"Karma is like 69, you get what you give." (tr) eat her right



“I no longer wait, I live.”

Rosario Castellanos, tr. by Magda Bogin, from “The Joyful Mysteries,
(via violentwavesofemotion)


Why Black Panther is the best hero movie


- woman and man in wakanda society are equal

- the villain actually have good points even though he´s extremist

- the hero learn from the villain and use it to make a change 

- the king is protected by a group of women

- the women in wakanda believe and follow their own morals/ethics even if they go against their man/love interest

- the movie have multiple interesting strong inteligent women and 1 white guy, instead of the typical 1 black 1 woman all white man cast type

- in the end have a global message for peace making

"Let me play with your hair while you sleep on me”
— (via rag-23)
"The hardest battle you will ever have to fight is between who you are now and who you want to be.”
— Anonymous  (via cwote)