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Hannah Toth @hannahtothh

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Yours, O Lord, is the greatness, the power, the glory, the victory, and the majesty.

2016-11-12 21:00

97 8


Yours, O Lord, is the greatness, the power, the glory, the victory, and the majesty.

Another great way to spend Sunday: baking with new friends! And scaring the 💩 out of @_tom_baker

2016-10-17 06:08

87 8


Another great way to spend Sunday: baking with new friends! And scaring the 💩 out of @_tom_baker

Good conversation over some Sunday breakfast with an old friend 😊

2016-10-17 04:15

111 2


Good conversation over some Sunday breakfast with an old friend 😊

You're strong, supportive, & a little nutty. You mean more to us than you know. Happy birthday, ma!

2016-10-15 23:24

80 0


You're strong, supportive, & a little nutty. You mean more to us than you know. Happy birthday, ma!

His Word is true. We have a faithful Father. How sweet is that? Sweet as a foggy October sunrise.

2016-10-11 22:34

87 1


His Word is true. We have a faithful Father. How sweet is that Sweet as a foggy October sunrise.

Hey look at these two. So happy for you, Cody & Amanda! #youth #germankissing #family

2016-10-02 23:06

82 2


Hey look at these two. So happy for you, Cody & Amanda! #youth #germankissing #family

One of my favorite photos; this is family. This picture cracks me up, every time. Happy birthday, big brother. We miss you.

2016-09-20 04:47

106 5


One of my favorite photos; this is family. This picture cracks me up, every time. Happy birthday, big brother. We miss you.

May your new marriage be full of self-sacrificing, always-forgiving, ever-growing love & overflow with laughter and sweet dance moves just like your wedding day was! Thank you for being your radiant self, I can't wait for yours & KC's new season of life. Congratulations to the Vodka-Orears! #kopartyof2

2016-09-13 02:45

110 0


May your new marriage be full of self-sacrificing, always-forgiving, ever-growing love & overflow with laughter and sweet dance moves just like your wedding day was! Thank you for being your radiant self, I can't wait for yours & KC's new season of life. Congratulations to the Vodka-Orears! #kopartyof2

Sunday things

2016-08-28 21:08

76 3


Sunday things

The Swiss Alps are like nothing I've ever laid eyes on before. No camera could capture their glory & grandeur. #godshandiwork

2016-08-12 17:55

96 1


The Swiss Alps are like nothing I've ever laid eyes on before. No camera could capture their glory & grandeur. #godshandiwork

We've been taught to rely on visible things rather than on the invisible God. But to truly rest in the Lord is to reject that which is only visible, to let go of these in exchange to plunge oneself at the feet of God, trusting completely in His mercy.

2016-08-12 08:06

85 9


We've been taught to rely on visible things rather than on the invisible God. But to truly rest in the Lord is to reject that which is only visible, to let go of these in exchange to plunge oneself at the feet of God, trusting completely in His mercy.

Auf Wiedersehen... you know the rest.

2016-08-07 18:59

79 0


Auf Wiedersehen... you know the rest.


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