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Kudos @kudostunes
# 174068

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New live clip on my Facebook. There's a swipe up link in my story.


2017-09-06 05:35

37 0


New live clip on my Facebook. There's a swipe up link in my story. Love

Just a couple of rappers drinking some cokes on a Friday.

2017-09-01 10:13

47 0


Just a couple of rappers drinking some cokes on a Friday. @mr.ruckman

"No drama we taught karma to kill kindness." This is what gets me through my day.

 #theywishtheywerethistired #givekudos #kudos #hiphop #rapping #bars #barsfordays

2017-08-22 07:35

113 17


"No drama we taught karma to kill kindness." This is what gets me through my day. #theywishtheywerethistired #givekudos #kudos #hiphop #rapping #bars #barsfordays


Link in bio!

 #givkudos #stoptrying #theywishtheywerethistired

2017-08-21 05:29

42 3


"The Rhythm" OUT NOW EVERYWHERE! Link in bio! #givkudos #stoptrying #theywishtheywerethistired

New single "The Rhythm" is out now across all major streaming services!

2017-08-18 01:27

43 9


New single "The Rhythm" is out now across all major streaming services!


2017-08-17 03:14

41 2



My new single "The Rhythm" Drops tomorrow!

2017-08-16 06:34

49 1


My new single "The Rhythm" Drops tomorrow!

I tend to stress a bit like George on days of festivous/ I guess that it's the negative, some days it gets the best of us/


2017-08-11 06:12

56 5


I tend to stress a bit like George on days of festivous/ I guess that it's the negative, some days it gets the best of us/ #seinfeldbars

Head over to my Facebook page by searching kudostunes if you haven't seen my new live clip yet. 
Much love!

2017-08-10 05:22

54 7


Head over to my Facebook page by searching kudostunes if you haven't seen my new live clip yet. Much love!

If there's any one one thing that I commonly see hold back emcees, it's that most don't see themselves as vocalists. Just cause you don't sing doesn't mean you're not a vocalist. If your art is coming out of your mouth you should be exercising like any good vocalist. One thing I like to do is spit a verse in the most up and down way, get totally goofy and out there with it. Do this enough and I guarantee you'll find some gold every once in a while. Great Art lyes in that rarely visited space of not giving a fuck. Make sure to pay it a visit every once in a while.

2017-08-02 02:40

86 8


If there's any one one thing that I commonly see hold back emcees, it's that most don't see themselves as vocalists. Just cause you don't sing doesn't mean you're not a vocalist. If your art is coming out of your mouth you should be exercising like any good vocalist. One thing I like to do is spit a verse in the most up and down way, get totally goofy and out there with it. Do this enough and I guarantee you'll find some gold every once in a while. Great Art lyes in that rarely visited space of not giving a fuck. Make sure to pay it a visit every once in a while.

Head to my Facebook page to see a new clip I put up of me performing at @sofarbrisbane 
Keen to hear what you think!

2017-07-27 04:03

51 1


Head to my Facebook page to see a new clip I put up of me performing at @sofarbrisbane Keen to hear what you think!

So much content on the way!

Can't wait to share it with you friends.

2017-07-21 01:44

90 1


So much content on the way! Can't wait to share it with you friends.


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