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Angad P @diaryofangad

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Day 360 of 366

I'm ready to breathe again
I'm beginning to catch my breath
I'm ready to dream again
Surviving what left me for dead
I had to bleed to lose
Find myself to prove
I could feel love without end
I'm all that I have
I am the aftermath
 #crowntheempire #vsco

2016-12-24 10:19

70 5


Day 360 of 366 I'm ready to breathe again I'm beginning to catch my breath I'm ready to dream again Surviving what left me for dead I had to bleed to lose Find myself to prove I could feel love without end I'm all that I have I am the aftermath @crowntheempire #crowntheempire #vsco

Day 360 of 366

I stand on the ash of all I've ever loved
Memories of a broken heart
Now I'm alone in the dark.

I know there's a way out when all hope is gone
Find your light in a new dawn
But there's no way to do this on our own

 #crowntheempire #vsco

2016-12-24 10:09

79 1


Day 360 of 366 I stand on the ash of all I've ever loved Memories of a broken heart Now I'm alone in the dark. I know there's a way out when all hope is gone Find your light in a new dawn But there's no way to do this on our own @crowntheempire #crowntheempire #vsco

Day 360 of 366

But if all we are is just machines, then let's become a miracle
And break free from these chains.
We must be more than just machines,
So let them hear our hearts, so let them hear our hearts.
So let them hear our hearts, so let them hear our hearts!

 #crowntheempire #vsco

2016-12-24 10:06

53 3


Day 360 of 366 But if all we are is just machines, then let's become a miracle And break free from these chains. We must be more than just machines, So let them hear our hearts, so let them hear our hearts. So let them hear our hearts, so let them hear our hearts! @crowntheempire #crowntheempire #vsco

 #vsco #D2

2016-11-17 18:02

76 4


Wham! #vsco #d2

 #vsco #d2

2016-11-17 17:59

49 1


Wham! #vsco #d2

 #vsco #D2

2016-11-17 17:58

47 0


Wham! #vsco #d2

Day 259 of 366

2016-09-17 18:00

106 11


Day 259 of 366

Day 259 of 366

2016-09-17 17:58

70 3


Day 259 of 366

Day 259 of 366

2016-09-17 17:56

74 3


Day 259 of 366

Day 368 - Younger

2016-08-12 15:12

62 1


Day 368 - Younger

Day 368 - Younger

2016-08-12 15:11

41 0


Day 368 - Younger

Day 368 - Younger

2016-08-12 15:11

49 3


Day 368 - Younger


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