Animated Nyan Cat Sparkly




This is … kind of crazy, because it shows pretty perfectly the differences in urban planning. To build like that is a choice, not a need.

This is Real Madrid’s stadium (80k seats):


This is FC Barcelona’s (100k seats):


This is Paris Saint Germain’s stadium (50k):


This is Wembley (90k):


This is Boca Junior’s (57k)


This is Japan National Stadium:


There shouldn’t be any infrastructure or building in any city where people could not just … walk there.



thinking about how i just… never complained about anything as an undiagnosed autistic kid. i was dressed in button-down shirts that made me feel like i was choking all day to the point i could only think about that and corduroy pants that filled my ears with nothing but the sound of the fabric rubbing between my thighs all day. i was fed food whose texture made me feel sick. i was scolded for being strange and rude when i was going out of my way to be nice or helpful. 

but i never brought it up. when i had tantrums or cried, it was always about tiny unrelated things that set me off after all the stress had built up. i knew that these experiences were uncomfortable, but seeing no one else around me complain about them just made me assume that life was meant to be kind of painful in those ways. 

even today it barely crosses my mind to tell people when i don’t like something, and i’m quick to accept requests that are actually too much for me because of the idea that everyone else can do it. ironically, most neurotypical people are much better at saying that they don’t want to do something, even when this is often due to something as simple as not feeling like it as opposed to me who is struggling due to sensory, executive function, or socializing issues. 

i wish i had learned earlier that it’s not just good, but also necessary to tell people when something is hurting you. that you’re both allowed and supposed to take action to make life less painful for yourself, especially when that pain isn’t going to earn you anything. i wish i was able to make requests for my own good without automatically feeling guilty for being ‘selfish’. 

This hits terribly close to home.