Foods that are best eaten with Gourmet Unnie Kimchi


We’re currently in the onset of a pandemic, and what better way to prevent ourselves from getting sick than to keep our immune systems robust? While there are a lot of vitamins and supplements we can rely on, the best way is still to go natural and eat foods that are rich in those vitamins extracted for capsules and tablets. One of the foods that are vital to consume these days is the Korean Kimchi.

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4 years ago / 1

I’m back on my personal blog

I have finally decided to separate my personal blog and my pop culture blog. I will focus more on the latter, but there are times when I want to write journals and share my lifestyle and food experiences. This is the space for my nitty-gritties. Please bear with me. :)

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4 years ago / 0

The emergence of Honesty Jeepney in Davao City amidst the COVID-19 crisis

The current pandemic has raised several questions and concerns regarding every country’s political system such as healthcare and budgeting. These concerns evolve into a more serious trajectory–people’s trust in the government and its people. When people do not exactly know where to turn and put their faith into, they rely upon themselves, and how to survive all alone with a few loved ones.

What I…

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About me

I am a millennial writer and entrepreneur full of curiosity about our abstract world. I devour Psychology, Food, Philosophy, and prefer Cats as my all-time company. Pop Culture is my kryptonite.