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Henytaria Fajrianti @henyfajrianti

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- throwback 2016 -
such an honor could get so many knowledge from these amazing mentors
could say nothing but thanks for your extra time for the researches and this competition
thanks a lot doc @alitaqwim and drg. Fanni Kusuma Djati
 #latepost #throwback #telatkebangetan #tapigakmungkinbangetgakdiupload

2017-01-06 05:21

153 1


- throwback 2016 - such an honor could get so many knowledge from these amazing mentors could say nothing but thanks for your extra time for the researches and this competition thanks a lot doc @alitaqwim and drg. Fanni Kusuma Djati (2/2) . . . . #latepost #throwback #telatkebangetan #tapigakmungkinbangetgakdiupload

-before it's too late to upload this moment-
 #throwback #throwbackthursday #latepost #henyemangsukatelatupload

2016-11-17 08:44

180 33


-before it's too late to upload this moment- . . . (1/3) #throwback #throwbackthursday #latepost #henyemangsukatelatupload

-cantik yak....pemandangannya-
 #travel #travelling #bromo #mountains #bestplace #explore #nature

2016-11-15 00:32

214 21


-cantik yak....pemandangannya- . . . #travel #travelling #bromo #mountains #bestplace #explore #nature

-my favorite one from the day one-
Literally day #1 .
 #bukan #prewedding #pengenfotoalaala #couplegoals #itugendutkarenajaketkegedean #bromo #mountains #travel #travelling #explore #indonesia #bestplacetogo

2016-11-01 09:47

214 13

-take me back to the cold weekend-
Literally cold. Bukan kode.
Double chin is real. Gendut is real
 #bromo #mountain #travellife #travel #explore #bestplacetogo #beautifuldestinations #travelling

2016-10-21 12:33

240 59


-take me back to the cold weekend- . . Literally cold. Bukan kode. . . Double chin is real. Gendut is real . . #bromo #mountain #travellife #travel #explore #bestplacetogo #beautifuldestinations #travelling

*keabisan ide nulis caption
*efek kebanyakan nonton youtube
*youtube youtube lebih dari tv #boom

2016-09-29 14:06

197 16


#gapapajelekyangpentingsombong . . . *keabisan ide nulis caption *efek kebanyakan nonton youtube *youtube youtube lebih dari tv #boom

Take me back to Salvador de Bahia πŸ˜‚
 #throwback #latepost #exploremalang #travel #explore #malang #jodipan #kampungwarnawarni

2016-09-17 12:27

176 27


-saturyay!- . . . Take me back to Salvador de Bahia πŸ˜‚ . . #throwback #latepost #exploremalang #travel #explore #malang #jodipan #kampungwarnawarni

-and in the end you're gonna be with someone who puts your name on their prayer-
Nah lu udah ngedoain gue belom bang? Kalo belom, didoain yak mulai sekarang πŸ˜‚
 #mumpungmasihedisilebaran #pakhaji #buhaji #remajamasjidkaburdaritugas

2016-09-13 14:35

182 18


-and in the end you're gonna be with someone who puts your name on their prayer- . . . . Nah lu udah ngedoain gue belom bang Kalo belom, didoain yak mulai sekarang πŸ˜‚ #mumpungmasihedisilebaran #pakhaji #buhaji #remajamasjidkaburdaritugas

-ma kind of serious face-

2016-09-02 00:38

152 15


-ma kind of serious face-

-we don't see things as they are, we see things as we are. Cause better to catch up from the different perspective-
Ini hanya alibi karena terlalu malas ngantri super panjang di photo booth (which is actually sebuah papan yang lagi hits banget buat foto2)
 #explorepurwokerto #explore #travelling #kenatiputukangparkir #disuruhjalankaki1km #langsungkurusseketika

2016-08-27 02:24

190 19


-we don't see things as they are, we see things as we are. Cause better to catch up from the different perspective- . Ini hanya alibi karena terlalu malas ngantri super panjang di photo booth (which is actually sebuah papan yang lagi hits banget buat foto2) . . . #explorepurwokerto #explore #travelling #kenatiputukangparkir #disuruhjalankaki1km #langsungkurusseketika

-Definitely one of the best day ever-
To the guy i love the most, thank you for the little surprise but it was kinda big thing for me for sure
Padahal udah ikhlas gak bisa nonton special show dan puas cuma nonton festival show karena "kebegoan" kita dan mau beli tiket special show H-2 taunya udah abis
Udah gak mikir apa apa lagi jadinya pas abis festival show langsung ke parkiran buat pulang
Taunya tiba tiba ada yang udah nyiapin tiket special show dan akunya cuma bisa nganga shock gak ngerti lagi nih bocah kenapa dapet tuh tiket. Alhasil balik ke venue Rick Pricenya udah selese πŸ˜‚

But after all, terima kasih sudah mengobati kekecewaan dan masih aja mau usaha nemenin nonton dan bikin aku bisa nontonin Rick Price sama BoyzIImen padahal kamu gak tau lagu2 mereka sama sekali πŸ˜…
Selamat download lagu mereka karena ternyata bagus2 banget kan 😍

Captionnya panjang yaa πŸ˜…πŸ˜… Sesekali doang kok. Abisnya masih excited sama Prambanan Jazz yang super gokil

2016-08-21 14:41

96 9


-Definitely one of the best day ever- To the guy i love the most, thank you for the little surprise but it was kinda big thing for me for sure Padahal udah ikhlas gak bisa nonton special show dan puas cuma nonton festival show karena "kebegoan" kita dan mau beli tiket special show H-2 taunya udah abis Udah gak mikir apa apa lagi jadinya pas abis festival show langsung ke parkiran buat pulang Taunya tiba tiba ada yang udah nyiapin tiket special show dan akunya cuma bisa nganga shock gak ngerti lagi nih bocah kenapa dapet tuh tiket. Alhasil balik ke venue Rick Pricenya udah selese πŸ˜‚ But after all, terima kasih sudah mengobati kekecewaan dan masih aja mau usaha nemenin nonton dan bikin aku bisa nontonin Rick Price sama BoyzIImen padahal kamu gak tau lagu2 mereka sama sekali πŸ˜… Selamat download lagu mereka karena ternyata bagus2 banget kan 😍 Captionnya panjang yaa πŸ˜…πŸ˜… Sesekali doang kok. Abisnya masih excited sama Prambanan Jazz yang super gokil

-when in doubt, go outside-

2016-08-19 11:34

141 1


-when in doubt, go outside-


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