Am I there Yet?

I can’t wear yellow anymore, it’s too matchy-matchy with my #catheter - #joanrivers was truly a #funny #lady #lol

I can’t wear yellow anymore, it’s too matchy-matchy with my #catheter - #joanrivers was truly a #funny #lady #lol

“I can’t wear yellow anymore. It’s too matchy-matchy

“I can’t wear yellow anymore. It’s too matchy-matchy

#Thankyou @inhisdivineplan for this awesome #gift. You made my day! #hbd #friends

#Thankyou @inhisdivineplan for this awesome #gift. You made my day! #hbd #friends

#Dr #Sheik Umar #Khan died for his #passion… Makes me think… #sheikkhan #ebola #virus

#Dr #Sheik Umar #Khan died for his #passion… Makes me think… #sheikkhan #ebola #virus

Quarter-scale replica of #Butterfly ball gown designed by #CharlesJames #Chicago #Chitown

Jeez Louise! Pick a #struggle #LOL

Jeez Louise! Pick a #struggle #LOL