

Ask @hananmoham3d

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حد من الكراشز بتوعك انتي لسه علي علاقة بيه ؟

في شخص منهم كلامي قليل اوي معاه.

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What song did you most recently get tired of due to its overplaying?

I've been listening to forever lost by GIAA everyday but never got tired of it.

Don't worry i'll be good you don't have to talk to me. Maybe you're happier w/o me , enjoy your life and be happy,

I'm sorry I made you think that way. idk who you are really, but if you talk to me after my exams I'll answer and we'd see what went wrong in that friendship and built it again. but right now I'm not talking to anyone, I need my space and my me time. I hope you understand.

Mmm , you don't even care ,so why should i tell you who iam ? Iam just missing you that's all :)

who said I didn't care? I just don't talk to people anymore, so idk who you are. sorry I made you think like that tho.

Language: English