
  1. difficult to control or predict because of willful or perverse behavior.

Saturday 11 June 2016

10 days 10 ways - speaking out about my mental health struggles

A month or so ago I started posting some of the ways my family is affected by my mental health on my personal Facebook. Not because I wanted sympathy or attention but because I wanted do my part to raise awareness and create a feeling of solidarity. I hoped that my posts would give others courage to seek support and to stop suffering alone. But most of all I didn't want to suffer in silence anymore. Not that I am saying I don't have wonderful support. My husband is more patient and understanding than I ever could have hoped for! But the stigma attached to mental illness keeps a lot of sufferers silent. It makes people uncomfortable if you talk about being depressed. They can't or don't want to help so what are they supposed to say? We aren't visibly sick so people assume there is nothing wrong and wonder why we cancel plans at the last minute, or don't reach out or make plans at all.

This is what I posted yesterday. 
When something as simple as a trip to the grocery store renders you completely useless for the rest of the day. I am tired, there is a lump in my throat, my patience is non-existent, I am barely capable of a coherent thought let alone holding a conversation with my children or answering endless questions or breaking up endless squabbles. They asked for cereal for dinner and I delivered, simply because I do not have the will to make a meal just to watch them refuse to eat it.
I had planned to write this blog post yesterday but I signed in to blogger and decided to give my blog a makeover and next thing I knew it was 11.30 and I could barely see the computer screen anymore. I am so easily distracted that way. But hey my blog looks super pretty now and I figured out how to make the social media buttons actually work! Unfortunately I don't know how to add another one so that it can link to my Jamberry Facebook page but that's o.k. It can be a work in progress. This mama hasn't edited code since grade 10.

Tuesday 31 May 2016

Musings. Loss. Life.

Lately I've had a lot on my mind. A lot to say. Occasionally I'll type a big post on Facebook but delete before I post or I'll run through it in my head until it becomes an incomprehensible mess. Not everyone wants to read what's in my head but isn't that one of the reasons people keep blogs? To connect with an audience who want to read what they have to say? I can't keep a blog dedicated entirely to craft because sometimes my head is just too messy, my life is just too busy. But I have a lot to say. I have opinions and thoughts and stories and so much in my head.

Tonight my head is reeling after finding out this afternoon that a girl I worked with when I was 18 has passed in a car accident. It's been a good 7 years since I saw her last but it's still shaken me around a bit. She was a few years younger than me but I've remained friends with a few of the staff from there who were close with her, my brother in law and his mates were friends with her and their tributes on Facebook are breaking my heart.

I honestly can't count the number of young people I've known who have been lost in car/vehicle/other accidents or had their lives turned upside down because of them and I know this is probably a normal feeling but I can't get my head around it. A life so full one minute and gone the next. Is it even possible to comprehend such a thing? We're meant to live our lives entirely. Grow old.

We're meant to grow old.

Sunday 27 December 2015

A Beginner Blogger

Hey there,
If you are reading this then you have stumbled upon the inner ramblings of a beginner blogger. Congrats...I think haha. I have no idea how to keep a blog but I guess, like most of my projects, I'll figure it out on the fly. If you are also a beginner blogger then HEY THERE, let's embark on this journey together. (Seriously, I would love to check out your blog. Link me in the comments.)

I am The Wayward Crafter.

  1. difficult to control or predict because of willful or perverse behavior.

The Wayward Crafter is a personality that was born a little over two years ago on Facebook, and describes me to a tee. (I have since moved over to Instagram, as well as apparently becoming a beginner blogger.) I wanted a name that would let people know that I am unpredictable and that didn't confine me to one box, but that people could come to know and love. I am living with anxiety and depression and my motivation and interests depend very much on my mood. My lows can last for weeks, in which case you can usually find me playing Minecraft or pouring myself into my business, or I go the complete other direction and knit or sew for hours! Occasionally I will become so obsessed with making one thing that I will offer them for sale via my Facebook page or Etsy store though that doesn't happen often lately,what with 3 small people and my Jamberry business keeping me busy.

On the subject of my Jamberry business, OMG it is so much fun. I joined in October not long after they launched here and I have already met some amazing people. I have an incredible sponsor and currently have a team of 3 lovely ladies. I love sharing my knowledge, so this is the perfect role for me. It also lets me stay home in my other favorite role; Mummy. But that is another post for another time.

If you have made it this far then congrats again on making it through the rambling introduction of a beginner blogger. That is a serious achievement.

Until next time...