
Globetrotting Travel Beauty Tips from Actress, Emily Wickersham

Emily Wickersham is the epitome of a Hollywood Beauty – both inside and out – and a rising star to boot. She’s that natural beauty that we all love – confident, perfect complexion and has that laid-back + polished look. In between filming, Emily travels around the globe and we had the chance to sit down with her to learn about her travel tips on how to keep that glowing complexion in-tact.

What are your go-to wellness travel essentials? 

My Lunya sleep mask, Melatonin, Goldfaden Bright eyes cream, my electric toothbrush.

Check bags or carry-on?

Always carry on (my Away Bag) and my LL Bean Tote

What are your top 3 Carry-On items you cant travel without? 

Travel size toiletries 


Cashmere scarf/blanket 

Last trip you took?

Santa Fe, New Mexico 

Next trip you’re excited about?

My summer trip! I’m going to Paris, South of France and Ibiza. 

What do you wear when you fly?

Usually sneakers, jeans a a cozy sweater. But if I’m flying far I will wear some sort of cozy jogger pant.

Best airline snack or meal?

I don’t eat plane food. Usually I’ll pack nuts or a healthy bar. 

How do you avoid jet lag?

By drinking lots of water and exercising… but i think it’s kind of inevitable.

Favorite city? 

New York, New York!

Kindle, iPad or book?


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