Cute & Cosy

Processed with VSCO with c1 presetHi lovely people,

How are you all doing? We hope you are having an amazing weekend, carnaval or holidays. We are currently on holidays for one week, it was really needed! We are going skiing and snowboarding from tomorrow until Friday, so expect another blogpost about that next week. It will be our first time, we are really excited about it! Today we made some new pictures, from two outfits. We hope you all will like them, the pictures will be right here:

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Valentine’s day Treats ❣️

Valentine is only two days away! Okay, actually we do not really have something with Valentine, and no we do not have a boyfriend. But what is better than raw cheesecake hearts and pancakes? Nothing right. So we decided to make and show you three easy and tasty recipes you can make for your Valentine or just for yourself! 😉 All of the recipes are perfect for either breakfast, lunch or as a snack. Read further and make these recipes yourself 💗👅

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Classy but cool January

img_3612 It’s been way to long since we posted a new blogpost, we are sorry! School, school school. We had testweek which made it quite impossible to take pictures we liked and to make a blogpost we are happy about to show you all.
For today’s blogpost we are showing you two outfits that are easy to come up with, but are still looking pretty nice. We hope you all like the outfits and the pictures!

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New Year, Healthy Food!

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This week we have started drinking lots of smoothies and eating nicecream again. After all the tasty holiday food we ate, the both of us were craving a lot of fruit. Why not eat or drink it if you are craving it, right?
Eating fruit may be better than drinking it because of the nutrients that won’t like, dissapear, but for us it sometimes feels like smoothies are more detoxing.

We decided to show you this three different kind of flavours, because they are all really simple and you don’t need to be in a specific season to have those fruits to make the smoothies! Most of the time we use e.g. frozen berries, mango and pineapple. This is way cheaper than fresh fruit!!

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Born on Thursday, December 30th 1999. Fraternal twins, a few weeks to early. Growing up and making memories together, every second. Today we turned 17 years old. Time has flown by, these seventeen years have been amazing. Friends and family have made every day good, even though it wasn’t always easy. Always having a best friend by your side is the best thing ever, you can tell each other everything and we (almost) never have fights.

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Merry Christmas!

Processed with VSCO with c6 presetMERRY CHRISTMAS EVERYONE!
If you celebrate it of course, and if you don’t we hope you just have an amazing sunday.

We hope your day is filled with lots of amazing and good food, much love and a lovely day with friends and family!
Try to make someone smile today, give something good to someone. It doesn’t have to be an object, give love. Today is a day to think about the beautiful moments in life, talk with everyone and forget about fights you have had. Make something out of today.

We would like to thank you. Thank you for the love, amazing reactions and trust this year, we love everyone of you. Thank you for making this possible. You guys are amazing and always so sweet, and good to us.
Enjoy today, enjoy tomorrow, enjoy everyday.

Merry christmas everyone!

Nadeche & Danique

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Last Minute Christmas Recipes

Hi guys! What, tomorrow is Christmas?😳  Time is going so fast! Have you already got all the groceries you need or still don’t have any idea what to make? No problem, we have got some last minute vegan Christmas recipes for you! They are all really easy to make, a few ingredients, a lot of taste and ready within an hour. 🎄

Read further if you are ready for christmas food!

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Raw Vegan Brownies

Processed with VSCO with c8 presetLast week, on December 5th, almost everyone in the Netherlands celebrated Sinterklaas. It’s a holiday tradition where Sinterklaas gives presents to everyone, it is really similar to Santa Claus. We celebrated it on December 4th, because the fifth was on a regular school or workday. In the afternoon on Sunday, our family came to our house to celebrate and we had a great time.

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