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Jared Rios @jaredjordan

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26 years of lessons, successes, failures, (and weight fluctuations) old. Happy Birthday me 
@Zedd , White & Blue tonight 🇺🇸 🌀_🌀

2019-07-05 08:23

160 63


26 years of lessons, successes, failures, (and weight fluctuations) old. Happy Birthday me @Zedd , White & Blue tonight 🇺🇸 🌀_🌀

Let’s talk about self confidence... I wish I could say my confidence matched my look but I assure you it did not here. I used to see people and say “damn I wish I could look like that person” or “that’s probably never gonna happen”. I look at this and I’m like “dude, you were that person you wanted to be.” Imposter syndrome is real.

Starting prep again soon and this time my mental game is priority. I want my mental strength to far surpass my physical. Yes it’s true, a lot of the times you are your own worst enemy, because no ones knows you like yourself (and if you don’t well then that’s a good place to start). What you have to decide is if you are gonna let your head scare you with your fears and insecurities or empower you and progress you with your strengths. 
Bigger and Better

November 2...

2019-06-25 01:45

149 19


Let’s talk about self confidence... I wish I could say my confidence matched my look but I assure you it did not here. I used to see people and say “damn I wish I could look like that person” or “that’s probably never gonna happen”. I look at this and I’m like “dude, you were that person you wanted to be.” Imposter syndrome is real. Starting prep again soon and this time my mental game is priority. I want my mental strength to far surpass my physical. Yes it’s true, a lot of the times you are your own worst enemy, because no ones knows you like yourself (and if you don’t well then that’s a good place to start). What you have to decide is if you are gonna let your head scare you with your fears and insecurities or empower you and progress you with your strengths. Bigger and Better November 2...

Daydreaming of all the delicious food (and drinks, possibly too many drinks) I’ve had the last 10 days but also looking sad because it’s back to the real world. 
New York, you really are a world of your own. I always known I wasn’t a small town boy and every time I visit it solidifies my goal to end up here one day. The culture, the people, the FOOD, the energy, the tenacity of the city itself. It encourages me to dream bigger, and for that I thank you.

2019-05-30 00:32

128 12


Daydreaming of all the delicious food (and drinks, possibly too many drinks) I’ve had the last 10 days but also looking sad because it’s back to the real world. New York, you really are a world of your own. I always known I wasn’t a small town boy and every time I visit it solidifies my goal to end up here one day. The culture, the people, the FOOD, the energy, the tenacity of the city itself. It encourages me to dream bigger, and for that I thank you.

despite we got flaws,
just let our love play it’s course 🎶

2019-05-28 22:56

204 10


despite we got flaws, just let our love play it’s course 🎶

6’1”, on the money 6’3” lmaooo

2019-05-28 04:53

113 7


6’1”, on the money 6’3” lmaooo

You know all of my weaknesses, can’t give that to none of these weak bitches

2019-05-17 03:18

266 7


You know all of my weaknesses, can’t give that to none of these weak bitches

You know when you meet somebody and you automatically know they’re a good person? O’Mahoney is a teacher in Australia, but came to the states to hit up literally everywhere (and eat everything). He hit up Vegas a couple of weeks ago and now back for another stop. Educator, Traveler, Eater, and the man gives me a run for my money during workouts 😅. Live life and be like O’Mahoney. Solid 9 a.m. class

2019-05-14 18:16

73 9


You know when you meet somebody and you automatically know they’re a good person O’Mahoney is a teacher in Australia, but came to the states to hit up literally everywhere (and eat everything). He hit up Vegas a couple of weeks ago and now back for another stop. Educator, Traveler, Eater, and the man gives me a run for my money during workouts 😅. Live life and be like O’Mahoney. Solid 9 a.m. class

Today I woke up more motivated than I’ve been in a couple weeks. 
These last two weeks have been filled with candy, cookies, cupcakes, fried food. I loved every minute of it. ⚡️ You might think, damn all those carbs = more energy. Partially yes, partially no. Heavy and frequent sugar crashes enter the picture. But it’s a release I need every now and then.
⚡️ Still gotta eat a lot but we’ll switch out for oats, rice, beans and the foods that fuel me to where I feel on top of my shit all day. ⚡️ Point is I’m not sitting and crying that I don’t look like this right now. Luckily I’ve learned my body over the years and luckily changes relatively quickly (good and bad) ⚡️ Game faces on fam. Heavier weight. More agility. Extended endurance is what we are shooting for.

2019-05-02 02:12

154 6


Today I woke up more motivated than I’ve been in a couple weeks. These last two weeks have been filled with candy, cookies, cupcakes, fried food. I loved every minute of it. ⚡️ You might think, damn all those carbs = more energy. Partially yes, partially no. Heavy and frequent sugar crashes enter the picture. But it’s a release I need every now and then. ⚡️ Still gotta eat a lot but we’ll switch out for oats, rice, beans and the foods that fuel me to where I feel on top of my shit all day. ⚡️ Point is I’m not sitting and crying that I don’t look like this right now. Luckily I’ve learned my body over the years and luckily changes relatively quickly (good and bad) ⚡️ Game faces on fam. Heavier weight. More agility. Extended endurance is what we are shooting for.

T-Minus 3 weeks. Send me the hot spot foodie recommendations 🥘 🍕🌮🍪🍩🍾

2019-05-01 01:02

74 7


T-Minus 3 weeks. Send me the hot spot foodie recommendations 🥘 🍕🌮🍪🍩🍾

Hey guys 👋🏼 Long time no post. I took a little break from social media (about 3 1/2 months to be exact) 
While I was gone I did a little something. As you all know I am all about taking our body to limits we never thought we could ever go. This was the package I brought.
Let’s just say that the day of, things didn’t go how I wanted them to. Regardless of what the outcome was on show-day though I realized something. I should be proud of myself regardless. Knowing that for 14 weeks I stuck to a strict diet, worked out with a purpose, put myself through the cardio, resisted all the temptations, all while trying to go about my daily life with every other thing on my plate. Just being there on that day was proof to myself that I can only get better every time I put my mind to something. ⚡️ The goal for next time is focus on all my weak points, effectively schedule my prep around my life and not my life around prep, posing was definitely the thing I need to focus on most because you can have the package but there has a be a certain confidence and personality in the way you present your package. ⚡️ I can’t thank @schmidylv and @rinnahschmid for everything they did for me along the way. I also have to shoutout @marissagomez for being there with the ups and downs that came with this process. 
We’re here for a good time not a long time, time to eat all the food.

2019-04-23 01:54

277 67


Hey guys 👋🏼 Long time no post. I took a little break from social media (about 3 1/2 months to be exact) While I was gone I did a little something. As you all know I am all about taking our body to limits we never thought we could ever go. This was the package I brought. ⚡️ Let’s just say that the day of, things didn’t go how I wanted them to. Regardless of what the outcome was on show-day though I realized something. I should be proud of myself regardless. Knowing that for 14 weeks I stuck to a strict diet, worked out with a purpose, put myself through the cardio, resisted all the temptations, all while trying to go about my daily life with every other thing on my plate. Just being there on that day was proof to myself that I can only get better every time I put my mind to something. ⚡️ The goal for next time is focus on all my weak points, effectively schedule my prep around my life and not my life around prep, posing was definitely the thing I need to focus on most because you can have the package but there has a be a certain confidence and personality in the way you present your package. ⚡️ I can’t thank @schmidylv and @rinnahschmid for everything they did for me along the way. I also have to shoutout @marissagomez for being there with the ups and downs that came with this process. We’re here for a good time not a long time, time to eat all the food.

You are aging better than the finest of reds. Most importantly you’re my best friend. I’ll always be sorry I can’t take you with me.

2018-12-27 02:10

122 4


You are aging better than the finest of reds. Most importantly you’re my best friend. I’ll always be sorry I can’t take you with me.

WISH YOU WERE HERE #realragersonly

2018-12-20 07:13

102 4


WISH YOU WERE HERE #realragersonly


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