Mental Health · New Year · Reflection · Relationships · walk of faith

The Sunk-Cost Fallacy

Sunk-cost fallacy is the phenomenon whereby someone may not want to give up something (or someone) because of how much they’ve invested into it, even when the better course of action would be to abandon it. But it’s okay to start over from scratch. You may find yourself coming out the other side realizing how much better off you are.

Mental Health · New Year · Reflection · Relationships

Imposter Syndrome

I’ve been feeling terribly frustrated lately, and I wasn’t able to verbalize my frustration until I read something about how imposter syndrome affects our relationships. I’m not even sure where I read this. (Honestly, probably Instagram at 3 am while falling asleep.) Imposter syndrome refers to the phenomenon of self-doubt and anxiety that stems from… Continue reading Imposter Syndrome

Mental Health · Reflection · Relationships · Uncategorized · walk of faith

Trouble With Microaggressions

Today, I was talking to my coworker about bachelor’s degrees and college. (Context: We have a fairly close friendship as far as work relationships go.) She brought up another of our coworkers, saying that her bachelor’s degree must be fake because “Have you heard her talk? She sounds so ghetto. She’s illiterate. Just watch, her… Continue reading Trouble With Microaggressions

Beauty · kbeauty · Skincare · Uncategorized

Face Gadgets: I Dew Care

I wanted to like these I Dew Care products so badly. The branding is cute, and Korean skincare very rarely lets me down. However, I dew not like these. The Disco Kitten Illuminating Diamond Peel-Off Mask is a fun, pretty iridescent peel-off mask that gave me all of the Zenon: Girl of the 21st Century vibes. That… Continue reading Face Gadgets: I Dew Care