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Jorge Paolo @ohohpaolo

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“Christ understands loneliness; He’s been through it.”

2019-01-17 12:02

235 13


“Christ understands loneliness; He’s been through it.”

"I like sunflowers,” she said with a smile, “they’re always looking for the sun. For the bright things in life. I aim to be like that, you know?” She sighs and her smile turns sad, “It’s just life is so tough and hard, that the sun hides and you don’t know where it is. You try to find it, but it’s hidden behind all these clouds. And you’ve got to wait for it to come again.”

2019-01-16 12:04

171 11


"I like sunflowers,” she said with a smile, “they’re always looking for the sun. For the bright things in life. I aim to be like that, you know” She sighs and her smile turns sad, “It’s just life is so tough and hard, that the sun hides and you don’t know where it is. You try to find it, but it’s hidden behind all these clouds. And you’ve got to wait for it to come again.”

May you receive what you're asking for.

2019-01-15 12:04

251 5


May you receive what you're asking for.

How are you just supposed to forget about someone when they have given you so much to remember?
📷 @chescapes

2019-01-14 12:05

222 10


How are you just supposed to forget about someone when they have given you so much to remember . . . . 📷 @chescapes

"She never looked nice. She looked like art, and art wasn’t supposed to look nice; it was supposed to make you feel something.”

2019-01-10 12:01

249 12


"She never looked nice. She looked like art, and art wasn’t supposed to look nice; it was supposed to make you feel something.”

“You’re afraid someone well-beloved will catch you sin, while the Almighty always sees you.”

2019-01-09 12:02

163 7


“You’re afraid someone well-beloved will catch you sin, while the Almighty always sees you.”

In hiking, I’ve learned something important about life. There were a lot of moments where I wanted to turn around and go home. I wanted to quit. I felt like I couldn’t do all the trails uphill. But when I stopped looking at the path in front of me, I started looking at my feet and watched every step I took. And suddenly it became easier. Take one step after another. And I think you should live your life that way. Don’t think about all the years of school, college or work you still gotta do. Don‘t just wait for another holiday or the next weekend. Take one step after another and you can do anything you want.

2019-01-05 12:22

188 3


In hiking, I’ve learned something important about life. There were a lot of moments where I wanted to turn around and go home. I wanted to quit. I felt like I couldn’t do all the trails uphill. But when I stopped looking at the path in front of me, I started looking at my feet and watched every step I took. And suddenly it became easier. Take one step after another. And I think you should live your life that way. Don’t think about all the years of school, college or work you still gotta do. Don‘t just wait for another holiday or the next weekend. Take one step after another and you can do anything you want.

I’m learning to love the sound of my feet walking away from things not meant for me.

2019-01-04 12:04

181 4


I’m learning to love the sound of my feet walking away from things not meant for me.

Turns out the only thing I really needed was some sun.

2019-01-03 12:02

313 8


Turns out the only thing I really needed was some sun.

As tough as it was
I grew from everything this year
fighting demons, enemies
and even myself
I've never cried harder
never feared more
and never laughed this much
I almost fell in love
broke a few promises
and learned new things about myself
2018 has been one hell of a ride
I’ve never felt more alive
but now it’s time to start clean
welcome, 2019.

2019-01-02 12:01

310 12


As tough as it was I grew from everything this year fighting demons, enemies and even myself I've never cried harder never feared more and never laughed this much I almost fell in love broke a few promises and learned new things about myself 2018 has been one hell of a ride I’ve never felt more alive but now it’s time to start clean welcome, 2019.

Life itself. Because it is the greatest gift.

And on a day like today, Christmas Eve, celebrating a gift of this magnitude is maybe the number one priority.

Life is given, and life is taken away. But to truly live that life in between those two is the experience that makes it “the gift”. Some people go thru life hating every day. Some go thru life sleep walking. Some look so forward to tomorrow that they wish today away. Some people waste a life.

And you don’t get a redo. A pass that says go back to start. A second chance with this gift. So, live your best life. Give yourself this gift. Live your gift to the fullest.

Live for this moment.

Live the gift.

Life itself.

Have a merry and bright Christmas, folks!

2018-12-24 15:41

117 7


Life itself. Because it is the greatest gift. And on a day like today, Christmas Eve, celebrating a gift of this magnitude is maybe the number one priority. Life is given, and life is taken away. But to truly live that life in between those two is the experience that makes it “the gift”. Some people go thru life hating every day. Some go thru life sleep walking. Some look so forward to tomorrow that they wish today away. Some people waste a life. And you don’t get a redo. A pass that says go back to start. A second chance with this gift. So, live your best life. Give yourself this gift. Live your gift to the fullest. Live for this moment. Live the gift. Life itself. Have a merry and bright Christmas, folks!

You know, a dog can snap you out of any kind of bad mood that you're in faster than you can think of.

2018-12-18 12:01

221 7


You know, a dog can snap you out of any kind of bad mood that you're in faster than you can think of.


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