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Deary 🌱 @jackiedeary
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I literally learned this while filming (if u saw my story loll). I just felt like dancing & this choreo is so fun, I had to try it out !!!! #sugar #1milliondancestudio @mayj517 💛

2018-04-30 01:10

820 65


I literally learned this while filming (if u saw my story loll). I just felt like dancing & this choreo is so fun, I had to try it out !!!! #sugar #1milliondancestudio @mayj517 💛

the “I need to piss” pose - why are all these dresses so big !!! no ass, no tits club (((-:

2018-04-29 02:45

2971 202


the “I need to piss” pose - why are all these dresses so big !!! no ass, no tits club (((-:

I dislike how my neck, body and face are different shades from each other IM MAD >:( - added the black and white filter bc it was so noticeable but waiting for summer to arrive. need to be in the sun!!! (safely ofc. wear sunscreen!!1 even if you don’t burn. I get it, me too!! but you must protect your skin at all times! FACE AND BODY YALL) (also I put filters so it’s not that noticeable - lmao don’t be fooled)

2018-04-27 01:42

2100 141


I dislike how my neck, body and face are different shades from each other IM MAD >:( - added the black and white filter bc it was so noticeable but waiting for summer to arrive. need to be in the sun!!! (safely ofc. wear sunscreen!!1 even if you don’t burn. I get it, me too!! but you must protect your skin at all times! FACE AND BODY YALL) (also I put filters so it’s not that noticeable - lmao don’t be fooled)

wow I love spring but why does a bih have to have bad allergies. I can’t sit outside for 2 mins without my eyes watering & snot coming out of my nose :((

2018-04-26 03:25

1927 127


wow I love spring but why does a bih have to have bad allergies. I can’t sit outside for 2 mins without my eyes watering & snot coming out of my nose :((

Happy Earth day!! 🌏💛 I took pictures with & without makeup but couldn’t decide which I liked most so here’s both (((((-:
The new “camo bandeau” from @orangejuicethebrand is definitely one of my favs! Show them some love 🧡

2018-04-23 00:54

2286 111


Happy Earth day!! 🌏💛 I took pictures with & without makeup but couldn’t decide which I liked most so here’s both (((((-: The new “camo bandeau” from @orangejuicethebrand is definitely one of my favs! Show them some love 🧡

which dress do you guys like the most? 💛 they were big bc I’m like 3 ft tall but if I were to buy, I would definitely alter (-:

2018-04-17 04:42

5041 671


which dress do you guys like the most 💛 they were big bc I’m like 3 ft tall but if I were to buy, I would definitely alter (-:

currently prom dress shopping for my sister. never had a real prom experience so i actually really want to go to prom even though I’m almost 21 LOL. maybe I can convince @tywhaat to have a prom for just us two (; LOL // second outfit is my ootd 💛

2018-04-17 02:14

2091 65


currently prom dress shopping for my sister. never had a real prom experience so i actually really want to go to prom even though I’m almost 21 LOL. maybe I can convince @tywhaat to have a prom for just us two (; LOL // second outfit is my ootd 💛

been inactive bc I’m focusing on my studies and work but I’ll be back💓 so happy bc only one more month of school!! & ty is coming in a couple weeks so I’m even more happy about that!! May is going to be wonderful (-:

2018-04-15 01:30

2139 115


been inactive bc I’m focusing on my studies and work but I’ll be back💓 so happy bc only one more month of school!! & ty is coming in a couple weeks so I’m even more happy about that!! May is going to be wonderful (-:

awkward hand pose & chapped lips (-:

2018-04-11 01:28

2095 86


awkward hand pose & chapped lips (-:

decided to go on a picnic with my girls 🌸💖 (I honestly really love babysitting, hire me bc I love kids HAHAHA)

2018-04-03 02:27

2886 109


decided to go on a picnic with my girls 🌸💖 (I honestly really love babysitting, hire me bc I love kids HAHAHA)

Happy Easter ! 🐰💚 & it’s already April?! Summer 2018 is going to be so fun, I can already feel it Mr. Crabs (^:
top: @litroseshop ☀️

2018-04-02 00:52

3480 142


Happy Easter ! 🐰💚 & it’s already April! Summer 2018 is going to be so fun, I can already feel it Mr. Crabs (^: top: @litroseshop ☀️

How old are you guys? I’m curious bc when I first started instagram, majority of my following was 11-13 year olds. I think you guys are 17/18 now wow. but GOOD MORNING EVERYONE ! ☀️ ! A little reminder. I need to stop worrying about where I can be bc my efforts will eventually get me there and more, ‘I’ve come so far, I should be proud of myself!’

2018-04-01 19:30

1335 156


How old are you guys I’m curious bc when I first started instagram, majority of my following was 11-13 year olds. I think you guys are 17/18 now wow. but GOOD MORNING EVERYONE ! ☀️ ! A little reminder. I need to stop worrying about where I can be bc my efforts will eventually get me there and more, ‘I’ve come so far, I should be proud of myself!’


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