Adyr Villavicencio

my life in words

born on wit’s end

Adyr Villavicencio

Daily writing prompt
You’re writing your autobiography. What’s your opening sentence?

life does what it does

I realized that it has been years since i tickled the idea of a blog.

i journal from quill to parchment, quite dramatic in know, but not really, just pen to paper. i find it cleansing in that sense because i feel my soul’s actions and will as i write. it heals, soothes me, but now, i’ve have to make that decision to write back on this blog.

hello wordpress? how are you? still here in the digital ether i see. well i have a story to share.

recently life hit me with two towering moments. one, my job has one month left before it shuts down, and two, losing someone i deeply care about. i know the scene is set, the spotlight on me, the act begins.

the live action “little mermaid” played and the local theatre by my house. initially made plans to watch it with a handsome man called rick (quite generic, but confidentiality is key), we dated. he was about 5’10, blonde, muscular, blue eyed, great tan, and a smile that made the room light up, no lamp needed, hah. i liked him, very much, and the feelings felt mutual.

i saw the ad for showtimes, sighed, made a tiny smile, and remember his voice as he told me he would love to go together, on a drive to get a bite in my car. my heart pounded, not for joy, but for grief. i really liked him, i thought we could’ve worked. i saw potential and invested, but, it wasn’t not just my decision, he had a decision to, and i hoped it was mutual, but it wasn’t. i was shattered.

it was four years ago since my last relationship. i was pretty much domesticated. a house, dog, cat, yard, hedges for a fence, the dream was set. life, her, came and slapped me with and ending of that, and had to move on, and did, moved on from that and worked on myself to better me from the codependency that was visible for four years. told myself that the next relationship, after that past, would be the last (eye role). then rick came along.

from the first moment we met the connection was there, locked, set, and loaded. we talked, laughed, our hearts tingle (from what i was told) with every touch. we couldn’t get enough of each other. we got along great. i thought to myself, “this is my mate, my match,” but took it slow.

i hid just enough of my feelings to not scare the guy away. i did everything right, i loved again. feared it, but leaned into it.

“no regrets adyr,” was why mantra, “i have to sit this through,” and did, i showed him that he was safe with me, that he could confide in me, trust, and support. i was slowly falling for the guy.

its hard to say those words, love. its a scary word. to me, it means i lose my independence, i give my heart and soul to a person, with a risk that pain could arrive at any moment. that part, i hate, the pain, the heartache, that is a big fear to me, loss, especially to someone you have feelings for.

“just lean into it.”

well heartache came, and we dated for such a short time, approximately two and a half months. a powerful two and a half months might i add. it was magic, it was winning the lottery, i was rich.

the process of heartache is bad. no sleep, the thought of food makes me sick, water is my friend, exercise helps for an hour, and constant percolation of what he’s doing now enters my mind with a massive amount of anxiety.

“i have to go back to square one.” i told myself to the mirror, “adyr, you’ve survived Anthony (the one before rick), you can survive this.”

my question to this is why? why does life have to bring you something or someone so magical. then take it away? it’s like i’ve finally reached the top of my emotional mountain, and realize there’s more to climb before i can post my flag, then pose for instagram. why does that door of pain come back and suck everything in sight yet again? what the fuck.

i’ve done my work. i got my groove back, like Stella. kept my side of the street clean, gave my tithe, prayed, payed my fucking taxes, and lived with honesty, integrity, and accountability. what the fuck.

“well you need to find the lesson in this,” god that sentence is annoying but so true.

we were good, we seemed like a match. sure he had baggage, but perfection is not the main goal in this, companionship, yes, with a dash of independence, that i felt i gave him. then why?

i reflected on the question. then looked at the red flags, constant communication grew less and less from both initiates to what felt like just me, only he called me, i couldn’t, the excuses. like a good man, i looked passed it, and still showed love and compassion. i knew he was magical like me. saw it in his eyes, his soul, and saw his beautiful heart, yet, i felt he didn’t see it in himself.

it’s funny how the red flags show up during the healing process to make you realize more and more how much work this could be. i’m still healing, i’m eating again, and taking care of me. due to social media and other apps, i run into his picture, it’s ok though. its all a part of life and the modern age, but when do i fully heal?

CGV theatre in koreatown on a Monday by myself watching “The Little Mermaid.” Ariel sing as i eat my large bathtub of caramel/butter popcorn surrounded by people. prince Eric sings, i chew, Ursula binds a contract, then Ariel, and more of the cast sing, i grab a huge handful of popcorn and stuff my mouth, and cry my eyes out. it’s been 4 years since i shed a tear. i could only imagine the people around me as they watch this forty four year old man with a handful of popcorn, tears down his entire face, hiccups, gasps and all as Sebastian sings “under the sea.”

i cried, sobbed to be honest, because this was a plan between rick and me. this was supposed to be our date, and it didn’t happen.

mothers day, we cuddled, watched “Almost Australian,” and relaxed in his room on his murphy bed. he look so innocent as he rested his head on my chest. it felt safe. he woke, and we talked a bit. i told him how i felt, and we agreed on what i thought was, not the next level, but kinda keep it just us. the following day, the text came and i knew, just new. gutted would be a pleasure at this point. i cried, more and more in that theater. cried because i missed him. cried because not only was i dramatic, but fell for him. his charm, his youth like attitude, his kindness, and humour. reeled in like the fish in that movie. i also cried because i loved.

bam, like lightning, the answer came. i can love agian. that’s it. i can love again.

for years, prior to rick, i kept people at arms length after Anthony. scared of the pain people caused, but leaned in and loved. i was capable to love again, and it felt good.

once the movie ended, right at the credits, i ran out there faster than a Karen at a couch sale. embarrassed from the display of water works, and ran to my car, got on my phone, and talked to an old friend of mine.

i can love again.

sometimes life loves to hit with uppercuts, throw you around till you can’t breath, but hey, once you drop your guard and really see what is there, its never at you. its for you. the pain has grown less, yes, i’m not zombie anymore. what i carry with me is our good times, even if it was short, we have in my heart. thank you rick, thank you for the lesson, i love you papa.

I Find Myself

Seven am is the hour I wake up everyday, on some occasions, I get up and begin my usual jog to the gym, lift weights on a specific muscle, and release endorphins to make the day bright and sunny. On other occasions, I make my tomatoes and eggs, as the kettle prepares to sing its high pitch note in the key of, water is ready, while bossa nova plays in preparation for work.  Months have gone by since I last lived in DTLA and throughout the process of repetitive behavior of, gym, thought, dance, practice, I find  myself doing things that I forgot that I use to do, such as, laugh, smile, sing my days, etc. I would find myself enjoying a walk without worries of upsetting others, not having to answer to others to explain my actions, actually feel vulnerable to ask a question whether it is silly or not, and talking to close people around me and sharing my experiences in life, I realized my reasons for all this to happen. I’M FINDING MYSELF.

I’ve been recently studying about the scariest thing that we all fear, it’s a feeling where all walls have to be dropped and where we have to give in to the self and not to society. It’s called vulnerability. To be vulnerable is quite scary because in order to experience it and attempt to live that way, we have to brake the walls of shame.

For years I lived in shame, I didn’t feel good enough, I compared myself to my loved ones and partners, attempted to be perfect in all ways, and if it wasn’t, I fell into an anxiety or depression that caused me to drink, etc., and it would make me forget all problems, but as a temporary relief, sobriety would return and so would my issues. I closed myself off to all, to people who truly loved me, even myself. Around march of this years was when I said, ENOUGH.


I read books on shame, vulnerability, and within reading, I realized that “I” was compassionate, lacked courage, and needed connection. I feared solitude. Why? Lack of love within myself. many people around me seemed to have their life together, and at 35, I felt that my “shit should’ve been together.” I was embarrassed about my path in life and where I was,

“‘I’m 35, bartender, I traveled, modeled, acted,  but what now?” as the cigarette in my hand gets lit,” what drives you Adyr, what wakes you up in the morning and keeps you going?” as I sip my coffee. ” why do you feel like nothing good happens, your lucky, you saw the world, had a career that people would kill for, your smart, good looking (hahaha I sound conceited there), what’s wrong with you?”  I exhaled and watched the sun set from my window.

I recall watching this girl fight with her boyfriend outside my place, as an old man waddles by with his head down, a mother on her phone as the nannies pushes there stroller with her kid, cause we all know her Samsung galaxy lifestyle makes it hard to walk her kid, and I wonder, “what’s their stories?” Why is the couple fighting, why is that old man Soo sad looking, and hell, why can’t she push her own kid instead of protecting her Samsung and LV bag.

Of coarse I laughed, then put my shirt on, looked at myself in the mirror for a few seconds and examined myself, flaws and all and said to myself, “adyr your a fucking idiot. your cool, you make people smile, laugh, your carefree,”

I continued, “remember when you never cared and the world was your oyster? It still is adyr, love, love everyone and everything. Be the care free man you once were, be that boy inside that was once curious, and smiled and believed everything was worth it even if it failed.” I smiled and put on some music by TOCO and finished my coffee.

Its been months since I saw that sad miserable face in the mirror. I laugh and laugh because I truly like it. I genuinely smile, and it brightens Peoples hearts around me.

Marco, my old friend I talked about earlier in my posts commented, “adyr you’ve changed, in a good way. You smile more and dance when we go out instead of sitting in the sidelines, of all my friends, your my favorite.” I blushed, not in a romantic way, but blushed, and thanked him. Then we both laughed as we watched the police on Melrose arrest a drunk man, and reflected on our pasts, experiences. Man we both had some crazy stories, but all in all, they were amazing experiences.

So now I don’t fear my loneliness, because in the long hall, are we ever truly alone? NOPE. Within my facing of my fear of loneliness, I began to connect with others, I accepted that I will have my days of solitude, but it would be all productive experiences alone, and within these positive thoughts, I will connect, and be much more courageous within my self. I stepped up to the plate with everything since then, I didn’t fear what other people thought anymore. I found out a lot about myself,

I’m experemely stubborn with my thoughts, I’m very impatient, I LOVE, truly love, I’m very compationate (although I can  be a bit of an oxymoron), but all and all I’m awesome, like my name “Adyr, in Hebrew means AMAZING,” and as life goes on, I will find out more about myself that will make me laugh, yell, and cry. I’m human, I can’t help it hahahahaha.

Remember this, God, will never give you anything you can’t handle, then smile and be fucking courageous.



Stranded in a cave and pitch black, the type of black where you can’t even see you own hand and inch from you face, my nerves run a muck. Believe me these nerves, or shall i say fears,  are the worst in the world, worse than the type where you think your partner is having an affair and you think about it all day, picture them kissing, caressing, etc. Or the type when you drink and smoke at the same time and you pray to God,

“please don’t let me die, i promise i wont drink or smoke again,” then attempt to wipe your face, look at the floor, toilet bowl that’s stained with you meal earlier that day,  and focus on no more dizziness, so, this cave is pitch black, and some moaning can be heard. In an instant, I magically happen to have a torch in my hand, and so I figure,

“hell, I bet I have matches or a lighter in my pocket,” LHM (Lord Have Mercy) there is a plain, open canvassed, Zippo, ready to light. I light, the torch lights, and the moans reveal a cell in front of me with a dozen vampires that resemble a person I know all too well.  I watch them reach their hands and scream at the light, the look of hunger and anger in their eyes and desperate reaches to grab my ripped white T-shirt make me take a few steps back as I examine these demons more. Chiseled features from cheek to chin, brown chino eyes, the glow of they pale skin against the torch, roman nose, small ears, and curly brown hair, these faces are a reflection of me, but why are there tons of vampires that look exactly like me?

Out of fear, I surprisingly find a jug full of gas, so I pour it all over these demons, and throw the torch at them. All was bright and silent, they scream, but no sound. With emotions of sadness, fear, anger, uncomfort, ect. I 180, and book the hell out of there without any idea where I’m going, just darkens. I think about my life, why I’m here, where am I, I’m alone, and why, I think of my family, mom, dad, Ali(my brother), Cyndi(my sister), and Brooklyn( my nephew) running in the background with the dogs, kicking his soccer ball as the dogs chase behind. I want to go home, I want to be with my family, my love, I want the comfort, no more darkness. my loud steps of distress pound faster, faster in sync with loud pounds of my heart, breath after breath. Finally from the distance a small light appears and expands as my speed increases towards it’s warmth.

A desperate gasp for air, and quick jolt to a satiated position, I’m back in reality. The clock says 330 am.

“it’s only a dream.” I’m get up and wipe the sweat off my face with tissue in the bathroom. “what the fuck just happens?”

Just a dream, thank god.

In the morning I decided to look up the meaning to all of this I had. Apparently, a vampire means that something is a drain to your energy, deceit.  Well, as I begin to analyze the dream it occurs to me that I am my worst enemy. The vampires were me, so therefore I was draining myself. Putting that to perspective the fact that I burned them, represents a cleansing from this situation.

I am the type to over analyze  everything in my life. Plus all this analysis does bring me stress, but what am I doing to myself to bring about soo much pain? I talk to a friend, Jose, gentle giant of a  Puerto Rican man, with a sass that would bring a any one to shame, and young at heart, about the whole dream and my situation.

“Adyr, you’re my bro, and I i hate to tell you this, but you are a masochist, look I know you’re going through a lot right now, and believe me I know, but get up, live, forget the past it’s in the past,” he then lights another cigarette, inhales, and exhales, like and old glamorous actress from the 30’s. He has a way to make everything seem amazing with his attitude of “I don’t give a fuck”, as he crosses his legs, and proceeds.

“because you burnt the vampires and ran away, could mean that you are moving on and creating a new you.” I join him with a smoke and smile.

“you’re right, I am.”

It’s been about a month since that conversation and everyday I wake up with a thought of what I want. My routine of gym, emails, work, music, and writing, has made me feel soo much better. There have been days where I get sad and remember good times with friends, the ex, my grandmother, but like that damn song from “Frozen” says,” LET IT GO….” My heart hurts less and less by the day, and I look to the sky, sigh, then smile. I’ll be ok no matter what happens to my in life. Why am I running from my issues, I should and am facing them now. I haven’t had any alcohol and other chemicals to keep me occupied and it feels great.  It’s time to face everything head on like a fucking Greek Spartan, and destroy any issue at hand, but I would love to close the book with nic.  It would be amazing to have a cup of coffee and talk to him. Apologize for my baggage that I carried.

Its funny how sometimes we are a reflection of our past relationship. I never thought I would be selfish person, all my life I was selfless, kind, caring, basically and unicorn, hah. After my last, I noticed a change, a resentment in me that I carried for years. I vowed to never let anyone into my heart, and well, that fucked up many good experiences in life. I’m sure I let plenty of people down  for my selfish ways. There is no regret, but lessons learned for my actions, and it’s quite depressing and relieving at the same time. Man, even the greatest person in the world can be such an asshole. All I can do now is “LET IT GO.”‘

A few days ago I had another conversation with yet, another friend, Brad, model, Latino, tan, tall, hyperactive, light brown straight hair, and always moving around said,

“every lesson you learn, is a leaf on a tree, this tree is you inside, your soul, and is stands tall next to a stream, when a bad experience happens, its a leaf that falls into the river and floats away,” he giggles, takes a deep breath, “remember Adyr, always look at that leave and remember the issue you had and LET IT GO, the stream will cleanse it, let the good ones stay on the tree and stay green.” He’s right.  Well shit my tree must look like a winter oak, hahaha all leafless, j/k. His analogy puts a smile to my face.

All anyone can really do is learn and move on. I am a good person, with some issues, but dammit, like my name means, I’m amazing. Be amazing, like my dream, I’ll make it to the end of that tunnel and take in that sun.

Adyr you can do this, “LET IT GO”






Hello world!

The beginning of this year has been a big slap in the face for me. It’s funny how sometimes traumatic situations silently creep up at you when you least expect it, like a snake ready and waiting to snatch it’s prey, and inject it’s venom of emotional baggage that seeps through the body and paralyzing every action that you try to make.   Montclair california, the inland empire of suburbia, what was once the hot spot back in the 80’s, where every average local Empirate’s day off from high school, work, church, etc; would enter a building containing a clutter of shops,  to check out the local trends that “Hot Topic” has to sell, or some chachki high end rhine stone product created in china that “clairs” has to send, would sit and people watch, grab a bite, date, etc. known as the Montclair Plaza. Now, due to outlet malls, and Rancho Cucamongas Victoria Gardens, It’s a meer memory of it’s once glorious lights, and buzz, of cars, girls (or boys), and parties and Acapulco. I, on the other had, decide to avoid the cool corporate trends, and go to a high end restaurant just at the edge of the mall, with two friends, Marco and John, to Chili’s. Known for their baby back ribs, margaritas, and tobacco was my meal for that evening.   After 30 mins of waiting, smoking, ignorant looks from locals, Sarah, the hostess with 2 inches of eyeliner, seats us at what would be a large table to LA’s equivalent, but it’s for two here, hah.   “How you feeling,” Marco, about 5’10,” african american, husky and well educated, asks, “you haven’t been yourself lately, I can see you smile, laugh, but girl, you got sad all over your eyes.”   “I’m coping,” sip my margarita, smile my fake, customer service smile, and look to and my drink, then spin my straw,”It’s hard right now, but eventually I’ll survive.”   John, latino, white, blue eyed and also husky,  comments,”I went to get my nails done, and the vietamies guy told me that you have to have had at least one traumatic experience, whether death, lost love, etc. before or at 35 to make the rest of your life easier, other wise it’ll be hard.”   “well i got it in threes hahahah… grandma, ex, and home, i better win the mega millions after this.” we chatted more and laughed about all the memories and about people in our lives.   It’s funny, that comment my friend said about “before or at 35” really hit me quick. I made me feel a little better, as in i’ll be okay. It’s hard losing a very close loved on, my grandmother was like a mother to me she played a huge role in my childhood. the loss of her made me needy, I couldn’t be alone, i wanted to have someone hold me in bed and tell me it was going to be okay.   I was helpless, for the first time I knew i couldn’t do anything about the situation. As someone who wants to be in control of his life and every situation that comes, for the first time all I was able to do was watch, and that image haunts me.   10:10 pm in feb, It sits in my head. The smell of sanitizer, beeping of the oxygen tank around my grandmother. Nurses check her her pulse, seconds seem like years as you watch the cituation. All i can do is think, “be free,” i would say to her. The nurse checks her watch,   “it’s time, 10:10, she gone,” man longest seconds of my life. she’s free now.I miss her.  Soon after my ex, officially became the “ex,” I move to Chino, and collect every piece of my shattered heart and try to find out where my purpose is.   I got hit hard this year. that snake bit me and left me paralyzed. Sleep was little, hunger non-existent, my spelling gone, and cigarettes became my friend. Like Queen says “the show must go on,” man. I smile, laugh, workout, joke, but inside…..empty. I try to find a reason to excuse this emptiness, to say it’ll pass, Adyr, get up. Your life in LA, friends, well the ones i thought were, gone.  Life is cruel, but the strong will survive, I tell myself everyday.   This time, as of now, is a time to reflect on my past times, what i’ve done, said, practiced, etc. and as I do, i pick up my phone and want to call Nic, but what do you say to the ex, Hi i miss you, hows your day, any new tricks, ahahah. He was my best friend, my equal, and now that’s gone, fuck. well, my path of life has hit a huge wall that i’m breaking down slowly, and within that, slow collapse, I find internal issues about myself the i forgot about. It’s kind of a pleasure, although it’s painful, but it’s fixable. Life isn’t speeding up around me as i move in slow mo any more. I can find pleasure with myself alone, although tough at times, i’m not dying, hah. I hit my trauma this year, the rest of my life WILL BE A BREEZE.   I love you Adyr. Then i spit my mouthwash out, look at my reflection. smile and go to the gym.   love thyself