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Storm queen/swamp mermaid/summer thunder skies &thighs/low-pressure/high-femme-hurricane hair looks💨🌪💨

This summer has been full of extreme weather here in New England, with unprecedented torrential rainstorms, tornados, high heat. Our basement floods with groundwater every storm, and the mosquitos have been breeding like, well, mosquitos. I share weird, small pockets of myself on here- sometimes I dig deep, but narrow, like a core sample, but most of the times I stick with the topsoil content. The middle stuff- the roots, the mycelium and networks of fauna and earth holding it all together- I’m more reticent to reveal, and I’m not sure why.

But to share a little, I would like to say that my life is following the rhythm of these storms, and these mosquitos, and right now it’s all I can do to keep my basement dry, try not to get too many bites, and maybe get some swimming in. It’s still been a beautiful, brilliant summer, but the floods and bugs have been a bit more than I can bear. Perhaps this hair will act as a token of homeopathic relief, and allow me to embody some of the power surging through these tumultuous skies.

Ok, here’s the situation. So much is going wrong right now, across this entire planet. It feels like the end of the world, and maybe it is. A thing that has literally been life changing for my catastrophising, anxiety-ridden self is this AMAZING and transformative podcast by @autumnmeghanbrown and @adriennemareebrown, @endoftheworldpc. These babes are doing such important work around movement building and have really reframed how I engage with activism and spirituality. Go. Listen. To. This. Podcast. Now.
“#Repost @endoftheworldpc with @get_repost
“How to Survive Live” is live now! Every year in June, social justice organizers, artists, and media makers from around the country (and beyond) gather in Detroit for the Allied Media Conference. Autumn and adrienne sat down on day 3 of the event, with over 200 activists, and held our first ever live show. We talk about sisterhood, survival, and liberation through pleasure. Artist Emily Yue created this piece of art during the session, photo by @reachmaryse! On soundcloud, Apple, stitcher and more.”

Happy #cancerseason, fellow crabby babies! A reminder that your sweat is salty like the sea we came from and you don’t owe fragility to anyone! Sweat and scream and fight for those that need it. Be ugly and raw and find divinity in those moments. You are a sea monster. You hold the power of the oceans inside you and you can move mountains with your waves. #monstrousfemme #femmeadornment #waterwitch #hardfemmelooksforsoftfemmefaces

What kind of selfie monster would I have been if I’d had a smartphone in college? My 10 year reunion a couple of weeks ago had me deep in the feels. Who would I have been if I hadn’t lived my life by my anxiety disorder’s rules? If cars and single stall bathrooms weren’t (still today weren’t) a refuge in moments of social fight or flight? I know it’s a couple weeks late now, but. I guess this is to say- I love you, MoHos. Sorry for the awkward. It was amazing to see you and I wish I’d had the guts to chat more, both 10 years ago and today. Thanks for being my weirdly culty, ever-accepting, often-flawed but always good-intentioned, Family. #mohome #mhcreunion #mhc2008 #yannyparade

Today I did a presentation in front of a bunch of professional peers to teach them how to talk about sex at work and that is probably such a weird concept for people who don’t work in human services. Also I tried out the new @katvondbeauty purple eyebrow pomade and I don’t know how I feel.

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