Starting Reception. Tips for a successful start to infant school.

Starting school can be an emotional experience for a child and their parents,  particularly if it’s your eldest or youngest child and it’s something you haven’t experienced before, or are unlikely to experience again.  With the summer holidays now in full swing, I am sharing  some tips with you which could help to make the process as smooth as possible. Having my eldest child just leave reception it is all very fresh in my mind. And I have it all to come in September again with my second child who will be going into reception. It can be a daunting and worrying experience, especially if your child did not attend the school’s nursery and is not familiar with the surroundings or the other children. Both of my daughters (going into Reception and year 1) did not attend the nursery class at their school. It is extremely common to go through a variety of thoughts and emotions. Saying goodbye to your little ones to go off to school may even be welcomed by some parents, but can still be emotional to begin. Particularly if you, like me, have summer born babies. Having two August born children, I certainly did not welcome the fact that my daughter, who had literally just turnt 4, was off to big girl school.  This year my daughter will have been 4 for just two weeks before she goes off to school for the first time also. I would still prefer her to start closer to 5 but have come to accept the school admittance process in the UK. Having a sister 12 months older it was also important to me to not hold her back and seperate them further in school years as they are so close in life in general. Hence my decision to start her in reception in September when she is currently still 3.

Enjoy the summer holidays and make some special memories with your little ones but do start to get them used to the fact that they will soon be starting school. Whatever your feelings about it, do be aware of what feelings you do and do not share with them. Speak positively about school and if ever feeling sad or anxious about it, avoid expressing this in front of them or when they are within ear shot. The anxious feelings are very easy to catch, if their grown up is feeling scared about the process they are likely to soak that up and start feeling that way too.  Tell them what your teacher was called when you went to school (make it up if you can no longer remember!) and familiarise them with their new teachers name.

Keep it positive! Make the process fun and start this in the holidays. Include them in picking their uniform and let them  have an input in what they would like. There are different style shorts, trousers, skirts, dresses, shoes and so on. There is enough variety out there to give them some of the responsibility to select what they prefer. There are also ways to make it enjoyable by perhaps letting them choose a personalised book bag or lunch box with their favourite character on, or in their favourite colour. We ordered our book bags and packed lunch bags online from where there were lots of design choice (including unicorns, footballs and various fonts and colours).54CD6E14-BB98-4DED-94D8-06D9291EEF03

And whilst on the subject of school uniform I would definitely recommend Velcro strap footwear for their first year at least. I’ve often been tempted by other, more attractive styles, but it is all about making things as easy as possible for them. Particularly when they will be expected to  take off, and put back on, their shoes independently after PE.

Over the summer practice some basics that they will be expected to know before starting school, such as putting on their own shoes.  Dont stress about the academic learning side of things but do be aware of some basics that will be needed for starting school. Below is a list of 5 things to work on over the holidays:

1. Taking off their coat and being able to hang it up (along with their bag). Aswell as being able to put it on for break times and home time.  To be even more prepared you could do a practice run of putting on their PE kit by themselves (giving them plenty of time to do so and encouraging them to take their time if they get in a muddle).

2. Going to the toilet independently, including flushing the chain and washing their hands.

3. Using a knife and fork ( particularly if they will be having school dinners). Using a jug to pour water into a cup would also be beneficial. Along with holding a tray.

4. Recognising their own name in writing so they can identify their own coat peg. It is desirable for them to write their own name, so that could be practiced over the summer but do not put too much pressure on them if they are not yet able.

5. They will be expected to be able to count 1-10 though 1-20 would be better still. Counting together is something you can do often and can be done pretty much anywhere… in the car, counting steps when walking, counting pennies, or incorparated in play with blocks or other items.

Practice and repetition really does work at making your child feel comftable in the tasks that are ahead of them.  It’s also a good idea to purchase,or rent from the library, a story book about starting school to read to them. I found it beneficial reading a story about school without it being all about them starting school themselves. It was helpful to listen to the story of somebody else experiencing it.

If you do have a child that suffers with anxiety or has trouble expressing their feelings then I would recommend purchasing a “Worry Plague” from The Irish Fairy Door Company. We recently got one and the girls have really taken to it when feeling uncomftable or concerned. These plaques are a fun magical way of getting your little ones to express their worries by placing their hand on the worry stone and sharing their worry. The plague changes colour and that indicates that the worry has been taken away with the fairies to solve it for them. Even children who are not very vocal will benefit by thinking of their worry when holding their hand on the plague then feeling the worry going away. These are good for children who are not yet able to write their worries down as they can just tell the fairies instead.  These may also be the thing to turn to if your child starts school and then at a later date decides that they do not like school or an element of it.  Do always focus on the positives of school but do let them know that there may be times when they feel tired or not totally fine and that they can, and should, tell their teacher,  who wants everyone to be happy at school.


The Worry Plague can be purchased from and some Smyths Toys stores.

If you know any of the mums who’s children are starting school with your child, it could be beneficial to reach out and arrange a park play date over the holidays to let the children meet before the school year begins. The mums in my daughters class all joined a closed, private, Facebook group also just for parents of the reception kids to share information about letters sent home, event dates, misplaced uniforms etc it was very helpful for me. It’s something you could suggest once the kids have started at school.

Just before school begins perhaps get some fun character, or nicely smelling bubble bath (or a bath bomb for mini bath bomb lovers) to look forward to using the evening before their first day.

Once they are doing full days at school do expect them to be tired so don’t plan too much after school during the first couple of months.  A celebratory dinner or ice cream treat may be very welcomed after their first day or week though and is a nice way to show them they are doing well, and that starting school is something to be happy about.

As tempting as it may be, try not to bombard them with questions about their day. It’s easier said than done as we want to know everything about their day, what they ate, who they played with, what their teacher is like.  Don’t expect them to answer too much as the majority of the time all I got back was “ I don’t remember”.  This is the most common response so don’t think it’s just your child who either doesn’t want to tell you, just cannot be bothered to, or really doesn’t remember.  I still haven’t figured out which one it is, or perhaps is a combination of all of them. When something exciting happens they will be sure to tell you.  It is also worth while taking a snack and drink when you go to collect them after school to prevent any hunger fuelled melt downs.  The snacks are always greatly appreciated by my little one the second she is out of the classroom and back with me.  She will have eaten it way before we are back home.

And lastly make the most of the time that you will now get to yourself if you are a stay at home mum. You may find yourself missing them during the day to begin with, but you will soon adjust to having more time to tackle other things. Whether you have other children at home, will be home alone, or go to work everyday, you will get much enjoyment over the next year watching your child develop new skills, learn to write and have fun during special school events and holiday seasons.  There are lots of fun things to look forward to such as sending cards at Christmas if you celebrate it, harvest festival where they learn about giving, and a particular favourite of mine is World Book Day in March, which most schools take part in.  The year goes far too quickly so make the most of it and try to go on at least one school trip or parent participating activity.  It is lovely to see your child in their school environment and getting an insight into how they are in their school setting.

Good luck to all your little ones making that big step into school life. Embrace the emotions, just try to remember to keep the negative ones away from the kids. Share your feelings and let them out, just preferably with other mums, friends, or family.  Although it is daunting they will soon settle in at their own pace and they will amaze you at how much they learn in a short amount of time once they get into the swing of things.

Have a happy summer and good luck little ones for September (and the mummies who may be needing it more!)






Easter aftermath … getting rid of those last chocolate eggs.

Easter aftermath … getting rid of those last chocolate eggs.

If you are anything like us and have eaten far too many chocolate eggs over the holidays but still have some left, here’s a little post with some ideas to put that left over chocolate to use. We have boxes still unopened but I did find myself coming across half eaten chocolate eggs in boxes, bowls and baskets… and to be honest I am quite sick of the sight of them now.

I wanted to rid my eyes of looking at Easter eggs but didn’t want to just bin them. I decided to make a fun afternoon of it with the girls, and got to work in the kitchen.

We put all the chocolate together in a saucepan and melted it down until it was a form of chocolate liquid. We decided we wanted to use it up to make a few different treats as we had a fair amount of chocolate.

We used our chocolate to make chocolate strawberries, chocolate tangerine segments and rice crispy cakes.

We took our strawberries and dipped them in chocolate, holding them over the saucepan to ensure the chocolate wasn’t going to drip (allow any excess to fall back  into the pan). We placed them on a tray to harden.  We then did the same with tangerine segments. You could also use chopped bananas.

With the chocolate we had left we used some rice crispys and covered them in the melted chocolate and allowed them to dry.   We used an old ferrer rocher tub we had for each cake but would have used paper cupcake cases if we had any at home.  Depending on what you have at home you could also use cocopops or cornflakes to cover in chocolate. We left the treats to dry and ate them a few hours later. They were yummy and seemed to go down much faster than the Easter eggs had. It also gave the girls something fun to do and was easy enough for them to do with a little guidance.  The final products were not visually perfect but were for home consumption and were the work of a proud three and four year old.

If you, like me, are truly over the festive chocolate and have a spare hour, melt it down and see what you come up with.


I have come across some great travel items ideal for travelling with toddlers and children. I am always on the look out for cool accessories and new products suitable to making life easier with kids. Travelling with 3 girls aged 3 and under I really did want to find products that would make my travels as easy as possible. Grandad coming along did help with the awkward airport process and transfers, but I found some gems that I had to share with you.

For any active kids who like to be on the go, we came across the Zinc Flyte Scooter bags… a suitcase that converts into a scooter! Genuis! A great way for children to transport their own case without having to drag or carry it. My two girls aged 2 and a half and 3 and a half absolutely loved them. I wouldn’t suggest the zinc case for anyone younger, and feel they would be even more beneficial to older children. The scooter case comes in two different sizes to cater to different ages (2-4 and 4-8).  They also come in several colours and designs suitable to both genders.  Their website also suggests a bigger scooter case will be coming soon!

Overall the flyte case was received very well with my children, although they are likely to topple over if the case is too heavy and filled fully, but this may because my children are fairly small and do not weigh much themselves.  The bright coloured designs are fun, stand out and drew lots of attention from other travellers. The cases are also cabin sized so can be riden right up to the plane and the wheels fold away when they are no longer being ridden. You can purchase these directly from their website and they are also stocked at and eBay.

I checked the flyte cases in with the hold luggage as I had another purchase that I wanted to test. Which brings me to my next item…. The BagRider which I purchased from Kidly online. The website also offered free and fast delivery (for purchases over £50) which is always a bonus.  The bagrider by Mountain Buggy was one of the best purchases ever and is a cabin sized suitcase with a toddler seat and wheels.  I was so excited to try the case out and was not left disappointed. The extra wheels pop out when you pull the handle up and it is extremely light weight, even with a child on. The soft seat is stored inside until you wish to use it and slips onto the handle, including safety straps to secure the toddler on.  It is ideal for older babies who can sit unaided and for children up to around 5 years old (or longer if they are light or small for their age). The Bagrider costs £80 and really was very well worth the money.  Pushchairs can be taken up to the plane steps but they aren’t there once you land. On landing they are with the hold luggage for you to collect once through the airport. The bagrider however fits easily down the isles of the plane and is a great seat for little tired legs when leaving the plane and going through passport control. I cannot recommend the bagrider enough as a cabin bag and will most certainly be taking it on my next holiday or overnight stay. You can purchase yours from 


The last item we purchased and took on our holiday was the Boostapak by Trunki. This is a great backpack that converts into a booster seat for those over 4 years old/ 2.5stone.  It only comes in two colours, deep pink and black,  or lime green and black. The overall appearance could be improved as the design isn’t very cute or particularly “kiddy”.  They are probably more attractive to older children who like plainer items. However the concept of the boostapak is very good. The bag itself is a generous enough size to fit any essential items and snacks in. Turn it over, pull out the arms and you have a booster seat. This is ideal if you are travelling by taxi (home or abroad) and don’t want to take car seats of your own but do want that extra safety. The seatbelt loops through the sides and there is an extra loop across the chest area to secure the seatbelt in place. My 3 year old also sat on the boostapak on the way out to our holiday for the duration of the flight. She was higher up and able to look out of the window without too much trouble, whilst still having the seatbelt tightly secured.  On the way back however the flight attendant asked that it be stored under the seat in front just for take off and landing.  Another benefit of the boostapak was also some extra storage space for the items inside without counting as an actual bag.

We purchased our boostapak from Argos but you can also find them online directly through their website. They currently cost £44.99 and you can also find a video of the boostapak on our YouTube channel : milancohen


Ambilical cord grossness!


Day 2 after dropping off.
Healing nicely at 8 weeks old.

After recently giving birth to my third beautiful baby girl I have felt totally at ease about mother hood. Being that my girls are only 2 and 3 the baby years were not that long ago and I was pretty relaxed about caring for a newborn. One thing I had somehow forgotten however was how gross the ambilical cord is when it starts to fall off. I do remember with my first how bad the area smelt but I hadn’t remembered exactly what it looked like when the stump had finally fallen off. Or perhaps it’s just because this time was different…

After 8 days the hanging peg and what was left of the cord came off much to my liking. It looked painful hanging on by hardly nothing for the previous 2 days, though it didn’t seem to bother her at all.  I was glad that it was off. No more worrying about catching it on her nappy or clothing but I was fairly suprised and uneasy about what it now displayed.  I do not recall my first two’s looking soo open and it made me feel rather concerned.  The belly button was now what appeared a hole full of yellow puss. It wasn’t oozing out but it was fairly bright yellow gooey looking liquid. Totally gross!  I immediately took to google to find out if this was “normal” despite knowing every baby will heal differently.  After searching several medical sites, mum chat room sites, and images , I was happy to discover it was perfectly normal and nothing to worry about. The skin around the belly button was the same colour as the rest of the body and no rednesss was present so it was unlikely to be infected…. still I didn’t like the look of it but kept the area dry and decided to give it 24hours to see if the “hole of gunk” had improved.  Much to my pleasure the next day the yellow had turnt to red inside and now looked like dried blood.

To care for the umbilical stump and belly button I kept the area clean and dry. I have seen several posts regarding cleaning with different products but I stuck with water only, and not too much. Keeping the area dry and airy is the most important way to help the healing process. Within 2 days the belly button skin had formed over the previous yellow puss hole. My little bambina now has a cute little “outtie” with no a hint of yellow or red in sight.  So any new or expectant mums out there…if you come across a gross looking wound left by the ambilical cord, DO NOT PANICK!  It is very normal!  If the area around the belly button is much redder than the rest of the tummy or there is bleeding, keep it dry, leave it a day (provided it is just a little blood) and if it hasn’t improved and the redness hasn’t gone away this could be a sign of infection and it’s best to seek medical advice. Do note that it is nothing to get upset or stressed about, just get it seen to by your GP of health visitor and your little bubba’s belly can start to heal.


If you are an Instagram user you can check out my newest editions page: @bubbacohen




The B Box Baby Changing Essentials Box

img_2819IThe B Box essentials case is a great little invention that was recently brought to my attention. For days out, shopping trips and quick appointments, these compact little changing essential cases are a god send. These boxes can fit easily under your pram or into your handbag and are easy to grab out for a quick pop to the baby change area.

The boxes come in four different fun colours/patterns. The box comes with a wipeable lightweight change matt inside. These are pvc free and perfectly safe for newborns. They are ideal to place on top of the public changing table.

The hard plastic case has a section to place baby wipes in, which can then be accessed while the box is closed. Or can be accessed inside when open. These can be topped up when needed. There is room for 2/3 nappies to fit inside and I have also placed some nappy sacks inside of mine easily without struggle.

The only downfall is the opening button which is a tad stiff,  and doesn’t open easily straight away. I’m hoping it loosens over time. Otherwise it is a great product that will bring convenience to a lot of mums. It is also an ideal item for dads who may not want to carry a big bag around.

The essential case by B Box retails around £14.99 and is compact and sturdy.

Disneyland Paris

We have just returned home from a trip to Disney. It was so much fun but very tiring too. The experience was brilliant. It is a must do for anyone with kids of any age but my main tip would be to do a plan of action before arriving.  Check out the timetable for that week and plan ahead for sure. We made the mistake of just going in a directional order moving from location to the next and so on. My main tip is to plan your day starting with the character meets if that is on your to do list. We made an error in doing rides Inbetween and resulted in missing out on photos with certain characters including the main man, Micky.  Disney opens 10-10 (8am for those staying in a Disney hotel) but the characters are only scheduled up to 4/4:30 and 5:00pm.  But the rides go on much later into the night. So see your favourites first and then do the rides after.

imageWhen purchasing tickets I do recommend fast track as you can collect your ticket at the ride entrance and will have a 30 minute time slot to come back later and avoid the queues. This was a great buy. However do note that they aren’t great for very young children as there are only 2 rides in the Disney park that you can use fast track on (Peter pan & Buzz light year lazer) and one other in the Walt Disney studio (if you have hopper tickets).  The Peter Pan’s flight was a personal favourite of mine and had no height restrictions. The fast track is definitely best suited for adults and older children as you will get more use out of it. The rides with fast track are mainly those rides not suitable for toddlers.  We also assumed that Woody would be around in the Walt Disney studios park as there is a Toy story area, but he actually has meet and greets in the main Disney park. You really do need to plan in advance as we missed out on seeing him, though he did make an appearance during the main parade at 5:30pm which made my little girl’s day. Get a space for the parade from around 4 45pm and not much later as people really do not accomadate small children even if they are adults with no children of their own. They did not generally let the small ones through to see, which was quite frustrating considering it would have made no difference to their own view.  It is every man for themselves when it comes to parades and displays so get a good position in advance!

You do need a full day in the Disney park including the evening to see the fireworks. The Walt Disney studios has lots to see but you could get away with less hours in there (a day would be adequate). There are experiences you can book in the Disney Village if you are staying for more than 2 days. You do not need tickets to access the village which contains food outlets and shops. It is located by the entrance of the parks.  Buffalo Bill’s Wild West show is one that has been recommended by many and can be booked for a dining experience that is suitable for children and adult’s alike.

The fireworks were the main cause for my excitement before going to Disney and I  had been looking forward to them the most. They do not start until the park rides close at 10pm and although it is a long day they are worth the wait. The displays were truly magical for any age group and cover a range of Disney favourites (Lion King, Tangled, Princess and the Frog etc). Do hold out for them. They will probably be some of the best displays you will see in your lifetime and really do end the day on a magical high.

Top tips:

-Do take a pushchair for anyone under the age of 6. It is a very long day for anyone let alone little legs.

– You can take in your own sealed snacks/drinks to have whilst queuing. Take along rain macs if you have previously purchased some. Kids rain cover macs cost €8 and adults €10.

– Plan your day using that week’s schedule which you can get online one week in advance only. Save some rides until later in the day once the characters have finished meet and greets.

– Stock up on Disney goodies! If you are visiting this side of Christmas do check out the amazing Christmas bauble decoration collections in many of the shops.  The tree decorations are surprisingly cheaper than those in the UK Disney shops and there is a much wider variety. I saw so many beautiful pieces but I have a real Christmas  tree and many were far too heavy for real branches. If you have an artificial tree then there are some really lovely glass baubles that aren’t available at home. They were generally priced at €9.99 and make a stunning Disney visit keepsake.

– Take a portable phone charger for emergencies as you don’t want to run out of battery at important photo opportunities! You can take a charger wire and plug with adapter also to have a boost when you stop for food breaks. There may be some plugs around but incase there aren’t do try to take a smaller portable with you. You can find these reasonably priced on Amazon or eBay.


Harrods for the Mini Shopper

Harrods for the Mini Shopper

This weekend we took a trip to Harrods to do a spot of shopping for new shoes. I did consider letting my toddler walk throughout the day but decided to take the pram last minute as it was inevitable Milan would get tired and ask to be carried. So Stokke it was! The xplory is so stylish that it’s practically a fashion accessory for mums anyway. Dressed in a faux fur trim skirt and collar she really did look a picture against her Stokke sheepskin liner, she looked very much the part.

I immediately noticed the staff were not as attentive as they have been in previous years when opening doors and welcoming shoppers in. The door opening was left to Nanny, and this was the case entering and leaving. Other than that, it was just the fourth floor that wasn’t great with a pram as many areas have steps that lead to different departments. There is a ramp but it is at one end of the floor and requires anyone with a pushchair to take the long route each time, or struggle with the stairs. It isn’t a big issue but not ideal seen as it is the children and baby department.

Our main reason for the visit was to purchase some new shoes for Milan and visit the Disney department.  Both areas fulfilled our expectations and made for a pleasant time.  The shoe department has changed in recent years and now has its own room within the “Children’s Kingdom”. There is a large variety of styles and brands ranging from high street to top end designers. They do stock some stunning footwear and is every mini fashionista’s idea of shoe heaven.  Some of the price tags were too steep for a toddler but we found a beautiful pair for £76 by BabyWalker. Some might feel this is still too expensive for a two year old but you do more often than not get what you pay for. If a shoe has extra detail and quality then it is worth paying more for, particularly if they are to be kept for best. They do generally last longer too. The pair Milan chose were Mary Jane style with a Swarovski crystal strap. Not too in your face but not plain Jane either. Subtle bling and very girly. The brand is one we haven’t purchased before but generally had a beautiful collection for little girls.

The staff in the shoe room were attentive without pouncing on you. I do find it very annoying when staff appear to follow you around whilst shopping. I like to know they are there if needed, but to be left to look in peace. Which is what we got. Milan was kept entertained on one of the many soft seats (a must for every shoe department) whilst playing on one of the iPads available for the children. This is the first time I have seen any games or entertainment in a children’s fashion department and it made a huge difference in keeping Milan happy. So a big thumbs up for that.  Walking around the rest of the department we came across a colouring wall also where children could stop and do some colouring; just another point of interest for children shopping.

We were all excited to visit Disney and the Harrods Disney is that extra bit special. From a life size Belle figurine to a rotating Disney princess dress display, it really is quite magical for a child. Milan was pretty drawn to the crystal Minnie Mouse figurine, more so for the crystals than the Minnie Mouse ( she is more a Disney princess fan). The store also has The Disney Cafe where there are more life size figurines and Disney movies showing on the screen. We didnt eat there as Milan was out numbered 3 adults to 1 child.

We decided on The Burger Bar for lunch, a modern and casual dining area on the fourth floor. The food is pretty expensive for fast food and a soft drink will cost you £4.35.  There wasn’t any kids meals on the menu nor were we offered a separate kids one.  I settled for fries and hellumi bites for Milan costing £13. She thoroughly enjoyed her meal as did we all.  The food was fresh and tasty and the staff very friendly. The total for 3 adults and one toddler was £115 which included one portion of nachos to start and the 4 mains accompanied by two soft drinks and two proseccos. Not the cheapest fast food lunch I’ve had but no complaints with the quality of the food and the cost is fairly average for dining in Harrods.  The Burger Bar isn’t overly child friendly but they did provide a high chair and the staff were relaxed and happy to have us which always makes a huge difference to any parents dining experience.

We will be returning to Harrods in August once Milan turns 3 to visit the Bippity Boppity Boutique for a birthday treat. During their visit to the princess themed area the children can dress up into their very own Disney princess dress, have their hair styled and receive their very own tiara. There is an experience available for boys too. It is something I have wanted to take Milan to since it opened but the minimum age is 3, so no visit for her baby sister this year which is a shame that they can’t experience it together. Milan will take two friends who are already 3 instead and make a fun day of it. She is very girly and loves playing dress up and being a princess so it has always been on our to do list. Check back in August and we will let you know how we got on and if it really is as magical as it appears.



Little Miss Milan about town …

Little Miss Milan about town …

Where to start? Welcome to my blog … My space all about living with a little one, kiddie fashion and the adventures of my two year old. Milan about town is dedicated to a fun loving, bright and fiery little female …. Milan…. My mini fashionista! If you haven’t come across her yet, do give her a follow on Instagram: @milancohen

Milan is a greeny-blue eyed, blonde, Leo baby. She came into the world via emergency c-section after a 16 hour induced labour, 5 days early. Her very first cry hit me straight in the heart and it’s never been the same since. That feeling of overpowering, emcompassing love, that pierces every inch of your body and soul is something that only a parent could understand. With just one cry she had me. Full blown hook, line and sinker in love and the feeling hasn’t left. Infact the feeling only deepened when I welcomed my second baby girl just one year and 5 days later.

This blog will share the adventures of Milan and her baby sister, their fashion, hobbies and days out. We are guilty of loving all things girly, sparkly, fluffy, frilly … But not too over the top. I do try to avoid tacky; though a bit of tack once in a while never hurt anyone… As long as it’s a very long while! Sometimes it cannot be avoided with a diva toddler.  Thankfully I have one baby left who doesn’t care less what she wears still. The other just takes a little more persuading some days.  Milan is generally very good with her wardrobe but she would chose tutus and wellies every day if she could! I do love that she loves clothing and accessories already from such a young age. I guess fashion is about being comfy and confident in your own skin, expressing yourself and having some fun. You are never too young or too old to be part of the art of fashion!

Hope you enjoy catching up with our posts in the near future, reviewing different children’s fashion outlets, days out around London and Essex, and kiddy products that catch our eye.


Love Milan’s mummy
