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Invisalign @invisalign
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With an easy-to-follow treatment plan, from experts like @mizrahiorthodontics, you can breathe easy knowing your teen’s smile is in good hands. 💕😁 #invisalign

2019-09-15 23:00

384 6


With an easy-to-follow treatment plan, from experts like @mizrahiorthodontics, you can breathe easy knowing your teen’s smile is in good hands. 💕😁 #invisalign

This is the most advanced clear aligner system in the world, and it has the power to transform smiles of all ages. 😁 #invisalign

2019-09-15 16:00

921 15


This is the most advanced clear aligner system in the world, and it has the power to transform smiles of all ages. 😁 #invisalign

Starting with a quick and easy digital scan using the iTero® scanner, Invisalign® treatment is able to treat teen smiles of all shapes and sizes. 👏😁 #invisalign #itero

2019-09-14 18:00

918 4


Starting with a quick and easy digital scan using the iTero® scanner, Invisalign® treatment is able to treat teen smiles of all shapes and sizes. 👏😁 #invisalign #itero

7 million smiles have flourished with the help of Invisalign® clear aligners. 😁🌺 (📸: @sturntinephotography) #invisalign #invisalignsmile

2019-09-13 23:33

457 4


7 million smiles have flourished with the help of Invisalign® clear aligners. 😁🌺 (📸: @sturntinephotography) #invisalign #invisalignsmile

You grab the back-to-school supplies while the most advanced clear aligner system handles their smile. 🎒😁 #invisalign

2019-09-13 17:30

309 13


You grab the back-to-school supplies while the most advanced clear aligner system handles their smile. 🎒😁 #invisalign

“The best thing about Invisalign treatment? Peace of mind!! 20+ years of research went into these clear aligners to make sure my teeth moved exactly as they should.”
–@skylarastin 😁 #invisalign #invisalignsmile

2019-09-12 22:00

640 17


“The best thing about Invisalign treatment Peace of mind!! 20+ years of research went into these clear aligners to make sure my teeth moved exactly as they should.” –@skylarastin 😁 #invisalign #invisalignsmile

While teens master their craft, the most advanced clear aligner system in the world will help them master their smile. 🏀😁 #invisalign #invisalignsmile

2019-09-12 16:30

315 9


While teens master their craft, the most advanced clear aligner system in the world will help them master their smile. 🏀😁 #invisalign #invisalignsmile

For @mrleonardkim, a new smile opened the door to another new beginning. 💘 Get started today and see how the most advanced clear aligner system in the world can jump-start your confidence. #invisalign #madetomove

2019-09-11 18:01

323 8


For @mrleonardkim, a new smile opened the door to another new beginning. 💘 Get started today and see how the most advanced clear aligner system in the world can jump-start your confidence. #invisalign #madetomove

The tech behind Invisalign® treatment led Elisabeth Leamy’s daughter to her dream smile. 💙 #invisalign #invisalignsmile

2019-09-10 18:00

700 20


The tech behind Invisalign® treatment led Elisabeth Leamy’s daughter to her dream smile. 💙 #invisalign #invisalignsmile

With the confidence gained from one stunning smile transformation, @mrleonardkim is creating a career and life he loves. Tune in tomorrow for his #madetomove story! 🎥😁 #invisalign #invisalignsmile #madetomove

2019-09-09 17:38

374 10


With the confidence gained from one stunning smile transformation, @mrleonardkim is creating a career and life he loves. Tune in tomorrow for his #madetomove story! 🎥😁 #invisalign #invisalignsmile #madetomove

“This has been truly life changing to see my child flourish! I am so grateful for Invisalign treatment and will be talking about her transformation forever.”
–@tammygold_parenting_solutions 💙😁 #invisalign #invisalignsmile

2019-09-08 20:38

380 7


“This has been truly life changing to see my child flourish! I am so grateful for Invisalign treatment and will be talking about her transformation forever.” –@tammygold_parenting_solutions 💙😁 #invisalign #invisalignsmile

Over 7 million people worldwide have experienced the power behind Invisalign® clear aligners. (📸: @frizzanko, @nbaier431, @invisalign_tips) #invisalign #invisalignsmile

2019-09-07 21:57

2388 73


Over 7 million people worldwide have experienced the power behind Invisalign® clear aligners. (📸: @frizzanko, @nbaier431, @invisalign_tips) #invisalign #invisalignsmile


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