• friend: they're flirting with you
    • me: no they're not..
    • friend: they really are how do you not see this?
    • me: i've yet to hear them say, "i am romantically interested in you, dating would be swell." until i hear that it is never certain.
  • inkskinned:

    before you make fun of a person doing something brave and vulnerable like dancing or singing or reading poetry in front of a lot of people:

    1. don’t.

    (via gabellls)

  • helpoursoulstonight:

    Stay low,” They say, “Stay low.” (x)

    (via gerardarthurwhy)

  • misscokebottleglasses:

    Do you ever fall in love with your favorite band all over again? Sometimes I forget how much the music means to me, and then at random times it will hit me and I’ll get the same feeling in my chest I felt years ago when I first heard them. It’s one of my favorite feelings in the entire world.

    (via fluorescentadolencee)