Thursday 8 January 2015

Banana Strawberry Choc Smoothie

You will need:
*use organic ingredients where possible*

2 bananas
6 frozen strawberries 
2 tsp cacao powder
1 tbsp rolled oats
1/2 cup water or almond milk
Squeeze of honey if desired 

Mix all together in blender and serve.
Serves one. Enjoy x

Monday 5 January 2015

Organic in Byron Bay, Australia

On my recent trip to Byron Bay (approximately a 45min drive from the Gold Coast airport) I discovered a couple of amazing local organic places to eat and stock up on fresh produce. The first was Naked Treaties which specialises in juices and smoothies. Everything on their menu is organic, vegan, gluten free and sugar free! What I loved most about Naked Treaties was their smoothie and juice menu which included a key telling you what each juice and smoothie would help your body achieve such as immunity, energy, cleansing & clarity, and so on. If you're ever in Byron Bay I definitely recommend you stop off at Naked Treaties, it's a real treat! Located at 2/3 Marvell St and open Mon-Sat 8am-4pm. To find out more visit their website

Image via
The second place was Santos Organics. This place has everything from free naturopath advice to fresh and local fruit and veg, beauty products, vitamins, bulk foods, health books, a cafe, and more! Everything in the cafe is local and organic making it super healthy and environmentally friendly. If I was a local in Byron Bay this would be the place I'd visit more than any other. Located on the main street 105 Jonson St and open 7 days. They also have an online store which delivers Australia wide:

My own image: banana bread and smoothies

Wednesday 19 November 2014

The Beginners Guide to Going Organic

Going organic can be a bit daunting, confusing, and overwhelming (I’m still trying to get my head around it), but I’m here to help and guide you with what I’ve learnt and done so far in my journey towards organic living.

After reading ‘Going Organic’ by Kris Abbey my head was spinning. I was in a bit of a panic thinking about all the chemicals I’d been eating and using on my body without really realising. My advice to you is don’t panic. Instead take the following steps to living a healthier life…..

Understand what organic means
If you don't know what organic means or are still not 100% sure read my previous post Why Should You Go Organic here.

Decide what you eat and use the most.
When I was researching what to buy organic (what was most important) I read that what ever you eat and use the most in your day-to-day life should be bought organic. For me these are things like: milk, bread, fruit and veg, also skin care and make-up.

Here is a good guide as to what to buy organic when it comes to fruit and veg….

The Dirty Dozen (most contaminated):
Leafy greens

The Clean 15 (least contaminated):
Rock Melon
Sweet Potato

(Both lists adapted from

Start slow.
I didn’t go out and buy all my organic skin care, make-up, fruit and veg all in one day. I don’t earn enough to do that! Instead I eased my way into it. I began with buying organic make-up remover, face cleanser (since I was trying to clear my skin up at the time), organic milk, organic brown rice cakes, organic peanut butter, organic honey, etc. After more researching I bought organic make-up, and have recently begun buying organic fruit and veg weekly.

Read food packaging and the ingredients.
So, the packet says “Organic Corn Chips”. You think “Great, a healthy, tasty snack!” Think again, and turn the packet over. The ingredients tell you that the corn is organic but the other six ingredients aren’t and they aren’t the healthiest ingredients either. The same goes for packaging that says ”Natural”. The word natural can be used very loosely and doesn’t necessarily mean the product is natural. 
Also, avoid buying anything that has ten or more ingredients, and/or ingredients that you cannot pronounce.

Since I have begun my organic living journey I have read a couple of books (I recommend Kris Abbey’s book ‘Going Organic’), multiple natural health magazines (Nature and Health magazine is my favourite), blogs, and websites. I have also found out what organic food markets and cafes are near me so I know exactly where to go to find local and healthy produce.

The more I read, the more knowledge I have about buying organic, nourishing my body the right way, and just living a healthier life in general. I encourage you to do the same. 

Sunday 16 November 2014

Two-Tone Smoothie

I love making smoothies, they're a quick, easy and yummy way of getting your daily requirement of fruits and vegetables. Lately I've been seeing two-toned smoothies on social media so I thought I would try making one for myself. I think it turned out pretty well, here's how I did it....

What you'll need:
*Where possible buy organic*

Pink Layer:
1 banana
Small handful of frozen mixed berries
Half cup of water

Green Layer:
1 banana
Half a pear (or apple)
4 kale leaves
Half cup of water

2-3 strawberries for decoration


1. Blend all pink layer ingredients in a blender. If necessary add more water. (You don't want the smoothie to be too watery or the two colours will run into each other - the thicker the better.)

2. Fill cup or jar half way with pink smoothie mixture.

3. Cut strawberries in halves and in halves again and stick on the inside of the glass (as pictured) just above the pink smoothie line (they will most likely sink lower when the green smoothie is added).

4. Blend all green layer ingredients and add more water if necessary. 

5. Fill the rest of the glass with green smoothie mixture.

6. Add a fun straw and enjoy!

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