Bury Me In Honour

Elli, Sydney. These are a few of my favourite things...

  1. nessa007:

    Oliver Jackson-Cohen and Victoria Pedretti photographed at The Haunting of Hill House Premiere in Los Angeles, California, on the 8th of October, 2018

  2. 2,338 notes
  1. sunshinepanic:

    Geralt of Rivia is just a whole ass mood

  2. 14 notes
  1. naked-panda:

    midsommar 2019

  2. 147 notes
  1. filmswithoutfaces:

    Midsommar (2019)
    dir. Ari Aster

  2. 1,506 notes
  1. riggles323rd:

  2. 2,770 notes
  1. avesatanormalpeoplescareme-deac:


    Midsommar (2019)

  2. 1,969 notes
  1. whydiduleavemefalling:



    “It’s you and me babe, it’s always gonna be you and me.”

    και οι αλλοι τραγουδαγαν him and I και μετα χωρισαν.

    Hahahahaha thumasai? Mou to xes afierwsei.

  2. 8,018 notes
  1. 8,906 notes
  1. thedesignateddriver:

    Bran, in front of everyone: Arya killed the Night King

    Gendry, from the back of the crowd: THAT’S MY WIFE!!!

  2. 11,662 notes
  1. just-good-design:
“Carlos Amorales, The Damned Hour, 2019
Fondazione Pini, Milan


    Carlos Amorales, The Damned Hour, 2019
    Fondazione Pini, Milan

  2. 10,377 notes
  1. re-x:
“Theon and Sansa’s reunion. Helen Sloan/HBO


    Theon and Sansa’s reunion. Helen Sloan/HBO

  2. 698 notes
  1. damstevens:

    In the name of the Warrior, I charge you to be brave. In the name of the Father, I charge you to be just. In the name of the Mother, I charge you to defend the innocent.

  2. 3,748 notes
  1. 4,978 notes
  1. whiskeycherrypie:
“saving people, hunting things. the family business.


    saving people, hunting things. the family business.

  2. 17,894 notes
  1. 1,365 notes
Bury Me In Honour