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DEVYN+RO$E for ILL+HOP AYE🔥 @iamdevynrose
# 84357

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2019-07-21 14:51

388 24

...i left the $tain$ cuz no one$ perfect👽🙏💚

2019-07-16 21:04

231 15


...i left the $tain$ cuz no one$ perfect👽🙏💚

2019-07-16 19:34

209 9

...i give give 0 fux...turn turn turn turn the fuck up! ...$tay humbled, u r ble$$ed👽🙏

2019-07-11 22:29

177 20


...i give give 0 fux...turn turn turn turn the fuck up! ...$tay humbled, u r ble$$ed👽🙏

...ready for a new album? 👽🔥🙏

2019-07-06 21:18

282 16


...ready for a new album 👽🔥🙏

...eh tell dat nizza...aye shut up ayyyee eeeaaaaat..$top it👽🤑 #HAPPY$UNDAY ...peace, love and divine unity alway$💚🛸 #vegan420life #BLAZETHENEAT🤑

2019-06-23 15:16

561 23


...eh tell dat nizza...aye shut up ayyyee eeeaaaaat..$top it👽🤑 #HAPPY$UNDAY ...peace, love and divine unity alway$💚🛸 #vegan420life #BLAZETHENEAT🤑

...dropping a new video and album soon...$tay tuned nigger$

2019-06-21 16:27

572 26


...dropping a new video and album soon...$tay tuned nigger$

...it$ been a minute RO$E+GɅNG+ɅCɅDEMY💚...i mi$$ you guy$ $o much...if you're down, plea$e $tay tuned for my crazyne$$ and mu$ic👽🛸🙏 #newvideo$coming$oon #IGTV #BLAZETHENWATCH🍿🔥 #BLAZETHENEAT🤑 #BLAZETHEN$ONICBOOM🎶 #420

2019-06-11 15:43

599 43


...it$ been a minute RO$E+GɅNG+ɅCɅDEMY💚...i mi$$ you guy$ $o much...if you're down, plea$e $tay tuned for my crazyne$$ and mu$ic👽🛸🙏 #newvideo$coming$oon #IGTV #BLAZETHENWATCH🍿🔥 #BLAZETHENEAT🤑 #BLAZETHEN$ONICBOOM🎶 #420


2019-04-10 21:45

251 5



.....im back...sike! ....leave my lil $2.99 negligee alone👽🤣...see u in a lil while gang💚...happy Wednesday, nama$te🙏

2019-03-06 14:00

69 7


.....im back...sike! ....leave my lil $2.99 negligee alone👽🤣...see u in a lil while gang💚...happy Wednesday, nama$te🙏

...u $till there?!👽🛸 ...4 do$e of u who knew tanya t6...$he back nigga🤣🤣🤣🤣... #420 ho$🔥 #stonervibe$ #naturalhippievibe$ ...oh n new mu$ic on de way🎧

2019-02-27 18:06

417 27


...u $till there!👽🛸 ...4 do$e of u who knew tanya t6...$he back nigga🤣🤣🤣🤣... #420 ho$🔥 #stonervibe$ #naturalhippievibe$ ...oh n new mu$ic on de way🎧

...$ometime$ i be thinkin im too LIT LIT for yall👽🤣...if you eat it and you $moke it, make $ome noiii$$$$eeee... #BLAZETHENEAT👅🥦 #vegan #organic #420GANG #420 🤙👻🛸🌌💚🧘‍♀️🎨🥤🍿🎧🙏

2019-02-01 09:15

141 13


...$ometime$ i be thinkin im too LIT LIT for yall👽🤣...if you eat it and you $moke it, make $ome noiii$$$$eeee... #BLAZETHENEAT👅🥦 #vegan #organic #420GANG #420 🤙👻🛸🌌💚🧘‍♀️🎨🥤🍿🎧🙏


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