

Throwback to the most beautiful journey in my life.

My goal this year (and life) is to be & feel like the person in these pictures. The pictures were taken in May 2018, during my journey in Nothern Ireland. I hiked through breathtakingly beautiful nature and my body was strong enough for me to enjoy it. Surrounded by nothing but mountains, sea & wind, I felt so at peace. This is where I experienced true happiness.

Every fiber in my body wants to go back to this place. This desire is part of my motivation to get fit and healthy.






Like several other countries, masks should have been considered common courtesy here for even every last cold bug.

Watching millions of pacific asian ppl wear masks during flu season & thinking ‘but we don’t have any reason to do that in the west’ is like the definition of western chauvinism

“not wearing masks while sick” is the Western equivalent of Korean fan death



maybe the answer to some mental health problems like depression and anxiety isn’t just therapists telling you it’s gonna be okay and psychiatrists giving you prozac maybe it’s just providing housing and some kind of life stability through public services which we pay millions in taxes for

🔊 y e s 🔊

“  MAYBE COVID-19 WILL FINALLY MAKE YOU EMPATHISE WITH CHRONICALLY ILL PEOPLE? As more people have to isolate, they are getting a small glimpse into what it’s like to be chronically ill:⁣
• It’s extremely isolating and gets lonely⁣



As more people have to isolate, they are getting a small glimpse into what it’s like to be chronically ill:⁣

  • It’s extremely isolating and gets lonely⁣
  • It’s difficult to make plans, because you don’t know what the future holds⁣
  • At first it seems nice to watch Netflix all day, but that gets old real quick⁣
  • It’s not a vacation.⁣
  • It’s scary when/if you know the situation will get worse⁣
  • There’s a ton of misinformation on social media, quacks who have “the cure"⁣
  • There’s also people on social media who think you’re just being hysterical⁣
  • You can’t just spend the days hanging out with friends and going to cafés.⁣
  • The economic consequences are huge⁣
  • You can become dependent on government benefits due to a situation out your control⁣
  • Social media becomes a necessity for staying connected with the world⁣
  • There’s a lot of worrying, uncertainty and anxiousness you will have to learn to live with⁣
  • You realize what’s really important in life, and that you can’t take your health for granted⁣
  • Dedicated healthcare workers are your heroes⁣
  • You can’t do whatever you want, but you can learn to focus on the things you can control

This is obviously not a perfect comparison. Like we’re missing the symptoms, pain and fatigue 🤷🏼⁣

This whole COVID-19 situation is terrible. But if a small good thing can come from this, I hope more people will realise that being isolated in your own home due to something out your control isn’t “nice time off”. It’s not fun when you don’t have a choice. And now that society is figuring out how to do so many things (like doctors appointments) digitally, I hope some of those services will remain open to the chronically ill and disabled people who could really use them in the future.⁣

And while some reactions to the country shutdown has been negative and disrespectful, it is heartwarming to see how many people are stepping up, helping out their neighbours and doing whatever they can get to us through this. Thank you!

Whether you’re chronically ill or not, I’m sending you massive hug in these trying times ❤️



1.7% of people are intersex, 2% have green eyes, and 1.5 percent are redheads, but yeah red is a natural hair color, green is a natural eye color, and being intersex is a ‘deformity’. Keep pretending gender isn’t a social construct

0.0006% of people in the world live in Ireland and we all agree that People Live In Ireland.