
Knitting News

  While I was visiting my grandchildren last week, I did not knit one blessed stitch! (and interestingly the residual wrist pain is gone....) So all the progress you see on this first sock  is from Sunday evening til now. So far, I am not loving the color-way of this skein but maybe I'll change my mind. I do love the way it feels in my hand though. Also, I'm not sure if there is a repeat in the color-way so these will probably not be matchy-matchy socks. That will be hard for me to accept, I do thrive on socks matching. What are you working on this week?


  Hello! How are you? My husband and I visited our son and daughter in law in Indiana for most of last week and this past weekend. We spent quality time with our 2 year old grandson and our 7 month old granddaughter. We are both exhausted!! I am amused at how I cannot remember being tired taking care of little ones in my youth, I must have had a ton of energy back then. Also I didn't have an autoimmune disorder that basically sucks the life right out of me. Even though I have physical challenges, I manage to love them up as much as I can. I will be resting and recovering this week. We had great weather while we were there and we ate out almost every day. (no cooking if you know me and my love of that). Our grandson talks up a storm and we have 'conversations' that are delightful. Sometimes I know what we are talking about! We are now home and I am going to 'play catchup' with all of you over the next few days.

Knitting News

  Good morning! I started this scarf at the beginning of April and it is a Christmas gift. I had a spare skein of malabrigo yarn lace and according to the directions I should have enough yarn. We shall see! I have to concentrate while knitting this so I only work on it a few times a week while I still have non-credit classes to attend. I will be having a few weeks off before the summer sessions start so hopefully I will have more time to knit! What are you working on this week?


  How was your weekend? My weekend was spectacular - the most important news is that I made it to the diabolical section of my sudoku book. I do a puzzle during lunch and now that I'm in the diabolical range a puzzle takes me a few lunches to figure out. Delightful!! Do you puzzle? If not you should, it's fun. I also do the NYT puzzles on a daily basis.  My husband started ripping off the deck floor because it was rotting and what was to be a simple job has turned into fixing many mistakes when it was built. Nothing ever goes to plan does it? I think he's happy out there.  I did a lot of reading and finished the 14th book ( The Locked Room ) in the Ruth Galloway series by Elly Griffiths and I have already started the 15th book which is also the last book in the series. My knitting has been nice. I continue to knit for limited amounts of time because of the fantastically healing wrists.  Those precious knitting times are a joy. My wrists are a joy as well. I've got a mig

Spring Fling

  Spring has sprung around here! I take such great delight on my walks, drinking in the spring views and listening to all the birds. Sometimes I know who is singing and sometimes I have no clue and use the Merlin app to identify my mysterious bird singer. We had some work done at our house this week. At the beginning of the week, we had the plumber come to do some jobs around the house and install a new water heater. Ours was still working but it was aging and we wanted to replace it before it broke down. Yesterday, we had the concrete leveled for the back patio and for the front walkway. Nothing terribly exciting but necessary. I love spring because I see neighbors outside working in their gardens and it's nice to say 'hello' and catch up with each other. Yesterday was a beautiful knitting day. I worked on the scarf and the socks . What could be better than that? Probably starting yet another project but I didn't. My wrists have been behaving and I continue to be mind

Swizzle Socks

  Good morning! I finished another pair of socks for my husband and promptly cast on another pair. I enjoyed this colorway but, gosh, it was a challenge to match the two socks up (but I did a good job!). Once I am done filling his sock drawer, I will be thrilled to be knitting other projects that are on my mind. I should write down my ideas so I do not forget. What are you working on this week?


  How was your weekend? I'm on a roll with having quiet weekends and this one was really restive. The only event that caused some hiccups was the crazy windy rainy weather that knocked out power for moments at a time. We held our breath waiting to see if it was permanent and luckily it was not. Phew. On Saturday we went for a country drive north of us and did a little bit of shopping (one was a grocery store so that wasn't exciting but they carry things I cannot get locally). We enjoyed seeing the greening trees and spring bursting everywhere. Sunday morning, we attended Mass and then the rest of the day was laundry.  All weekend long I was either reading or knitting. What a great way to spend a weekend. The top photo is a scarf and the bottom photo is a never ending hat in K1 P1 ribbing. How was your weekend?