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Motivational Quotes @quote
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2019-07-29 14:43

227 6


2019-07-28 14:35

203 2

Like this if you agree with @sirrodstewart

2019-07-27 15:49

691 8


Like this if you agree with @sirrodstewart

Like if you agree!

2019-07-26 15:39

903 11


Like if you agree!

Tag someone who needs this today

2019-07-24 17:43

466 6


Tag someone who needs this today

Like if you agree!

2019-02-26 19:15

989 37


Like if you agree!

“What is your dream car?! Mine is this one right here 😍 But in all reality, I have always looked at my car as a way of getting from point A to point B, and I would hate to overspend on it. On my Rav 4, I used to pay over $1200 per year on auto insurance, but after checking out Quote.com and getting a free quote, I realized I could be paying only $57 per month which is a savings of over $527 per year!” #regram

2019-02-21 16:38

166 3


“What is your dream car! Mine is this one right here 😍 But in all reality, I have always looked at my car as a way of getting from point A to point B, and I would hate to overspend on it. On my Rav 4, I used to pay over $1200 per year on auto insurance, but after checking out Quote.com and getting a free quote, I realized I could be paying only $57 per month which is a savings of over $527 per year!” #regram

@mattvanswol vowed to save more money this year (and did!) to travel more often to beautiful places like this! ...and I #quote: “Part of that resolution was to find things I pay for monthly and see if there was a way to eliminate them or way to make them cheaper. That's when I discovered Quote.com. I actually went through their entire process and was shocked to discover I could get 6 months of car insurance for $178!!! Just a couple months ago I paid well over $450 and now feel like an idiot. Please go try their website and service, it actually WILL save you money. No hassles, no haggling, just a solid @quote in under 5 minutes. #savingmoney is awesome, so tap the link in my bio or just go to Quote.com #ad”

2019-02-20 14:10

193 1


@mattvanswol vowed to save more money this year (and did!) to travel more often to beautiful places like this! ...and I #quote: “Part of that resolution was to find things I pay for monthly and see if there was a way to eliminate them or way to make them cheaper. That's when I discovered Quote.com. I actually went through their entire process and was shocked to discover I could get 6 months of car insurance for $178!!! Just a couple months ago I paid well over $450 and now feel like an idiot. Please go try their website and service, it actually WILL save you money. No hassles, no haggling, just a solid @quote in under 5 minutes. #savingmoney is awesome, so tap the link in my bio or just go to Quote.com #ad”

Tag that special someone this #valentinesday #quote #quotes #motivationalquotes #lovequotes

2019-02-14 15:06

458 11


Tag that special someone this #valentinesday #quote #quotes #motivationalquotes #lovequotes

 #valentinesday2019 #love #lovequotes #loveyourself

2019-02-14 13:52

296 9

 #motivationmonday like if you agree!

2019-02-11 15:20

769 6


#motivationmonday like if you agree!

Tag someone that needs to see this #motivationalquotes #sundaymotivation #inspiration

2019-02-10 14:43

1159 22


Tag someone that needs to see this #motivationalquotes #sundaymotivation #inspiration


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