Anonymous asked:
Yo man I been in the hospital and shit and it took me away from photography and changed me fr now I'm just finding myself no weird shit fr cause this my story. And me and my homie "he does fashion" grinding. 1 question. just need a good lens to shoot clothing And anything else. Any suggestions pricy or maybe not pricy. It don't matter. We back with it. Thanks for the help.


yo man I hope everything is well. keep grinding! but I never really shot clothing but if I did i would do it with a 50mm or a 35mm a 24mm might be a little on the wide side but maybe you ant that! i hope that helped man. no problem


NYC Rain - Nov 2015

Photography by Jose Tutiven

Tumblr / Instagram / Twitter / Flickr

(via followtutes)

Anonymous asked:
Yo man I been in the hospital and shit and it took me away from photography and changed me fr now I'm just finding myself no weird shit fr cause this my story. And me and my homie "he does fashion" grinding. 1 question. just need a good lens to shoot clothing And anything else. Any suggestions pricy or maybe not pricy. It don't matter. We back with it. Thanks for the help.


yo man I hope everything is well. keep grinding! but I never really shot clothing but if I did i would do it with a 50mm or a 35mm a 24mm might be a little on the wide side but maybe you ant that! i hope that helped man. no problem

Queen City 🌆

Anonymous asked:
are you in college? and do you ever want to move out of detroit?


i dropped out of college. not for me! I love my city, but I feel like I’m in a box being here. I want to grow as a photographer and a person and Detroit isn’t the place for substantial growth.

"I want to be around people that do things. I don’t want to be around people anymore that judge or talk about what people do. I want to be around people that dream and support and do things."

Amy Poehler  (via chaildish)

(via oceanicavenue)


All photos taken by Dwight Foster!
Tumblr: @originalisdope
Twitter: @DwightsAlright
IG: dwightsalright


It’s all about the details! #BeTheArt

(via dyshere)