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Buster Bedrosian @busterbed

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Two months ago I didn't know these guys. Two months ago they didn't know each other. Each person contributes a different hallmark. There really isn't any drama, we are just friends because we are. One cannot overlook the beauty in simplicity.

2016-11-18 03:47

84 6


Two months ago I didn't know these guys. Two months ago they didn't know each other. Each person contributes a different hallmark. There really isn't any drama, we are just friends because we are. One cannot overlook the beauty in simplicity.

The bromance made it to another state

2016-11-14 22:36

90 3


The bromance made it to another state

"Guys I have a really good picture idea that involves kitten mitten"

2016-10-31 00:16

104 1


"Guys I have a really good picture idea that involves kitten mitten"

Hoping this makes you cringe a little:) happy birthday @elizaalowe from your biggest fan group!!

2016-10-28 22:48

90 5


Hoping this makes you cringe a little:) happy birthday @elizaalowe from your biggest fan group!!

Found out this weekend that my heart rate is the same when running as it is when spending time with E:)

2016-10-24 01:30

157 13


Found out this weekend that my heart rate is the same when running as it is when spending time with E:)

Although 19 is completely pointless, it's still an age advancement! Happy birthday Jeremy!

2016-10-17 13:51

105 1


Although 19 is completely pointless, it's still an age advancement! Happy birthday Jeremy!

@runwestern taking first at the Western Michigan campus classic!
 #runwestern #broncostampede

2016-10-08 17:09

118 0


@runwestern taking first at the Western Michigan campus classic! #runwestern #broncostampede

Everyone wants to be apart of something when they go to college, right? What happens when the school you go to doesn't have what you love? The answer seems simple to me. Make it so they do have it! 
 #broncostampede #runwestern

2016-10-05 01:28

130 10


Everyone wants to be apart of something when they go to college, right What happens when the school you go to doesn't have what you love The answer seems simple to me. Make it so they do have it! #broncostampede #runwestern

Brother Marc flew into kzoo today so we payed him a visit!
 #wmuaviation #skybroncos

2016-10-01 19:32

99 0


Brother Marc flew into kzoo today so we payed him a visit! #wmuaviation #skybroncos

Frolf at one, class at three.

2016-09-29 20:34

89 3


Frolf at one, class at three.

I wonder if my parents miss me walking around the house shirtless, whistling all the songs they used to love. My guess…probably not.

2016-09-17 17:30

137 5


I wonder if my parents miss me walking around the house shirtless, whistling all the songs they used to love. My guess…probably not.

I told them they'd miss me. I think it's the other way around... #vsco

2016-09-16 22:48

102 0


I told them they'd miss me. I think it's the other way around... #vsco


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