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Brick @bkbnbkk
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Taking the Monochrome way to conduct the visual inspection, of this bkk waterway, the Venice of south East Asian living.

2019-02-23 02:44

30 4


Taking the Monochrome way to conduct the visual inspection, of this bkk waterway, the Venice of south East Asian living.

Silent breeze and invisible motion

2019-02-04 00:21

44 5


Silent breeze and invisible motion


2019-02-01 13:55

34 1



Maze of houses

2019-02-01 13:23

30 3


Maze of houses

The Grand Palace in BKK, taken from very very far away, a 150-600mm maxed out n cropped, through bkk smog and all. The new buildings fade out the traditional shines bright. This is why a rooftopper needs a super zoom lens at night.

2019-01-28 02:03

40 1


The Grand Palace in BKK, taken from very very far away, a 150-600mm maxed out n cropped, through bkk smog and all. The new buildings fade out the traditional shines bright. This is why a rooftopper needs a super zoom lens at night.

Monochrome indulgence

2019-01-27 03:49

35 4


Monochrome indulgence

The enjoyment of taking pictures on these walking bridges

2019-01-27 03:47

32 1


The enjoyment of taking pictures on these walking bridges

It’s smoggy BKK today~

2019-01-26 13:57

34 7


It’s smoggy BKK today~

BkK smog, and monochrome thoughts

2019-01-26 02:20

33 1


BkK smog, and monochrome thoughts

Let’s do this! #exploreeverything

2019-01-15 12:06

31 5


Let’s do this! #exploreeverything

Helicopter rescue re-enactment at #royalthaiairforce

2019-01-13 14:09

45 1


Helicopter rescue re-enactment at #royalthaiairforce

Hello doggie:) where u off to today?

2019-01-08 13:30

38 2


Hello doggie:) where u off to today


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