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If you trip with your feet, you can get back up again and continue as usual. We all make mistakes like this sometimes. It might be embarrassing, but only if you care greatly about the opinions of others. If you trip with your tongue, you unleash more than just words. You share thoughts, desires, or perspectives that may hurt others. Once you’ve said something hurtful, you can’t undo it. There’s no getting back up; there’s only asking for forgiveness and hoping they’ll pull you back up. Think before you speak. Whatever you say, write, or tweet will be out there forever. You can burn pages, delete tweets and Facebook comments, but you can’t pull your words from someone else’s mind. So, while you may one day forget why you said such hurtful things, others won’t. Don’t forget an earlier lesson that says it’s best not to speak unless you know for certain it’s something worth saying. If even a sliver of your being thinks what you’re about to say is better left unsaid, just keep it t
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“You are just my colleague!” That’s what she said. For me, working in my office is not just a place where I worked. I spend most of my days with my co-workers, and I realize I don’t even spend that much time with my husband day by day. So for me, my office is my second home, my co-workers are my sister and brother and I actually care for them. However, after what she said, that sentence running probably a thousand times in my head, especially because it happen directly to me, not by phone. My memory took me over and over. I know I sound very naïve. But I’m hurt and I go back to my cocoon . I am back there again. Not socializing, protecting myself, with all I have, my tummy hurt every day, and it did actually hurt physically. This is worse than a broken heart.

My Life Tips

Today I want to share this. I know I haven’t wrote for quite a long time. This is why I can’t be a writer; I might not have money to eat because waiting for inspiration. “Your time is limited; don’t waste it living someone else’s life. Don’t be trapped by dogma, which is living the result of other people’s thinking. Don’t let the noise of other’s opinion drown your own inner voice. And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition, they somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.” – Steve Jobs My first question to you : “Are you happy?” If your answer to any of the above is a no, maybe, or not sure, that means you’re not living your life to the fullest. Which really shouldn’t be the case, because your life experience is yours to create. Why settle for anything less than what you can get? You deserve nothing but the best. In the past months of my life, especially since I get to know GOD more deeply, I’ve been liv

The 10 Most Important Phrases In A Marriage | 10 Kalimat yang Melanggengkan Hubungan Pernikahan

Don’t underestimate the power of these phrases. Jangan meremehkan kekuatan kalimat ini. Happy couples regularly say “I love you,” but those three little words alone aren’t enough to keep the spark alive through the ups and downs of a long marriage. Pasangan yang bahagia seringkali mengucapkan “aku cinta kamu” atau “aku saying kamu”. Tapi kalimat ini saja tidak cukup untuk membuat pernikahan langgeng. To that end, we asked relationship experts to tell us the most important phrases husbands and wives can say to each other. Read them below: 1. “How can I help you?” “People married for a half-century or more tell us to avoid the temptation to step in and try to solve your partner’s problems. Stop thinking of yourself as the ‘white knight’ who can fix everything. The key is to really listen to your partner and learn if he or she wants help – or just to be listened to. ‘I’m there for you’ is more effective than ‘Here’s what you should do.’” — Karl A


There are so so many good days around here. So many smiles, perfect moments, experiences as a mother I wouldn't trade for anything. There are also times where I feel the days begin to blur into the next, where I'm deep in the trenches of motherhood, deep in the tediousness of each and every need. Work and other projects are so exciting and exhausting at the same time. One million things (it seems) pulling me in one million different directions and some days it's hard for me to handle it all emotionally... My anxiety to have everything perfect and in-line, when sometimes it is out of my control, can be tough. Begitu banyak hari-hari yang menyenangkan belakangan ini. Rasanya menjalani hidup bersama Tuhan itu membuat segala sesuatunya menjadi indah dan mudah. Terimakasih Tuhan. This is all very vague. But I'm sure so many of you know the feeling of anxiety and being completely overwhelmed. And I just want to share that it's okay! An

It's Okay To NOT Be Okay

The morning was mighty rough. Rougher than most. He was hungry but didn’t want to eat. He pushed everything away, even me, but he wanted to be held. Nothing would console him. So I laid him down on my bed and let him manage his crisis himself. I sat on the bed feeling the heaviness of a very long day ahead. He came next to me, reached his hands up and I grudgingly obliged his request. He sat on my lap for a long while… just laying there with his head on my chest. I think we started the day too early and too quickly. He wasn’t ready. Pagi ini merupakan pagi yang agak berat. Raphael mulai mengalami yang namanya "susah makan". Lapar tapi ga mau makan. benar-benar menguras kesabaran saya. biasanya kalau sudah begini, saya sudahi saja makannya, lalu taruh dia di kasur. Entah gimana sepertinya Raphael Oliver mengerti dan dengan caranya sendiri mendekati saya lalu diam saja disebelah saya dengan kepalanya di dada saya. We have got into the habit of hand h

I Cherish Motherhood but I’m not yet Ready for Another Baby

Recently, I was asked by an acquaintance when my husband and I planned to have our next child. I wasn’t sure how to answer the question. Personally, unless I am super close with someone, I refrain from asking people questions about their family planning. Even then, I’m careful to couch the question in terms like “if” or “should you choose” rather than “when.” We’ve been getting this question, it seems, since the moment our son was born, in my first month of motherhood. I can remember a handful of people eagerly asking when we planned to have our second. I remember wincing at the question, wanting to seriously question their sanity. Di Indonesia atau bahkan di wilayah Asia pada umumnya, orang itu hobi banget nanyain Kalau masih pacaran , “kapan menikah?” Kalau udah menikah tapi belum punya anak, “kapan punya anak?” Kalau udah punya anak 1, “kapan punya anak kedua?” Ini sebenarnya hanya basa basi orang saja, namun ini benar-benar irritating banget. Emangnya gamp