Together, we are a genius

Salon gatherings where conversation creates an "us"

Upcoming salon

Upcoming salon

Los Angeles, August 31st, 7pm

AI, the body, and how we define intelligence.

As we begin to consider whether AI will become a force of its own or simply remain a tool, shouldn’t we ask whether true general intelligence is even possible without a body and its senses?

Click here to RSVP

"A talent for speaking differently, rather than for arguing well, is the chief instrument of cultural change. "

—Richard Rorty, Philosopher

Interdisciplinary salon gatherings where presentations by artists, writers, and scientists provoke curiosities, conversations, and connections around topics that matter to us all.

What it is

Get some wine and food. Get comfortable. Get interested. Get Engaged

What to expect

Each evening focuses on a subject important to our lives, bringing together artists, academics, activists, and others to share their work. Interdisciplinary curations means you might see a migration-themed performance, learn the ancient Greek democracy origins, take a crack at the US Citizenship exam, or engage with sociologists studying mass incarceration. After thought-provoking presentations by our guests, we engage in informal group discussions, expanding our habitual comfort zones to leave energized and nourished intellectually, spiritually, civically, and physically.

first person plural makes moments with aftermath

Why people come back

We gather people to share a room, share an experience, and let them share their mind. These gatherings often continue to impact us long after the event is over. The aftermath we hope for? Connection, curiosities, broadened perspectives and new friends and collaborators. Let these events inform, entertain, and challenge you, expanding the way you connect, think, and view our world and all those with whom you share it.

Photo: Effy Grey

Past Salons