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Mom, you’re my hero ❤️ #english #books #explore #mom #love

2019-06-29 09:29

64 10


Mom, you’re my hero ❤️ #english #books #explore #mom #love

The evolution of spoken English began from the fifth century, with waves of attack and eventual occupation by the Angles, Saxons, Jutes and Frisians. They spoke the same West Germanic tongue but with different dialects. Their intermingling created a new Germanic language; now referred to as Anglo-Saxon, or Old English.

 #english #books #read #reading #evolution #anglo #saxon

2019-06-29 08:06

46 3


The evolution of spoken English began from the fifth century, with waves of attack and eventual occupation by the Angles, Saxons, Jutes and Frisians. They spoke the same West Germanic tongue but with different dialects. Their intermingling created a new Germanic language; now referred to as Anglo-Saxon, or Old English. #english #books #read #reading #evolution #anglo #saxon

Part 1
Ok we all obviously know most of them although we never heard the names of some so here’s the names of each part.

أسماء الاعضاء اللتي تتواجد في وجهنا و لا نعرف اسمها بلغة 
الانجليزية !

Credits : @abaenglish 
 #english #parts #knowledge #chin #face #iris #school #lips #temple

2019-06-29 06:31

50 4


Part 1 ———————————— Ok we all obviously know most of them although we never heard the names of some so here’s the names of each part. أسماء الاعضاء اللتي تتواجد في وجهنا و لا نعرف اسمها بلغة الانجليزية ! Credits : @abaenglish #english #parts #knowledge #chin #face #iris #school #lips #temple

It’s day 0 for our organization, we are still not behalf ready although we’ll be active for the coming days in order to get some attention 🤔

2019-06-29 06:01

50 20


Hello, It’s day 0 for our organization, we are still not behalf ready although we’ll be active for the coming days in order to get some attention 🤔


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