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So is nudity allowed again here or na, i’ve been MIA

Woahhhhhh hello it’s been a minute

it’s been a while D: </3


yes but i don’t know what i would be doing.. and also i am the kind of person who wants to do 92734973 things but never goes thru with any of them because of being so overwhelmed with choices and paths. i started doing yoga videos on instagram (tinyalyyoga) and i can’t even post a video every week let alone 2. its hard, i feel like i have no time D: 


i def have photos touched up in certain areas when i do any modeling stuff.. i have the same fear as you, i’m way too self conscious and thats what has stopped me from shooting with anyone other than my bf @resolutionrepublic (@drop_photography on IG) bc i feel like i don’t look in these crazy HD cameras how i really look to myself. i have some insecurities for sure, so I’m in the same boat as you babe


i maybe go 3, 4 times a year in the spring/summer time. the city is a little overwhelming for me but also exciting. aaaand i have no idea i just walk around wherever i end up is something new.


nikon d800 and most recently nikon d850


mostly german, french


i had a very overwhelming life at the time i got that tattoo. i felt i was responsible for not only my happiness but the happiness and contentment of my family. a peace maker. we didn’t grow up in a good environment, a lot of abuse between my parents, unconsciously directed at my siblings and i.. i struggled a lot with making friends because of social anxiety. i had trouble maintaining relationships because nobody believed how bad my anxiety was. they would think i was weird or too quiet or awkward. i feel a lot of it stems from my home life. i really wanted to not be that way but i felt this is it, this is who i am. i can’t control it. i wasn’t sure what what wrong with me and why i was placed in this life. but i started becoming very conscious of myself and studying myself in a way. i finally had enough and began to find ways to heal myself and focus on being my best self but its hard a lot of the time, especially when you can’t control your brain chemistry when it comes to anxiety and social situations, etc. i heard the term “beautiful disaster” and i was like yes. this is what i feel like.


i am! i think i look taller because i’m thin


when i had it i didn’t like it, i was trying to get back to my bleach blonde look (i just feel the most like myself with this hair color) but when i look at older pictures i think it looked really nice. 


hello there