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J.Ambrosio @_jambrosio_

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Really into #procreate lately. I drew this on the #ipadpro with the pencil. This is my replication of another artist's design, that I used for practice. I'd love to credit the original artist if I knew who they were. 
 #art #drawing #digitalart #applepencil #arteverywhere #eye #greeneye

2016-09-27 05:56

230 16


Really into #procreate lately. I drew this on the #ipadpro with the pencil. This is my replication of another artist's design, that I used for practice. I'd love to credit the original artist if I knew who they were. #art #drawing #digitalart #applepencil #arteverywhere #eye #greeneye

Someone asked if these are projected. No, but I do have to erase about 73647282 times. They're not the most fun for me πŸ™ƒπŸ€—. I'd like to paint one on a wall someday...I think I'd have to project my drawing for that or learn stenciling. Actual humans are really hard to draw! I'm into it lately, but nothing will ever be more fun than my imaginary, colorful cartoon characters.

2015-12-10 23:43

438 11


Someone asked if these are projected. No, but I do have to erase about 73647282 times. They're not the most fun for me πŸ™ƒπŸ€—. I'd like to paint one on a wall someday...I think I'd have to project my drawing for that or learn stenciling. Actual humans are really hard to draw! I'm into it lately, but nothing will ever be more fun than my imaginary, colorful cartoon characters.

I'm so out of practice with these! #stillnotenoughtape Still can't figure out why I did this against a wall, as if gravity helps with pen and marker.

2015-08-17 04:03

896 25


I'm so out of practice with these! #stillnotenoughtape Still can't figure out why I did this against a wall, as if gravity helps with pen and marker.

Experimenting with leftover hardware store spray paint

2015-03-07 00:27

753 25


Experimenting with leftover hardware store spray paint

Stippling on the iPad

2014-12-30 05:58

986 21


Stippling on the iPad

Trying to paint a little tiny something

2014-12-12 06:10

1106 39


Trying to paint a little tiny something

2014-11-05 01:03

714 21

Scaly fish detail

2014-11-02 21:18

1164 39


Scaly fish detail

Been at a roadblock πŸ˜–, looking at some old doodles to try to remember

2014-10-20 22:49

580 13


Been at a roadblock πŸ˜–, looking at some old doodles to try to remember

Little purple and green addition to this cluster.

2014-09-29 21:29

843 30


Little purple and green addition to this cluster.

Birthday cat 🐱

2014-09-27 23:36

1028 37


Birthday cat 🐱

Testing out some new marker paper. :)

2014-09-17 22:09

779 28


Testing out some new marker paper. :)


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