
- Born as Kiara- Go By Kiwi- Love, Lust & Laugh- No Regrets :D-

New Jersey ✈️ North Carolina 📍29-October 1st- Libra's Rule the World- AfroCuban- Veterinary Assistant- Penn Foster Graduate '2013- Iphone 📱"Success makes so many people hate you. I wish it wasn't that way. It would be wonderful to enjoy success without seeing envy in the eyes of those around you." - Marilyn Monroe


Happy Birthday, Uzui Tengen! [10.31]


Lynette Yiadom-Boakye (Ghanaian-British, b. 1977, London, England) - 1: In Lieu of Keen Virtue, 2017  2: Brief in the Lanes, 2018  3: Brothers To A Garden, 2017  4: Waves and Crests, 2019  5: A Whistle in a Wish, 2018  6: No Objection to Noises, 2019  7: An Assistance of Amber, 2017, Paintings: Oil on Canvas

(via the-krown)

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