped with reliving the itchiness I was feeling and helped to maintain the moisture in my skin.

More summer essentials on my blog soon! I have a handful more posts to have published in a short amount of time so I do apologise for the spam but thank you so much to all of you have haven’t unsubscribed from my blog and for the lovely messages of support I have been receiving, it means so much to me.

  • November 30, 2015


I must admit, I’m a terrible cook. I find cooking to be one of the most difficult things to do, I can’t seem to ever get the ingredients and timing correct. Marley Spoon have acknowledged my failed kitchen experiences and have come up with a system where you can get it right, every single time.

Marley Spoon has broken it down cooking in 4 easy steps:

  1. Marley Spoon have renowned chef; Olivia Andrews create new recipes each week
  2. You decide what to cook and when
  3. Marley Spoon sources the ingredients and delivery it to your door
  4. Cook and enjoy

I had the honour of cooking 2 lovely meals; Lamb with sweet potatoes with haloumi and kale, the other being Salmon with hazelnut potatoes.

It was so simple and the food was so delicious and filling. I love how there are so may vegetables involved and when you receive everything, it’s fresh and ready to cook that same day. It streamlines cooking and it’s something I appreciate, especially when I find cooking extremely difficult. I was amazed at how easy it was to follow the simple and clear directions.

Thanks to Marley Spoon, I am no longer scared of cooking and cannot wait to organise a dinner party with friends and impress them with my cooking.

For more information about this unique and life changing company, visit Marley Spoon.


I must admit, I’m a terrible cook. I find cooking to be one of the most difficult things to do, I can’t seem to ever get the ingredients and timing correct. Marley Spoon have acknowledged my failed kitchen experiences and have come up with a system where you can get it right, every single time.

Marley Spoon has broken it down cooking in 4 easy steps:

  1. Marley Spoon have renowned chef; Olivia Andrews create new recipes each week
  2. You decide what to cook and when
  3. Marley Spoon sources the ingredients and delivery it to your door
  4. Cook and enjoy

I had the honour of cooking 2 lovely meals; Lamb with sweet potatoes with haloumi and kale, the other being Salmon with hazelnut potatoes.

It was so simple and the food was so delicious and filling. I love how there are so may vegetables involved and when you receive everything, it’s fresh and ready to cook that same day. It streamlines cooking and it’s something I appreciate, especially when I find cooking extremely difficult. I was amazed at how easy it was to follow the simple and clear directions.

Thanks to Marley Spoon, I am no longer scared of cooking and cannot wait to organise a dinner party with friends and impress them with my cooking.

For more information about this unique and life changing company, visit Marley Spoon.


I must admit, I’m a terrible cook. I find cooking to be one of the most difficult things to do, I can’t seem to ever get the ingredients and timing correct. Marley Spoon have acknowledged my failed kitchen experiences and have come up with a system where you can get it right, every single time.

Marley Spoon has broken it down cooking in 4 easy steps:

  1. Marley Spoon have renowned chef; Olivia Andrews create new recipes each week
  2. You decide what to cook and when
  3. Marley Spoon sources the ingredients and delivery it to your door
  4. Cook and enjoy

I had the honour of cooking 2 lovely meals; Lamb with sweet potatoes with haloumi and kale, the other being Salmon with hazelnut potatoes.

It was so simple and the food was so delicious and filling. I love how there are so may vegetables involved and when you receive everything, it’s fresh and ready to cook that same day. It streamlines cooking and it’s something I appreciate, especially when I find cooking extremely difficult. I was amazed at how easy it was to follow the simple and clear directions.

Thanks to Marley Spoon, I am no longer scared of cooking and cannot wait to organise a dinner party with friends and impress them with my cooking.

For more information about this unique and life changing company, visit Marley Spoon.

  • July 31, 2015
  • 6 notes

I am a huge stationery lover and have a major soft spot for anything that you can personalise. The Daily Edited lets you personalise bags, card holders, notebooks and more! They stock amazing saffiano leather and I am obsessed.


I wish I had a better desk situation at work where I could display all my beautiful stationery but we are limited for space in our small apartment and can’t wait till we finally move into a house. We’re aiming to do so this year but with so many projects running on conjunction with each other, fitting in viewings will be quite difficult.


The items are so cute and I can’t wait to get another notebook. I’m a sucker for any type of stationery and whenever I’m in Officeworks, Ramon gets so mad because I can be at that store for over an hour just admiring all the pens, papers, notebooks, accessories and just imagining what I can do with it all.

  • July 20, 2015
  • 5 notes

The best Australian store I have ever come across that stock 2 of my favourite things; scented candles and chocolates is The Collection By M. Two things that help me de-stress, the scents are all so beautiful and such a large selection and the chocolates, you just can’t go wrong with chocolate (unless you try and mix it with a soft drink with pop rocks like L&P, my taste buds refused to keep it down).


I love how The Collection By M have a beautiful monochrome theme throughout all their collections. Their designs are so cute and best of all, most of them can be personalised!


My nose if very sensitive and I will smell lingering smells that most people would not have picked up on until someone has said it out load. I feel that this is a flaw as it’s very irritating trying to remove a certain smell from your home. The candles and diffusers by The Collection By M is just as good as the ones you can buy in retai stores. The scent travels rom our downstairs to our upstairs. My favourite scent from their range is Creme Brulee.


I cannot get enough! Candles, diffusers, chocolates oh my! I literally have one in my office at work, in every single room in the house and gift them to all my friends.


The Collection By M is releasing a new line in the coming weeks so keep your eyes peeled my lovely readers!

  • July 20, 2015
  • 3 notes