
Im Jesica , But i go by Jes, or J-Babii
I'm Lesbian & I'm Proud
Born in Hawaii raised everywhere, In Virginia where my friends are family
I'm old enough to do what I want when I want who I want where I want, don't like it don't care..
I have a son who is 1 and he means the world to me I dont get to see him like I would like to but I love him more then anybody ever could. the connection we have is incredible!
I Love you Kyle James 7.27.13

Don't Be afraid to write in my ask box , i don't bite, to hard!

The signs and their inner fear


Aries: Being forgotten

Taurus: Ending up alone

Gemini: Suffering

Cancer: Betrayal

Leo: Never loving

Virgo: Losing everyone

Libra: Loss

Scorpio: Never finding happiness

Sagittarius: Death

Capricorn: Never being good enough

Aquarius: Never succeeding

Pisces: Failure

(via zodiacsociety)


date a girl who can’t stop smiling when you both make eye contact

(via unhingedhearts)

it’s difficult for them to express themselves


taurus, cancer, virgo, scorpio, aquarius, pisces

(via zodiacsociety)

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